Archive for January, 2013

Dynasty Unchained

January 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

George P Bush, son of Jeb, grandchild of George, and nephew of W, got on I-10 out of Florida one morning and drove until he could find a place to run for office.

He ran out of gas on God’s side of the Sabine River, which was probably not all that pleasing to God or to me.

He figures it’s his right to hold public office and get rich off of it.  As drunken, insane cowboy poet Hank Williams, Jr. says, “it’s a family tradition.”

So, he snorted around Austin to find which job would be easiest to win and came up with Land Commissioner because there’s going to Musical Public Office Chairs in Texas in two years and Land Commission is up for grabs.

In Texas the Land Commissioner doesn’t have much to do with land, kinda like Railroad Commissioner doesn’t have anything to do with railroads.   They just had to give the jobs those titles because Head of Public Kickbacks and Corruption doesn’t fit nicely on an office door.

Land Commissioner  manages the Permanent Schools Fund, which pays for public education.  The job also includes Veteran’s affairs.  Now, ponder on this.  Do you want a man who doesn’t believe in public education to manage the money for public education?  And while he is a veteran, I seriously doubt he truly understands veterans who come home and can’t find a job.

So, second generation screw-up George P gives an interview to the Dallas Morning News.  Throughout the interview he refers to himself as “we.”

That scares me because I do not know who “we” are but I’m real afraid that this sentence tell me.

“It’s much like starting a business,” Bush said, “and having people who have been there and done it and run statewide, it’s definitely been helpful.”

Yep.  A family business.

Things You Didn’t Know But Should Have: Algebra Has a Liberal Bias

January 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Fox News.  Listen to Fox news host Eric Bolling —

“But even worse is the way some textbooks are pushing the liberal agenda,” the Fox News host explained, pointing to an algebra worksheet that Scholastic says gives students “[i]nsight into the distributive property as it applies to multiplication.”

“Distribute the wealth!” Bolling exclaimed, reading the worksheet. “Distribute the wealth with the lovely rich girl with a big ole bag of money, handing some money out.”

Eric!  Shuddup!  Distributive property is what helps us do math in our heads.  Okay, okay, not your head.  I get that part.  Distributive property has diddle squat to do to making Paris Hilton pay her fair taxes, although it probably should.

And it’s not just math that has a liberal bias.  You know how kindergarten teachers say to play nice with each other and share?  Pure communism.  Fox news believes that it’s better that Little Leon grab all the blocks and hoard them.  Screw this sharing stuff.

And, of course, there’s history with its liberal bias.

Bolling advised parents to read their children’s history books because his son’s textbook addressed the Iraq war “and they were very, very liberally biased, saying George Bush went in there because he heard there were weapons of mass destruction and they were never found. It was a very liberal bias to the history books.”

So, truth has a liberal bias.

I give up.  No, I really do.  The family tree does not fork at Fox news.

Thanks to Elizabeth Moon for the heads up.

Screw Gun Control. We Need Reproduction Control.

January 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay so this guy …

… decides it would be a grand idea to test the security at his child’s school.

All on his own, without any notion of checking with authorities.

A Texas dad terrified his child’s elementary school when he decided to conduct a “rogue” security drill to see how the school would respond in the event of an emergency, according to the school district.

Ron Miller, 44, entered the office of the Celina Elementary School at 7:50 a.m. on Wednesday, according to police, where he “conducted  his own drill to test the school’s response to an active shooter situation.”

Because he thinks he’s Dirty Harry.

You wanna know the scariest part of this story?  This man has children.  On top of that, some damn fool woman did the wild thing with him.  At least once.

On second thought, maybe I do favor armed guards at school because this idiot would have been taken out of the gene pool.

Thanks to Ruth and Anna for the heads up.

Nerd Nirvana and Geek Glory

January 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I agree with TPM, this is awesome.  It’s also adorable.

Thanks to Texas Ellen for the heads up.

Well, That and the Little Winkie Thing

January 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Two guys in Portland, Oregon, decide to walk around town with … you guessed it.

Two men walked the streets of Portland armed with assault weapons earlier this week because they said they wanted to “educate” residents, who reacted by fleeing and calling police.

Dumb and Dumber claim “that they were forced to take drastic measure to make sure people were aware of their Second Amendment rights after 20 children in Connecticut were massacred with same type of AR-15 rifles they were carrying.”

Forced.  Forced, I tell you.  I mean, there you sit all judgmental  thinking that walking around town carrying an assault weapon is a choice.  It.  Is.  Not.  They were forced to do it.

The men insisted that they understood that people were on edge after recent mass shootings but hoped residents would approach them to ask questions during future demonstrations.

Did they watch Scarface twelve too many times and think people would want to “come talk to my little friend”?

Actual Guys With Actual Guns Looking For Actual Conversation

So, if I walk down the street buck nakkid to protest pornography laws, people with come up to me and ask, “What do you think about nakkid people?”

Apparently, they broke no laws, other than the social contract, but still don’t understand why they can’t get dates on Saturday night.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Sweetie, It’s the Other But

January 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to Brian E for the heads up.