Archive for March, 2013

Good Lord, Woman, It’s March. Find Something To Do.

March 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this has turned from schadenfreude to one of the pressing mental health issues of our time.

Ann Romney.  Bless.  Her. Heart.

Ann Romney said she blamed the media for unfairly treating her husband. The portrayals of them as rich and out-of-touch kept the public from getting “to know Mitt for who he was.”

While she shed tears after the loss, she said, “I’m mostly over it. But not completely.”

Ann, go play with your car elevator and your couple of Cadillac.  Play the Do-We-Have-A-House-In-Every-State-Yet Game to entertain yourself.

Honey, I hate to be the one who tells you this, but there was no portraying involved.

Ho boy, we missed the whining and grudge-holding bullet, didn’t we?

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Yeah, But Have You Ever Been Kicked Out of the Buffalo School Board Meeting?

March 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A while back, one of our local school board members passed a rule that nobody could criticize any vote or activity of the school board at a school board meeting.  He felt that criticism of the school board members was not respectful.   And Lord knows, what with Texas being next to last in education, respect was due.

I was working for the newspaper back then, where I regularly criticized school board members along with anybody else who forgot the servant part of public servant.   So, I announce in the newspaper that I am going to the school board and call them a bunch of nincompoops, and that I was going to use that exact word to get myself removed from the board meeting and that everybody could come watch.

So, I arrive to a packed room, including the entire Rosenberg Police Department just itching to tote my pattotie outside.  This is a small town and entertainment is scarce.

First they make me fill out a form to get “permission” to speak during the allotted public speaking time.  They want my name – The Queen of Damn England, my address – I’m your freekin’ neighbor, you know where I live, and the topic I wish to address – rampant nincoompoopism right here in River City.

I make a note on the bottom that my permission to speak at a public governmental forum derives from the Constitution of the  United States of Damn America, not a stinkin’ school board secretary.  I also noted that I was here with 4 lawyers, two Houston television stations, the ministerial alliance, and the state recognized running back of the Lamar High School Football Team.  People who recall this story to tell their friends also add that I put Bite Me on the form but I don’t recall that part.  I’m not saying I wouldn’t do that but I just don’t remembered it.

The first order of business at the school board meeting was to rescind that rule.  There was a standing ovation and some very disappointed police officers.

So, for years I’ve been thinking that I’m kinda the queen of messin’ with school boards.

Not so.

Do you remember Carl Paladino was the 2010 Republican candidate for governor of New York with the Tea Party?  Rumor has it that he lost.  Yeah, with 31% of the vote.

On Wednesday, the former candidate found himself being escorted from a school board meeting by security guards after he began ranting about how badly board members had handled a sewage problem at Math Science Technology Prep in Seneca.

So, he announced that he’s running for school board.

I’m willing to bet that he won’t win this either.

Buffalo Teachers Federation President Phil Rumore on Friday said that Paladino was “demented” and didn’t deserve to be on the school board because he had been caught forwarding emails that included bestiality, pornography and racism.

So, there ends my days of messin’ with school boards.  Carl ruined it for us all.

Thanks to Hippie in the Hollar for the heads up.

If Obama Wanted to Be President, He Should Have Been Born White. That’s Just Good Manners.

March 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a sheriff in Chattanooga, Tennessee, who has gotten himself in a passel of hassle over an interview he did with the local newspaper. He did a newspaper interview about crime and

It started off bad and went downhill so fast you’d think it was rocket fuel powered.

Here’s what he said —

Public interest in crime, safety and security has been more intense over the last three years in part because the nation has its first black president, Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond said.

“We may dance around it but a lot of people are fearful of ‘Ah, this is gonna ruin our country,'” Hammond said this week during a meeting with Chattanooga Times Free Press editors and reporters. “Fear and uncertainty. Part of it is [the] first black president. I mean, we all see that.”

What ya mean by “we”, Kemo Sabe?   Sheriff Jim, you are Lone Rangering this one.

So, Sheriff Jim, who if he was any whiter would have to be put on sale every January, has ears that don’t listen to his mouth.  That seems to be a common malady among folks who generally have a foot in their mouths.

Sheriff Jim spent the next week going around saying that everybody’s ears were absolutely not in proper working condition.  He never said what he’s saying.  Ole Sheriff Jim when on an Explainin’ Tour.

During an interview Tuesday, Hammond said because President Barack Obama was in office as the nation’s first black president, some in the community were insecure.

