Damn You, Kwanza!
Because some people just really resent that they can’t say the N word anymore, they have to find other ways to be a son of a motherless goat.
Wisconsin state Senator Glenn Grothman (R) has launched a new war on Kwanzaa, claiming it is a fake holiday invented by racist radicals who want to “divide America.”
Kwanzaa is a holiday celebrated by “left wing nuts” because “they don’t like America and seek to destroy it.”
I guess now would not be the time to remind Glen Grothman that Kwanzaa is celebrated on the 7 principles of unity.
Grothman is also resentful that he can’t say chick or gal anymore. In supporting Scott Walker’s repeal of the equal pay law …
A Republican lawmaker in Wisconsin has an eyebrow-raising theory for the chasm between men and women’s salaries: Men care more about money.
Do you want to know why that is? Of course you do.
“Take a hypothetical husband and wife who are both lawyers,” Grothman told the website. “But the husband is working 50 or 60 hours a week, going all out, making 200 grand a year. The woman takes time off, raises kids, is not go, go, go. Now they’re 50 years old. The husband is making 200 grand a year, the woman is making 40 grand a year. It wasn’t discrimination. There was a different sense of urgency in each person.”
And if you’re a single woman with a family or a man who wants to help raise his children, then you are seriously screwed up and probably voted for the Kwanza.
Thanks to Dan in Wisconsin for the heads up.