Oh Dudes, What’s Your Theory About Boehner’s Orange Skin? He Got Dyed in a Vat of Martian Gunk?
The best part about the rightwing is that they see a conspiracy everywhere. You know, like the one that placed a fake birth announcement in Hawaiian newspapers so that Barack Obama could become President.
They have a much cooler explanation of why Hillary Clinton was in the hospital. If I were her, I’d go with their story.
A startling Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Obama was informed by White House medical personal shortly after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s return to the United States that her health prognosis was “grim” as her likelihood of survival was “diminishing by the hour.”
As we had previously reported in our 30 December report, Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran, Secretary Clinton was severely injured over a fortnight ago when her US military C-12 Huron aircraft crash landed at Iran’s Ahwaz International Airport during a US secret mission to that Persian Gulf nation where she was reported to be “unconscious” and “bleeding profusely.”
US mainstream propaganda news sources have, so far, denied the truth of this incident and as late as 28 December were reporting that Secretary Clinton would be returning to work this past week after her having suffered a bout of the flu and a concussion.
Cool, she’s like James Bond.
So, she went from”near death” to this —
And the only reason she’s wearing a coat is because she has to hide the scars.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.