Archive for January, 2013

The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With a Gun is a … Dead Guy With a Gun?

January 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this story goes like this.

Keith Ratliff, a 32 year old  guy from Georgia is a big ole gun fan. He had a You Tube channel where he promoted high-powered guns and explosives.  It’s called FPSRussia.

Ratliff, along with Kyle Lamar Myers, who appears in the popular online videos, operate the “FPSRussia” YouTube channel, which has 3.4 million subscribers. Videos posted on the channel have racked up more than a half-billion views. According to YouTube, FPSRussia is the ninth-most popular channel on the website.

Ratliff also operated a company out of Carnesville called FPS Industries. In video gamer jargon, FPS stands for first person shooter.

Best I can tell the YouTubes do nothing but celebrate anti-personal weapons.

Well, Keith – who may well have been the best armed guy in Georgia, which is saying’ something – was found dead last week.  A gunshot wound to the back of his head.  At his business.  You know, where he keeps his weapons.

Back to the drawing board on the that whole argument, Wayne.

Thanks to Sue for the heads up.

You Know What Makes Me Go “Grrrrr…..”

January 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Politico, that’s what.

I’m fixing to take it off my bookmark list because every time I go there, it looks just like Fox News with less clutter and blinking lights.

Take, for example, today.  This is their headline story.

I am pretty damn certain that when President Obama started looking for a new Secretary of Defense, his first consideration was not, “Oh, gee, how can I poke George W. Bush with a pointy stick?”

George W. Bush does not need any help at all in his quest to be forgotten and snubbed.

Goodness sake, what level of Republican narcissism does it take to think that everything President Obama does is designed to make George W. Bush look bad?  You gotta be off the meter and the meds, Honey.

Look, if Republicans wanted to name to name the Presidential cabinet, they should have won the election.  It’s just that simple.

And then, to make sure I never come back to their website, they put this on the electric internet machine.

Seriously, guys?

You think he’s picking fights?

In most quarters, that’s called “governing” by the party in power.

I know you think he’s supposed to lay down and let John Boehner tap dance on his belt buckle but, listen carefully now, YOU LOST THE ELECTION, dammit.

Already I didn’t like Politico because they have a crush on Rick Perry.  A silly little crush like a schoolgirl.   They just drool and skip around the room when his name is mentioned.

Grrrrrr …..

Driving Home

January 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ole Bubba and I are driving home from Austin. Talk amongst yourselves.

Who the hell does AIG think they are?

Why not more women on Obama’s cabinet?

What are you going to buy with your platinum coin?


Uh, There’s a Problem Involved

January 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I once considered becoming a hoochy-koochy dancer just so I could use the name Hub Caps.

But, State Rep Bill Zedler is trying his damnest to ruin all my fun .

[Zedler’s] latest bill, which would regulate “sexually oriented” businesses, in part by requiring strippers to obtain and wear a license to work.

Okay, big guy, I have a question: where is she supposed to wear this license?

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.


January 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is right now this minute speaking to the opening session of the Texas Senate.

About 2 minutes into his speech, Perry started bragging about how Texas doesn’t have to raise taxes. At that point, they interrupted Perry’s speech to ask if there was a doctor in the house. There was. It appeared that someone was in a desperate situation in the Senate.

Perry paused and asked people to pray for the sick person. After about 2 minutes, he started up speaking again and said, “See, talking about taxes makes people …. uh, swoon.” There were loud moans.

Good Lord Almighty. Is nothing – except taxes – sacred?

And, as a special added treat, Rick Santorum was on the floor of the Texas Senate today. As if we needed more dumb.

Keep It Classy, GOP

January 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

DebraLee Hovey, Republican State Representative in Newtown, Conn. is such a charmer.

The Republican lawmaker who represents Newtown in the Connecticut House of Representatives had some less than cordial words for former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who came to meet with grieving families last Friday.

“Gabby Gifford (sic) stay out of my towns!!” DebraLee Hovey wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post, which she filed while on vacation in St. Pete Beach.

She later apologized (kinda) . It should be noted that Giffords met privately with family members. But,of course, Hovey’s snit was very public.
