Screw Gun Control. We Need Reproduction Control.
Okay so this guy …
… decides it would be a grand idea to test the security at his child’s school.
All on his own, without any notion of checking with authorities.
A Texas dad terrified his child’s elementary school when he decided to conduct a “rogue” security drill to see how the school would respond in the event of an emergency, according to the school district.
Ron Miller, 44, entered the office of the Celina Elementary School at 7:50 a.m. on Wednesday, according to police, where he “conducted his own drill to test the school’s response to an active shooter situation.”
Because he thinks he’s Dirty Harry.
You wanna know the scariest part of this story? This man has children. On top of that, some damn fool woman did the wild thing with him. At least once.
On second thought, maybe I do favor armed guards at school because this idiot would have been taken out of the gene pool.
Thanks to Ruth and Anna for the heads up.