Archive for March, 2013

Oh Yeah, Because Not Enough Felons Have Guns

March 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If there is one thing lacking in this country, it is judges standing up for the right of felons to possess firearms.

An Orleans Parish judge on Thursday ruled that the state statute forbidding certain felons from possessing firearms is unconstitutional, in the wake of a constitutional amendment passed last year that made the right to bear arms a fundamental one in Louisiana.

So, thanks to the NRA, Louisiana gives convicted felons the right to breathe or go to church or enjoy free speech, they must also give them a gun.  On the upside, it’s an outside the box thinking about population control.

Lawyers threw a pile of papers at each other over this because lawyers throw papers at each other the way ancient men threw spears, but the court has ruled so now it heads to the Louisiana Supreme Court when three members of the Duck Dynasty familhy serve as justices.  Would I kid about something like that?  Of course, I would.

Oh, and Bobby Jindal is just so excited about this new freedom.

Thanks to Julie for the heads up.

A Bracket For The Rest of Us

March 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Fix at the Washington Post has created a fabulous bracket.

Click the little one to get the big one.

Please note – Rick Perry’s name isn’t even being considered.   They considered Condi Rice, a war criminal, a more viable candidate than Rick Perry.

That makes me happy.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

The Best Thing About Steve Stockman is That He Makes Louie Gohmert Seem Smart

March 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Right here it says this.


And all this time you thought the best thing about Earth was gravity and oxygen.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Texas Toon

March 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This toon is for Texans —

Thanks to Ellen for the heads up.

Hey, It Worked For Congressman Blake Farenthold

March 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A politician in Mexico is suing her opponents after she lost a race.

A 32-year-old Mexican politician who made headlines for appearing in a promotional video wearing skimpy lingerie is suing her political rivals for claims that she is a call girl.

Giselle Arellano, who lives in Las Vegas, says the ‘misogynistic’ accusations caused her to lose the congressional primary in the Mexican state of Zacatecas.

‘This is an abhorrent injustice,’ Arellano said in an interview with CNN Mexico. ‘They are judging me, without having even listened to me.’

Look, I’m not saying that this is the way a politician should dress, but it sure worked for Texas Congressman Blake Farenthold  —

That’s Blake on the far right.  Yeah, even literally.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

Letters, We Get Letters, We Get Stacks and Stacks of … Okay, We Got Four

March 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mother Jones did an article about Governor Rick Perry and his adorable little Texas Enterprise Fund.

Watchdog groups have long argued that the Texas Enterprise Fund, a taxpayer-funded program that has awarded more than $487 million to big businesses that set up shop in the Lone Star State since 2004, is a slush fund that allows Gov. Rick Perry to reward allies and political donors. Despite the criticisms, the Texas State Auditor’s Office hasn’t examined the fund’s finances in at least a decade. Now a bipartisan group of state senators is pushing a bill that would subject the Enterprise Fund to an independent state audit. But Perry’s office won’t explain whether the governor backs the idea. Besides, it says, the state’s top three Republicans have everything under control.

Besides the obvious fact that the last time we had three Republicans having “everything under control,” we ended up in a war that didn’t need fighting paid for by money we did have, there remains another problem.  The three Republicans are the Governor, the Lt. Governor, and the Speaker of the Texas House – three Republicans who are tighter than skin on a sausage.   In all honesty, the word cahoots was invented to describe these three guys.

It’s been six months since you first read about this right here at the beauty salon. The Associated Press was investigating it but that’s about it.

Hell, we can’t even put convicted felon Tom DeLay (yeah, I still like saying that) in prison.  Do you honestly think we give a big bear’s butt about how Rick Perry became a millionaire on a public servant’s salary?  Toss back the covers and get outta bed if you do.

Look, it ain’t like this is the first taxpayer money that Rick Perry has frittered away to his friends.  There was Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas that Rick Perry will burn in hell for that saw scientist resign and throw up their hands.  There was the Emerging Technology Fund almost three years ago that I told you about where money was scammed from Texas through Governor Perry.

The Mother Jones story is not an event – it’s a habit.  Rich Perry has more slush than the Dairy Queen.

He has single handedly disproved George Bush’s theory that you can’t get fooled again.  Yeah, ya can.  Rick Perry is the fooler and Texans are the foolees.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.