If Obama Wanted to Be President, He Should Have Been Born White. That’s Just Good Manners.
There’s a sheriff in Chattanooga, Tennessee, who has gotten himself in a passel of hassle over an interview he did with the local newspaper. He did a newspaper interview about crime and
It started off bad and went downhill so fast you’d think it was rocket fuel powered.
Public interest in crime, safety and security has been more intense over the last three years in part because the nation has its first black president, Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond said.
“We may dance around it but a lot of people are fearful of ‘Ah, this is gonna ruin our country,'” Hammond said this week during a meeting with Chattanooga Times Free Press editors and reporters. “Fear and uncertainty. Part of it is [the] first black president. I mean, we all see that.”
What ya mean by “we”, Kemo Sabe? Sheriff Jim, you are Lone Rangering this one.
So, Sheriff Jim, who if he was any whiter would have to be put on sale every January, has ears that don’t listen to his mouth. That seems to be a common malady among folks who generally have a foot in their mouths.
Sheriff Jim spent the next week going around saying that everybody’s ears were absolutely not in proper working condition. He never said what he’s saying. Ole Sheriff Jim when on an Explainin’ Tour.
During an interview Tuesday, Hammond said because President Barack Obama was in office as the nation’s first black president, some in the community were insecure.
Today Hammond told commissioners his comment about Obama was taken out of context, but he did say fear existed in the county.
And then, come to find out, he said that fear was only the past 3 years and compared it to “carpetbaggers coming to the south after the Civil War.” And right here, the newspaper put up an audio of Ole Jim’s flappin’ lips.
Some think Sheriff Jim was just trying to be neighborly. He said he had even expressed this opinion in black neighborhoods. Boy howdy, I betcha he did. I’m certain that black folks got the message – you elect another black man and you’re gonna get killed.
Thanks to whoever sent me this story because I was outta town yesterday and somehow messed up and deleted the email the tip came in.