Archive for February, 2013

Obama and Leopard Skin Underwear

February 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You Tube prophet and genuine American probably holding a handgun license, The Third Eagle, was the guy who told us about Gangham Style’s Psy warnings of the end times.

Now he’s on the job interpreting the Super Bowl blackout and that the “Hyundai commercial is an end times prophecy.”

In case you were wondering, and I know you were, God caused the blackout.  Leopard underwear symbolizes Barack Obama, a wave signifies the Masonic sign for s-e-x, and Alicia Keyes sings woo-woo-woo-woo-woo five times which means the end times is upon us and then there’s some damn thing about the whore of Babylon  in a Hyundai commercial.

Honey, I did not find this much symbolism in Moby Dick.


Consumer Information

February 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you make you consumer choices on politics.

Thanks to Jan for the heads up.

Texas Puns

February 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn, who used to be only 80% worthless, has announced this morning that he is going to vote NO on the Violence Against Women Act today, thereby losing his last 20%.

Locals are saying that Cornyn is on Cruz Control.

Ted Cruz that is.

Texas Republicans are threatening to primary Cornyn so he had to come out in favor of violence against women. Holy crap.

Because Going Back To the Middle Ages is Not a Bad Idea If You Just Word It Correctly

February 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican Party appears to have rejected Bobby Jindal’s idea of not being stupid and opted to rename stupid as “blissfully detached.”

After their electoral drubbing last November — their second straight in a presidential contest — Republicans have faced a choice. Do they change their policies or their tone?

For now, many top Republicans in Washington seem to have opted for the latter, deciding that a more articulate re-statement of the party’s long-held principles will suffice in their effort to attract new voters to the GOP.

So the working poor will be referred to as “kindly unencumbered with tough investing choices.” And legitimate rape is out and has become, “she was unattractive and dressed modestly.”

There was a hospital in my town named Polly Ryon. It had a bad reputation and everybody called it Probably Dyin’. So, instead of improving the reputation, they simply renamed it to Oak Bend. Now it’s called Croak Bend. You can put lipstick on a pig, but she still won’t get elected Homecoming Queen.

Add Your Favorite

February 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The staff of the beauty salon is in Austin today visiting with some of our favorite people- hi Tanya, Ron, and Cyndi.

I have some thoughts today but I want to start with this. Ten Reasons Why Texas is Utopia

There are some I would add – the Big Thicket, Houston’s theater district, tubing the Comal or Guadalupe river, Fredericksburg peaches, Luling City Market, Lyndon’s Library, Galveston in the winter, and San Antonio, the whole damn city.

Texas folks – feel free to add your own and folks from foreign states – eat your hearts out.

So Challenging

February 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Every time I hear that we’re in post-racial America because we have a black President, I giggle a little.  That’s exactly what they said about Hootie and the Blowfish.

So along comes Norm Hughes, a Michigan member of the Tea Party.  Ole Norm gives a speech at Americans for Only Koch Brothers Prosperity about charter schools.  He explains things in code-speak for his audience.

Kids aren’t going to charter schools if they’re “A” students. They go to charter schools because they’re failing students and, by and large, the charter schools have a higher percentage of poor families, ethnically challenged families…

Ethnically challenged? What the hell is that?  Why doesn’t he just say the N word?  That’s what he wants to say.

Fifty five years ago, when my Grandmother was speaking of black people, she would whisper it.  She would say, “Mr. Riley who works at the church is the nicest man.   He told me this morning that his son has the chicken pox.”  Then she would lean-in, very ladylike and whisper, “He’s colored,”  as if that made not a damn’s worth of difference except to mention.  Back to normal voice, “I don’t know what we’d do without him.  He is so nice.”

That was fifty five years ago.  And if you lived in the South, you know darn well that your grandmother did that, too.

Ethnically challenged?

And then on the other end, comes this from White Whine, one of my favorite places to laugh.

Yeah, the whole month of February.

You wanna know when White History month is, you know, where white people can act superior?  January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.  Write that down somewhere, Honey.