Archive for March, 2013

Run, Michele, Run!

March 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When CNN tried to question Michele Bachmann about outright lies that came out of her Christian mouth in her CPAC speech, there was a 50 yard dash involved and more unrighteous indignation than proper for even Michele Bachmann.

Click right here to see the You Tube.

On the upside, it appears that she did qualify for the US Olympic track team.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Hey Kids!

March 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Head on down to Steak ‘n Shake in Fort Mills, South Carolina, where you can shoot yourself in the butt and get free medical attention.

And not get arrested.

Around 8 a.m. Tuesday, the 29-year-old man was getting his jacket when he accidentally discharged his 9 mm semi-automatic handgun. The round struck him in his backside then went through the seat and struck the floor, according to a Rock Hill police report.

The man said he would pay for the damages.

Ho Boy, will he ever pay.

What a way to start the day!

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Whoa, Cowboy! Pull In On Them Reins!

March 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

“I am shocked, just shocked that Ted Cruz wants to run for President,” said no one.  Ever.

So they’ve run it up the flagpole.

And some in the conservative movement are already talking him up as a potential 2016 presidential candidate.

“It is an undercurrent and growing,” said Texas GOP consultant Bill Miller. “Most observers believe he is moving very fast toward a much higher visibility. The presidential buzz has begun in earnest.”

Jeff Judson, a major tea party figure in the Lone Star State and a Cruz booster, said the movement is totally organic and not emanating from Cruz or his staff.

Yeah, totally organic.  Completely organic.  You know what an organic fertilizer is, right?  Hey, Cruz has a whole lot of that.

Birthers?  Hummm … where are the birthers?  Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father.  I guess Kenya is like a whole different “foreign country” than Canada.  If Barack Obama was born in Kenya to an American mother, he cannot be President, but there’s  one of those Papal dispensation for Canada?

Good Lord, a Fidel shirt and a hockey stick  in the White House?  I am certain that rightwing will be mortified at the thought.

Thanks to Andrea for the heads up.

Okay, Let’s Have a Discussion

March 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Term limits.  I would prefer campaign finance reform.  If you limit the money and gifts coming into politics, you don’t need term limits, because bad incumbents become much easier to beat.  And, some people have served for a lifetime and done an excellent job.

I see term limits in the city of Houston come to mean they play musical office holders chairs and they just scamper around seeking each others jobs when their term is up.

On the other hand, with this Supreme Court, campaign finance reform ain’t gonna happen.

The Texas Senate today voted 28 – 3 for HJR13, which would limit non-judicial statewide officeholders to two consecutive terms in office.  The starting point would be 2014 – the next election.  This means that officeholders can serve more than two terms if they sit out one term.  Humm … that seems like something that could be become a family full employment act pretty quickly.

I have not made up my mind about this term limits stuff.

You might have.  Let’s hear it.


March 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I love two things today:  People with a sense of humor and rainbows.

Somebody bought the house next to Westboro Baptist Church and painted it rainbow colors.

For too long, the Westboro Baptist Church has been targeting the LGBTQ community with messages of hate and discrimination. Often, protesting American soldiers’ funerals and organizations that support equality. This faction preaches extremism in our communities and directly targets our youth. To combat their messages of hate and to support equality and anti-bullying initiatives in schools and in our community, Planting Peace has established the Equality House in Topeka, KS.

Located directly across from the Westboro Baptist Church, the House is a symbol of equality, peace, and positive change. The house, which is painted the colors of the Pride flag, will serve as the resource center for all Planting Peace equality and anti-bullying initiatives and will stand as a visual reminder of our commitment, as global citizens, to equality for all.

There ya go.  That’s how you make a difference in people’s minds.  Except the Westboro people, who have no mind.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Louie in Action!

March 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you customers to see Screwy Louie Gohmert in action. You need to see Louie sneer about the “simpletons that sometimes write for Huffington Post.”

He was quickly informed by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner that his son writes for the Huffington Post.  By the way, Frank Sensenbrenner is a fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Click right here and be perfectly delighted at Louie mumbling “PhD…well…” as he gathers his papers.

That is pure Louie Gohmert.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.