Archive for February, 2013

Leaving Faster Than a Bullet With Legs

February 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it appears that the NRA is now less popular than warts.

According to a new PPP poll, the NRA’s position on gun control has become so toxic that voters view NRA support as a reason not to support a candidate

The latest PPP survey, found that 39% say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who had the NRA’s support to just 26% who say they’d be more likely to …

I dunno.  I could be wrong but I think it has something to do with how screwy Wayne LaPierre is.  I mean, you can see loco camped out in his eyes.

I would not buy a used car from this man, much less a gun policy.

Now it seems that I am not alone.  Way to freekin’ go, America!

Thanks to Diane for the heads up.

No, No, Jerry, Not The F Word

February 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The F word that will forevermore be associated with Rick Perry.

California Gov. Jerry Brown minced no words Tuesday in dismissing Rick Perry’s much-ballyhooed radio ad encouraging businesses to flee the Golden State and move to Texas. Brown called Perry’s ad campaign “barely a fart.”  “It’s not a serious story, guys,” he told reporters. “It’s not a burp. It’s barely a fart.”

Kinda like his Presidential campaign.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Two Down and Sean Hannity to Go

February 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Everybody knows that Fox News fired Sarah Palin, but now they’ve let go of Dick Morris.  You know, the lispy guy who predicted that Romney would win in a landslide.

I kinda hate to see Morris go.  Like Palin, he was so damn goofy that watching him was the only place you could make fun of the handicapped and not feel guilty about it.

But, not to worry.  Fox still has plenty of Dicks left.

And Here All This Time, I Thought Virginia Was For Lovers

February 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They take canoodlin’ real serious in Virginia.

While Virginia is making cohabitation legal, there’s other stuff they are not taking off the books.

And don’t even think of doing other stuff. Virginia’s “crimes against Nature” statute — Section 18.2-361 — still prohibits oral sex. Even between married straight couples.

It’s a felony.

Also, you’re not allowed to have s-e-x of any kind in your car.  Or go to a bawdy house.

In Texas, you cannot get frisky with animals.  Virginia appears to be more opened minded about that.

Cussin’ is a misdemeanor in Virginia.  Hell, sometimes lettin’ loose is worth the fine.

Did I ever tell y’all about my friend Ben Denham who punched a guy straight in the nose and then went and turned himself in to the Justice of the Peace to pay the fine?  The guy he punched needed punchin’ so badly that the JP himself offered to pay the $250 fine.  Nah, Ben wanted to pay it.  It was a matter of pride to him.  Well, word got around and damn near everybody in town volunteered to pay the fine.  There ensued large arguments over who got to pay the fine until the guy up and left town in the middle of the night for fear that everybody would rather part with hard earned money than look at his face.  I do not know what they has to do with sparkin’ in Virginia  but sometimes breaking the law is worth paying for.

Thanks to Paul for the heads up.

Yeah, Yeah

February 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sure.  She’s just your average retired woman. She’s not running for anything.

(Go, Hillary!)


February 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Super DeLux Brand Christian David Barton went on Glen Beck’s radio show and told a story about how school teachers and students used to be armed back in the olden days.

“The great example, in the 1850s you have a school teacher who’s teaching. A guy — he’s out in the West — this guy from New England wants to kill him and find him. So he comes into the school with his gun to shoot the teacher, he decides not to shoot the teacher because all the kids pull their guns out and point it at him and say, ‘You kill the teacher, you die.’ He says, ‘Okay.’ The teacher lives. Real simple stuff. Saved the life of — there was no shooting because all the kids — we’re talking in elementary school — all the kids pull their guns out and says, ‘We like our teacher. You shoot our teacher, we’ll kill you.’”

Well, come to find out, Mr. Barton was cnfused a little bit.  That story comes not from history but from a Louis L’Amour fictional novel, Bendigo Shafter.

I am shocked.  Just shocked, I tell you.

David Barton can read?

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.