Today Hammond told commissioners his comment about Obama was taken out of context, but he did say fear existed in the county.

And then, come to find out, he said that fear was only the past 3 years and compared it to “carpetbaggers coming to the south after the Civil War.”  And right here, the newspaper put up an audio of Ole Jim’s flappin’ lips.

Some think Sheriff Jim was just trying to be neighborly.  He said he had even expressed this opinion in black neighborhoods.  Boy howdy, I betcha he did.  I’m certain that black folks got the message – you elect another black man and you’re gonna get killed.

Thanks to whoever sent me this story because I was outta town yesterday and somehow messed up and deleted the email the tip came in.

Go Pick Some Cotton and Get Back to Me, Louie

March 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert, who exists solely to confirm the stereotype of ignorant Texans for people from foreign states to feel superior,  has a new theory.

The national debt is just like slavery.  Well, and abortion.

“Slavery and abortion are the two most horrendous things this country has done but when you think about the immorality of wild, lavish spending on our generation and forcing future generations to do without essentials just so we can live lavishly now, it’s pretty immoral.”

Louie, the only people who are living lavishly are the people you keep giving tax cuts and refusing to pay their fair share.  The rest of us are living paycheck to paycheck.  But that’s not immoral?

Hey, at least he’s improving some.  He did leave off Hitler this time.  And he hasn’t mentioned terror babies in a while.

Thanks to Warner for the heads up.

Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight

March 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Talk about having it floored in neutral, Tennessee has taken the leadership role in the switchblade knife industry because we don’t have enough damn ways for people to hurt each other.

Now there’s a bill to make it legal for Tennesseans to carry switchblades, daggers, stilettos and possibly even swords and spears to defend themselves against the criminal element.

Well, surely they mean responsible adults with training in the handling of the entire Rachel Ray steak knife assortment.

Pull in on those reins, Buddy.  They ain’t going there.  One state senator explained –

“If my 18-year-old daughter feels the need to carry a weapon to defend herself, by law she cannot carry a pistol and it’s my contention that she should be able to carry a knife to defend herself. And she shouldn’t have to worry about going across the state and wondering whether this length knife is going to be legal in this city and illegal in that city.”

How ’bout your 12 year old daughter?  Is there some law in Tennessee that makes it legal to attack 18 year olds but not 12 year olds.  Oh hell, why stop there.  Let’s give one to the kid walking to kindergarten.

I dunno, but if I see some dude walking down the street with a sword, I’m going to ask him if he’s Robert E Lee.

I’ve been pondering on what sharp object I would use and have decided that I’m going with a piece of paper.  Those paper cuts will hurt like the dickens for days.  I could scare the fool outta people.  “I’m gonna grab you, hold you down, get a sheet of legal paper and paper cut your butt until it looks like a roadmap of New York City,” is like the nuclear weapon of threats.

I’m Texas Tuff, Honey.  I’m taking a nap.  Y’all need to wake me up with the silliness ends.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

Dear Sarah Palin

March 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If any of y’all see Sarah Palin anywhere around, please hand her this.

Dear Sarah Palin,

Wipe that smirk off your face, woman.  You look like a fool.

You go all Chicken Little to your base of old men who can’t hear worth a damn and think the whippersnappers took their manhood instead of old age.  What the tarnation are you talking about?

Sarah Palin says America will eventually default on its debt and claims that the federal government is “stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” to prepare.

“If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest,” Palin wrote in a Facebook message Tuesday.

Girl, get off of Facebook and go read a book.  And what the hell proverbial pants are you talking about?  I do not own one single pair of proverbial pants and if you have a problem wetting yours get some of those old lady pads that you can buy some machine to twist for you if you don’t have time to.  I don’t want to be thinking about this stuff, so shuddup.

Who are “the feds”?  I mean, are you going all jackbooted thugs on us?   Are the feds now some horrible thing coming to lock you up in an  invisible concentration camp buried under the Denver airport?

And they’re stockpiling ammo to come shoot you?  Why would they do that?  Honey, you have done more damage to yourself than a whole armory could do.  Why would they want to compete?

But I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.

After spouting this crapola, here’s how you concluded —

Palin wrote that she wants lawmakers to “stop the hysterics.”

Girl, do you even know what hysterics means?  It means going around claiming the feds are stockpiling ammo to kill you. That’s what it means.  Look it up.

Girl, sneeze – your brain is all dusty.

Love and Fried Okra,


Thanks to David for the heads up.