Archive for February, 2013

You Just Have to Join Facebook Because ….

February 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Not only can you like my page by clicking here.

You can now like and follow Battleground Texas, where national interest has turned to making Texas BLUE.  Even if you don’t live in Texas, you should “Like” this page because you’re gonna see a damn miracle.  I promise ya.

I’ve just got back from from a couple days in Austin where I got renewed and rebaptized in the blue waters of Texas Democrats awakening to not only getting rid of Rick perry but keeping a Democrat in the White House for the next 25 years.  It’s that big.

By the way, if anybody and I do mean anybody tries to tell you that I told a bunch of people to meet me Woodrow’s when I really meant Hoover’s, it’s not true.   Okay, maybe just a little tiny insignificant bit true.  I knew it was some damn President.

Happy Weekend News

February 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Those who have been watching the story about the mural I love in downtown Houston will grin over this. Things have taken a turn for the good.

Read to the end and grin.

There are good Democrats everywhere.

I Meant To Say, “Texas, Yew Make Me REALLY Proud.”

February 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It was just a  matter of time before somebody started checking to see if Texas Senatorite Ted Cruz was communist counting before he ran for the senate or if he’s just a witch hunter of convenience.

Sure ’nuff.  He’s been counting communists for a spell.

Two and a half years ago, Cruz gave a stem-winder of a speech at a Fourth of July weekend political rally in Austin, Texas, in which he accused the Harvard Law School of harboring a dozen Communists on its faculty when he studied there. Cruz attended Harvard Law School from 1992 until 1995. His spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request to discuss the speech.

They went out and interviewed even the most rightwing Harvard facility members during Cruz’s tenure there and – yeah, of course – none of them saw communists at Harvard Law School.  Think about it:  if you are a communist, why would you be teaching law?  I mean, that ain’t exactly the ethos of communism.

Now, remember what happened in 1992?  Bill Clinton walloped George Bush for the Presidency, and that’s when the country started becoming communist.  And since Bill Clinton went to Georgetown Law school and that’s kinda close to Harvard geographically speaking, it just makes sense that some of that communism seeped over across the river.

I will admit that other states have crazy people in them, but, y’all listen to me, Texas is way over our quota.

Texas, Yew Make Me Proud.

February 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m taking bets right now on the date and time that  Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman shoot each other in their quest to become the Damn Craziest Congressvarmint in Texas.

Louie is ahead right now by virtue of pure volume.  Louie has been in congress longer.

But ya gotta hand Stockman extra points for ballsy.

After inviting Ted Nugent to be his guest at the State of the Union, Stockman decides to hold himself a meeting.

Stockman’s meeting is being called ”The Fallacy of Gun Free School Zones.” He’s offered legislation repealing the federal gun free zone law that protects schools.

Coffee and donuts will be served, along with a giant tray of sizzling hypocrisy.

The meeting is being held at the Capitol Building.  The Capitol Building is a gun-free zone.  You know, to protect Stockman.

But, after drinking waaaay too much of that free coffee, Stockman want to repeal gun-free zones around schools.  Because your children are not near as important as Stockman is.

And, by the way, those of you who missed The Daily Show last night will not understand this.  See if you can find it online because Fenway Fran and I have decided that “What just happened?” is the new motto of the Texas GOP.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Friday Toon

February 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


A Two-Fer Daily Louie

February 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First off, Louie goes on the electric radio and says that you need at least 50 rounds of ammo to bring down a drone.  I do not know what drones are flying over East Texas or why Louie would want to bring them down, but it kinda scares me to know that Louie Gohmert thinks about these things:

“But I had somebody last week in Washington from either Georgia or Alabama that was saying, ‘Look, this goes back to we have got to have at least 50 rounds in our magazines because on average that’s about how many it takes to bring down a drone.’ I hope he was kidding, I don’t know for sure.”

It’s just fabulous to know that our country’s gun standard will be based on “I don’t know for sure.”

But, that’s not all.  This is a two-fer deal.

The Famous Ms. Sharia Law is apparently causing problems again.  Louie is on top of that, too.

[The Second Amendment] is for our protection and the founders’ quotes make that very very clear and including against a government that would run amuck. We’ve got some people who think Sharia Law should be the law of the land, forget the Constitution. But the guns are there… to make sure all of the rest of the Amendments are followed.

So if you had a drone with the lovely and talented Ms. Sharia Law hitching a ride atop it in a very seductive pose, you’d need what?  Like an armory?  In your backyard?

Oh, Louie, can I watch you caress your pistol?  You know you do it, Louie.

Thanks to Kathleen and Warner for the heads up.