Archive for March, 2013

Meanwhile, at The Supreme Court

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Silly me, I thought we resolved this equal rights thing a long time ago, but the right wing keeps finding new people to blame for their own plight in life.

First it was those crazy women, then it was black people, now it’s gay people and, trust me on this, you’re next.

Not everyone in the rightwing is a terrible homophobe, some of them are pretty good at it.  They believe that if you marry someone of your own gender, it magically bothers my hetero marriage. You know, like if someone in Dallas eats a doughnut, it ruins my diet.

So, while most of the people in the anti-equality demonstrations at the Supreme Court today are the dumbest people west of anywhere east, some of them aren’t dumb.  They are just mean.  They are not happy unless they are fighting somebody.

Sweet Jesus said nothing about homosexuals.  He did say a lot about loving each other and about not judging people.

This Beauty Salon supports the rights of all Americans and, especially today, the rights of our LGBT brothers and sisters.

We ask you to join us in being left on politics and right on the issues.

Michele, My Belle

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club is sad to announce that their Belle of the Year, Michele Bachmann, may be headed to the pokey.

The Daily Beast has learned that federal investigators are now interviewing former Bachmann campaign staffers nationwide about alleged intentional campaign-finance violations. The investigators are working on behalf of the Office of Congressional Ethics, which probes reported improprieties by House members and their staffs and then can refer cases to the House Ethics Committee.

Now, part of the problem is that Ms. Michele is meaner than ten acres of snakes to her congressional and campaign staff, so when investigators come talk to them, they are far less likely to lie to protect her.  And that’s very unfair because it is a Super DeLux Brand Christian woman’s duty to demean people beneath her.  She has a 46% annual turnover rate of her staff, which is about average … for very mean and hateful people.

And the investigation is about, of course, money.

Former staffers tell The Daily Beast that investigators have allegedly asked about allegations of improper transfer of funds and under-the-table payments actions by Bachmann’s presidential campaign, specifically in relation to the campaign’s national political director, Guy Short, and Bachmann’s onetime Iowa campaign chairman, state Sen. Kent Sorenson. Questions directly about Bachmann, they said, have been primarily focused on what she knew about those men’s actions and when she knew it.

Good Lord, she’s morphed into Nixon.

Hey, it could be worse, she could be morphing into her husband.

Self righteous people get on my nerves, but it’s kinda worth putting up with them for the pure delight of watching them fall. It’s even more fun when they slip ‘n slide.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Oh, You Just Gotta See This

March 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jim Carey spoofs Charlton Heston.  If that link doesn’t work, try this one.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Carnival Cruz

March 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, everybody’s favorite jokester, has a new one.

He opposes student loan reform.  Little know fact:  tucked within the anti-Obama care bill is a small section that also opposes student loan reform.

All 54 Senate Democrats present successfully voted to defeat the amendment, offered by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). If passed, it would have put the Senate on record in support of a repeal of provisions that moved student loans from commercial banks to direct lending from the U.S. Education Department …

Oh hell, yeah, if commercial banks can’t make a whopping profit off student loans, how the heck are they supposed to make a profit?  Yeah, answer me that, you liberal scum-sucking slime with your fancy pants reform of student loans.

We need to cut those Pell grants and the loan repayment schedule because if we keep educating people they might be able to afford heath care, which they simply do not deserve.   If they wanted an education and health care, they should have been born rich and healthly.

Ted Cruz – commercial banking’s best friend.

And, by the way, Ted Cruz is liking some of that Joe McCarthy.

Cruz, who claimed there were a dozen Communists on the Harvard Law School faculty and who regularly describes President Obama as a “radical” and “socialist,” won’t say whether or not he admires red-baiting Sen. Joe McCarthy in an interview with Todd J. Gillman of The Dallas Morning News:

GILLMAN: Is McCarthy someone you admire?

CRUZ: I’m not going to engage in the back and forth and the attacks. Several Democrats have demonstrated a willingness to attack me by name. I’m not going to engage in that argument. I’m going to stay focused on what I think Texans want me to stay focused on, which is the substance of the job.

Oh my goodness, it’s the Texas Two Step.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

George Pee

March 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

George Pee Bush, son of a Jeb and nephew of George Dubya, is running for Land Commissioner in Texas because the Bushes want to torture us.  I don’t know that for a fact, but I have plenty of evidence pointing in that direction.

In an episode that underscores how history repeats itself, George P. Bush had an uneven moment last week in his first race for statewide office. His first speech since formally announcing he’s running for land commission was at a legislative conference in New Braunfels. He stumbled over his words and appeared nervous, then left without taking questions under the tight control of campaign operatives.

I wonder if maybe Karl Rove, Jr. was one of those operatives.

But it gets better.

Although the 36-year-old Bush with a blue-chip political pedigree has been a candidate for office since last November, he’s avoiding Q-and-A sessions and ducking media interviews – and focusing on raising money on his family name.

He’s not ready for prime time.

Any bets on if he’ll ever be?

Oops, Not So Much

March 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Republicans are always saying they want local control?

You know how they are always lying?

Do you think there might be a connection here?

The Texas House of Representatives is currently considering a bill that would strip local governments of their right to ban or regulate fracking.

Even for Texas, this is bad. Local ordinances represent Texas residents’ last line of defense against the fracking industry. Many local governments in Texas have passed ordinances restricting oil and gas development–but those laws would be in serious jeopardy if HB 1496 passes, leaving residents at the mercy of Texas’ appallingly weak fracking regulations.

Oh yeah, they are all for local control, until, of course, the locals want to control.

It looks like it’s time to do some campaign finance searching.

Thanks to Patti for the heads up.