Archive for February, 2013

He’s Just An Embarrassing New York Times Headline In The Making

February 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You write this down somewhere so I won’t have to say I told you so.

Ted Cruz is just three pounds of bombastic in a two pound sack.

I think I broke Facebook and Twitter yesterday because I watched the Hagel vote.  Alone.  If Juanita screams in an empty room, does anybody hear it?  Well, I made damn sure they did on Facebook.

That chubby little Cruz jerk  attempted to attack Chuck Hagel’s reputation by suggesting that maybe he was buddy buddy with terrorists.  The truly weird part is that he kept saying, “I am not questioning his patriotism or his integrity,” and in the next sentence ask, “how do we know he didn’t have financial dealings with Iran?  He might have.”  Hell, he might as well have said “fellow traveler.”

There is something so promising about this guy being the next Joe McCarthy.

Write that down and keep an eye on him.  He’s dangerous.


February 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I’m at a watch party. Please feel free to comment.

Thanks to Laura for the great picture!

(Heavy Sigh)

February 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s kinda my job to let you know that both Texas Senators voted against the Violence Against Women Act.

They hate the President more than violence against women.

Well, either that or they’re wife beaters.

Boehner Boosts President’s Poll Numbers. Thank You Card Mailed.

February 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get this sack of dog dump.

Okay, Boehner, first I would like to thank you for reminding everybody that this President ordered a bullet to bin Laden’s head and that George Bush was scared of horses.  Sometimes we forget that Bush didn’t think about bin Laden very much because it scared him.

Second off, you argue that the President does not have the courage to go against his party.  That doesn’t take courage; that takes idiot.   His party elected him.  In a damn landslide.

America had a choice.  Your ideas or Barack Obama’s ideas.  You lost.  You got beat so badly that your grandchildren will be born shaking.  We knocked you cold enough to skate on.  We nailed your hide to the barn wall and gave you a what-for lesson.

The American people don’t want to cut spending.  They want to help their neighbors in time of trouble with Nemo or Sandy.  They think education is important enough to spend money on.  They think Medicare is a sacred contract with their parents and grandparents.  They think an honest day’s work should pay an honest wage.  They believe health care should be affordable to all Americans.

But most importantly, they know history.  They know that cutting spending during a recession is the worst thing you can do.  It would send the country into a full blown depression, which you, of course, is what you want.

There’s a difference in guts and gall.  You, Boehner, talk big for man whose breath smells of hen feathers.

Maybe It Was An Open Book Test

February 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Charter Schools are all the rage in Texas, garnering $1 billion (with a b) a year in taxpayer money.

Charter schools are the gateway drug to vouchers.  I don’t know about you but I’m not real excited to see Rick Perry’s friends do to public education what they did to cancer research.

So, it came to nobody’s surprise that charter school applicants were copying off each other.

Four groups seeking to open charter schools in Texas turned in applications last year that had sections copied from other applications and even claimed parts of another school’s public hearing summary as their own, The Dallas Morning News reported Sunday.

The newspaper reported that, despite the copied portions, the aspiring charter operators signed the applications attesting to their accuracy with the hope of winning approval from the State Board of Education and gaining millions of taxpayer dollars.

The board largely dismissed concerns about the copied material. However, the head of the public integrity unit of the Travis County district attorney’s office said such practices could be fraudulent, though that office hasn’t been asked to investigate.

Of course they haven’t been asked to investigate.  These were charter schools for future mid-level management.  You know, where you learn to take credit for other people’s work.  Or to train future Texas Governors to go steal jobs from other states and call it “job creation.”

Thanks to Julie for the heads up.

The Ultimate Aggie Revenge Against UT

February 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For you people from foreign states, the ultimate college rivalry in Texas is Texas A&M (think Rick Perry) and UT (think Walter Cronkite).

You can also think of Paul Begala when you think of UT.  Begala went after Governor Rick Perry today.  Perry is making strange noises over in the corner about reducing UT from a world class university to a cut-rate McDegree school.

Research is another bugaboo for Perry. He and his supporters say they want academics to spend more time in the classroom, but it is doubtful America would have won World War II or created the Internet without basic research at public universities.

Intriguingly, Perry has called for a $10,000 bachelor’s degree. In the same vein a century ago, another governor, Thomas Riley Marshall of Indiana, proclaimed, “What this country needs is a really good five-cent cigar.” Sure, we need to find ways to reduce tuition. But Perry’s approach would push universities to hire lower-cost and less-qualified instructors, explode class size, and leave faculty members little time for research.

Perry is whining about the cost of a college education and thinks he can reduce that cost by cutting research and top quality professors.  But, that’s not what caused the problem.  Dropping state funding for public colleges year after year after year to save on taxes has sent tuition sky-high.  Perry’s tax cuts are smoke and mirrors.  He simply passes on costs.

Example:  cut funding to state parks and then double the cost of a fishing license.  Then close the state parks, keep the fishing license money to give to your friends to do “cancer” research, which somebody needs to go to jail over, and call it leadership.

Perry is the dumbest man west of anywhere east.  He should not be messing with any university in Texas, much less the flagship school.  But, he’s gonna run for President again because saving money instead of children is a helluva campaign slogan right now.

Full disclosure:  half my family went to UT and half went to A&M.  They all turned out smarter than Rick Perry.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.