“I am shocked, just shocked that Ted Cruz wants to run for President,” said no one. Ever.
So they’ve run it up the flagpole.
And some in the conservative movement are already talking him up as a potential 2016 presidential candidate.
“It is an undercurrent and growing,” said Texas GOP consultant Bill Miller. “Most observers believe he is moving very fast toward a much higher visibility. The presidential buzz has begun in earnest.”
Jeff Judson, a major tea party figure in the Lone Star State and a Cruz booster, said the movement is totally organic and not emanating from Cruz or his staff.
Yeah, totally organic. Completely organic. You know what an organic fertilizer is, right? Hey, Cruz has a whole lot of that.
Birthers? Hummm … where are the birthers? Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father. I guess Kenya is like a whole different “foreign country” than Canada. If Barack Obama was born in Kenya to an American mother, he cannot be President, but there’s one of those Papal dispensation for Canada?
Good Lord, a Fidel shirt and a hockey stick in the White House? I am certain that rightwing will be mortified at the thought.
Thanks to Andrea for the heads up.