Oh, Thank You Sweet Jesus
There is a group who is calling for a rally on the Capitol steps at noon today.
They are the Texas Nationalists, folks who want to leave America – a country they claim to love.
And, ho boy, can they whine!
The TNM has attempted for months to obtain sponsorship for an OFFICIAL rally on the South Steps of the Capitol. However, due to the reluctance and hesitation of the “conservative” members of the Texas Legislature, the TNM and other groups that support Constitutional principles have been blocked out.
Instead, their foot dragging has allowed progressive groups to lock down the official rally space for January 8th. Rather than having Texans in support of Texas independence on the SOUTH steps, visitors to the Capitol will be treated to rallies held by groups that revere Van Jones and support illegal immigration.
We will not be deterred. We will be on the North side of the Capitol, exercising our right to peacefully assemble. We will be there as a visible sign that Texans are ready for freedom and independence and will stand against the destruction of our liberty.
And, as you may have heard, Van Jones is black. There’s a tad bit of difference between immigration reform and support of illegal immigration, but shades of black and white have no place in a damn revolution.
I’ll see if I can get a picture of the rebels. I’ll post it here if I get it.
My friend Glen Maxey got a picture of their tee-shirt.
He’s wondering what is across that line.