Archive for March, 2013

The Daily Louie

March 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert is upset, very upset, that all this sequestration stuff has caused the White House Tours to be stopped.

And whose fault is that?

President Barack Obama, of course. Well, and Arnold Palmer.

So Louie has a solution . He introduced an amendment to a budget bill that says —

None of the funds made available by a division of this Act may be used to transport the President to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume.

But, I guess football games, dinner out, and basketball are all okay. At least until tours of Louie Gohmert’s “Games Only White Men Should Play” embroidered pillows are resumed.

  • Thanks to everybody for the heads up
  • .

    Exactly Whose Side Are You On, John?

    March 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

    Texas Senior Senator John Cornyn, who has been sissy-whipped by Texas Junior Senator The Amazing Ted and His Bubbling Mouth, has gone all out on them damn illegals.  I mean, if you ain’t working up a good lather of hate, then you ain’t senatoring very well.

    Catch this twitter —


    So, the Dallas Morning News is wondering where the heck this breach in our border is happening.  If your thinking mechanism is functioning properly, and you’re actually wanting to stop this security risk, you’d think that as a senator of the United Damn States of America, you’d call somebody at border patrol and report one place where there’s a nightly makings of a good size tent revival coming into the United States.

    John Cornyn

    The border is 2,000 miles long, so if John could narrow that down a little bit by telling us where 110,000 people are coming across, that would be helpful.

    And there’s even speculation that John is just making this up.

    I know, shocking.  A Texas Republican trying to rouse up hate and fear based on something that isn’t happening?  Shoc …. No, wait.  I didn’t mean shocking.  I meant habitual.  Slip of the tongue, you know.

    So the Dallas Morning News has asked John for the name of his “friend” or at least the location of this nightly deluge.

    The senator declined to identify the friend during his weekly call with Texas reporters but said he lives in “South Texas.”

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection has previously defined “South Texas” as running from the tip of Texas to the Del Rio area, spanning eight border counties and three patrol sectors.

    Well, that narrows it down to 1,241 miles, which certainly makes it a lot easier.  So, I guess we need to ask John to meet us in Brownsville and start walking to El Paso, with John saying “hotter, you’re getting hotter” as we near the border crossing parade, and “colder, you’re getting colder” if we wake up one morning and start walking the wrong direction.

    I give him one mile outside of Brownsville to spill the beans.  If, of course, there are any beans.

    My bet is that the only beans are in John’s head.

    Thanks to David for the heads up.

    Because It’s Never Too Early for Political Junkies

    March 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

    A friend sent me the ultimate political junkie blog – PREZ16

    It’s a blog dedicated to the 2016 Presidential race.  Go look, you know you can’t help yourself.

    Neither can I.

    Can’t Get Fooled Again

    March 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

    “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

    But apparently, the Bush family is going to try.

    I was half-watching / half painting my toenails last night and heard some rightwing fool on teevee say, “People say the Bushes are trying to create a dynasty like the Kennedys.  They are not like the Kennedys at all!”

    No shoot, Sherlock.  The Bushes wouldn’t donate a dime to charity even if they got 20 cents change back.

    So now comes Jeb, who appears to be the other son who cannot read.

    Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) told MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Tuesday that he would support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants “if you can craft that in law where you can have a path to citizenship where there isn’t an incentive for people to come illegally” — a position that puts him at odds with his new book, out today from Simon & Schuster.

    In his defense, the book he wrote only came out this morning so he hasn’t had time to read it yet.  I mean, when you have to point your finger at every word, that takes some time.

    And there is another excuse.

    In promoting the book today, Bush justifies his change of heart by explaining that “we wrote this book last year, not this year” — after a bipartisan consensus has formed in favor a path to earned citizenship —

    His values, my friend, are blowing in the wind.  His values are blowing in the wind.

    And it is Jeb’s son who came to Texas to run for an office.  He hasn’t decided which one yet, because it appears that the Bush’s are fully qualified to screw up any political office.

    Calling Blake Carrington.  Is Blake Carrington in the house?

    Thanks to David for the heads up.

    And It Was Given a Proper Burial

    March 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

    In a case of “Well, I guess you’ll have a good story to tell at the gun club,”  Brian Currence of Fayetteville, Arkansas, instructed semi-suicidal drunk people how to make headlines.

    Brian Currence was arrested in connection with domestic aggravated assault and refusal to submit to arrest, according to the news release. Currence was arrested after brandishing a gun at his ex-wife’s home, the news release stated.

    Witnesses said Currence pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger twice, but the gun didn’t fire, the news release stated. When he was manipulating the gun to try to fix the malfunction, it fired and hit the refrigerator, according to the news release.

    There’s rumors that he also double-killed a pot roast and there’s a bottle of Diet Coke still spewing all over the eggs.

    Thanks to Carl for the heads up and latest news in gun control.

    It’s a Wash

    March 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

    Just as I gleefully note that CPAC is bring Sarah Palin to the forefront and sending Chris Christie home, along comes some other news.  They are also not allowing Pam Geller to speak.

    They seem to be at war with more people than you can shake a stick at.

    …the Grover Norquist/Suhail Khan cabal refuse to address (jihad, sharia, the war on freedom in the West).

    This year, I applied to speak and was ignored. I tried to get a room for an AFDI event, “The War on Free Speech,” and was ignored. So, for the first time in five years, I won’t be at CPAC. Last year Suhail Khan bragged out loud that he (and his other operatives) had successfully kept Robert Spencer and me from being invited to speak.

    Pamela Geller is the woman who is convinced that Barack Obama is going to turn our constitution into Sharia Law.

    Have I mentioned to y’all that I am far more afraid of Scalia Law than Sharia Law?

    I am.  And that’s the truth.

    Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.