The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With a Gun is a … Dead Guy With a Gun?
Okay, so this story goes like this.
Keith Ratliff, a 32 year old guy from Georgia is a big ole gun fan. He had a You Tube channel where he promoted high-powered guns and explosives. It’s called FPSRussia.
Ratliff, along with Kyle Lamar Myers, who appears in the popular online videos, operate the “FPSRussia” YouTube channel, which has 3.4 million subscribers. Videos posted on the channel have racked up more than a half-billion views. According to YouTube, FPSRussia is the ninth-most popular channel on the website.
Ratliff also operated a company out of Carnesville called FPS Industries. In video gamer jargon, FPS stands for first person shooter.
Best I can tell the YouTubes do nothing but celebrate anti-personal weapons.
Well, Keith – who may well have been the best armed guy in Georgia, which is saying’ something – was found dead last week. A gunshot wound to the back of his head. At his business. You know, where he keeps his weapons.
Back to the drawing board on the that whole argument, Wayne.
Thanks to Sue for the heads up.