Archive for January, 2013

Oh, Thank You Sweet Jesus

January 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a group who is calling for a rally on the Capitol steps at noon today.

They are the Texas Nationalists, folks who want to leave America – a country they claim to love.

And, ho boy, can they whine!

The TNM has attempted for months to obtain sponsorship for an OFFICIAL rally on the South Steps of the Capitol. However, due to the reluctance and hesitation of the “conservative” members of the Texas Legislature, the TNM and other groups that support Constitutional principles have been blocked out.

Instead, their foot dragging has allowed progressive groups to lock down the official rally space for January 8th. Rather than having Texans in support of Texas independence on the SOUTH steps, visitors to the Capitol will be treated to rallies held by groups that revere Van Jones and support illegal immigration.

We will not be deterred. We will be on the North side of the Capitol, exercising our right to peacefully assemble. We will be there as a visible sign that Texans are ready for freedom and independence and will stand against the destruction of our liberty.

And, as you may have heard, Van Jones is black. There’s a tad bit of difference between immigration reform and support of illegal immigration, but shades of black and white have no place in a damn revolution.

I’ll see if I can get a picture of the rebels. I’ll post it here if I get it.

My friend Glen Maxey got a picture of their tee-shirt.


He’s wondering what is across that line.

And the Winner of the Best Comedy Is …

January 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I found out this morning that AT&T has decided that the citizens of the State of Texas deserve to know what their Lege is doing. So, if you own their U-Verse package and live in Texas, you can tune to Channel 99 and watch the best comedy show in America.

If you don’t live in Texas, you won’t get to see it so when the revolution comes, you’ll have to hear about it from me.

Debbie Riddle is a shoe-in for best comedian. Dan Patrick? Do they have a category for Goofy Guy with a Chip On His Shoulder?

Chuck Hagel and the RightWing

January 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lindsey Graham is just shocked about Chuck Hagel. He accusing President of acting like he won the election.

Graham is the oddest man on earth to be claiming anybody is outside the mainstream.

140 Days of Hell

January 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m headed to Austin tomorrow to watch the Texas Lege get sworn in and to make fun of what Debbie Riddle says.

Our Lege meets for 140 damn days every two years and makes more mess than finger paints in a kindergarten class.

If anybody has any extra free time, you can help me find crazy bills at this handy location.  Thee will be some real crazy stuff filed in the coming month so you might want to wear a gas mask while you search.

I’m serious.  We elect some crazy people to the Lege.  Apparently, there’s no rules about that.

The big issue this session will be vouchers.  The big money boys want to open for-profit private schools n Texas and Rick Perry wants to help them.

Close, But No Cigar

January 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In The Big Lebowski, the Stranger says, “Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, well, he eats you.”  I’d like to add … And sometimes nobody gets dinner.

A year and half ago I told you about a billboard near Lufkin, Texas, that just beats all.  Even for East Texas.

I made Ole Bubba pull over and let me take a picture of it because I considered it a Republican crime scene.  You have to put a disclaimer on political signs in Texas saying who paid for it.   This sign had no disclaimer.  No right wing nut in all of East Texas had the guts to stand up and say what they believe and put their name on it.   It comes from their days of wearing hoods.

The Angelina Democratic County Chair  filed a complaint with FEC.  And the FEC made their ruling last November.  I’m just now finding out about it because somebody, and I’m not going to mention any names here but their initials are Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen, fell down on the job.

The FEC was able to trace the purchaser back to Winston Ranch in Lufkin, where the Piney Woods Cattle Baron’s Ball is held, and specifically to Virginia Winston as the purchaser.  She had two signs.  The cost was $10,500.

In response to the complaint, Virginia hand wrote back to the FEC that she is an 82 year old widow woman with health issues.  She claims not to know anything about these rules and she just copied something she saw on the internet.  It should be noted that Virginia is also a member of the Lufkin Junior League, and that Winston Ranch is not exactly a trailer park.   (Click here and see page 29)  It’s a 1,000 acre cattle ranch with award winning cows.  This old woman probably has enough money to burn a wet elephant.

I’d be willing to bet that Virginia has more lawyers on retainer than the FEC does.

So, Virginia leads the FEC to believe she’s some poor widow woman living on social security with a hacking cough who doesn’t even own a computer to write her letters.

So they don’t even fine her because, as they say, “she seems highly unlikely to repeat the violations.”

Oh, so you get one free ride at the FEC if you’re old.  Dude, I am so going to remember that.  Another ten years and a nasty bout of pneumonia and I can start making money by people paying me to take responsibility for FEC violations.

I have proper Junior League stationery, Virginia’s address, and full intent to find out how much money Winston Ranch gets in ag exemptions and government subsidies.  I am going to let her know, in the sweetest way possible, that I’m going to buy an ad in the newspaper, print a list of all the government aid she gets, and sign my name to it.

I figure that evens things up, because I believe in personal responsibility and consequences.  No, wait, only Republicans believe that.

Because You Can Never Be Crazy Enough If You’re From Texas

January 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is our new Tea Party Republican Senator.  He makes Rand Paul look like a sane liberal college professor.

Bless his heart, his head’s so hollow he’s got to talk with his hands to get away from the echo.

Couple that with Fox New Sunday and you get

Newly-elected Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused politicians of exploiting the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut to advance gun safety legislation and argued that efforts to limit assault weapons and high capacity magazines are unconstitutional.

So, according the Cruz you can now own a sawed-off shotgun, a missile launcher, and a small tactical nuclear weapon.

It’s only gonna get worse, Folks, because Cruz ain’t gonna shuddup.

Thanks to Tony and Kathleen for the heads up.