Archive for January, 2013

Want To Watch A Squirrel Talk Out of Both Sides of His Mouth?

January 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Of course you do!

And Rand Paul is here to do it for you.

Upon his return from a week-long trip to the Middle East, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that cuts to U.S. foreign aid to Israel should be gradual.

Reiterating comments he made during the trip, Paul said he was very conscious and appreciative of the “long time friendship” between the U.S. and Israel but the “greatest threat to America” is the national debt.

However, Paul said he wouldn’t be in favor of any cuts that would be “immediate, dramatic, or draconian.”

Oh, so all foreign aid is bad, unless you need religious right votes.

Y’all, it’s gotta be hard to be a Republican today.  You gotta please the religious right, the gun nuts, the greedy sumbitches, the Libertarians, the Tea party and watch your toes — the last of the Reagan Republicans.

Damn that takes some dancin’.  And, bless their hearts, the dance floor keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Things We Should Have Seen Coming

January 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Steve Toth is tending on Twitter.  Apparently he went on CNN and Wolf Blitzer kept a straight face.

Yeah, Texas needed the attention.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

Well, At Least East Texas Hasn’t Hit Bottom.

January 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you thought East Texas couldn’t possibly get any nuttier, you realize they are free falling in a hole so deep that you can hear people talking Chinese about half way down.

Resigning Smith County GOP Chairman

The Smith County (near Tyler) Republican County Chairman says the Republican Party ain’t near enough conservative for him so he’s resigning and joining up with the Tea Party.  I do not know if they are forming a posse but I wouldn’t doubt it.

Now, I’m gonna remind you that Smith County is where Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman hole up when they are not fighting each other for camera position on Fox News.  Hell, Steve Stockman got stand-out crazy attention today and that probably hacked off Louie and so he’s got to out-crazy Steve and then if God doesn’t intervene it’s gonna be like poking a little hole in the crazy balloon and having it fly around backwards for days making funny noises.  Oh wait, that’s already happened.

So if Steve Stockman and Louie Gohmert aren’t conservative enough for you, you gotta be wondering where Mussolini is when you really need him.

So y’all, if East Texas tries to secede from Texas and the United States of America, just let them.  Just get the hell outta the way and barb wire the whole sucker off from civilized civilization.

Thanks to Barb in DC and Kathleen for the heads up.

Okay, This Has To Be Rock Bottom. It Just Has To Be.

January 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to consider the NRA and their odd relationship with little children.

After claiming that violent video games were the cause of the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, they almost immediately released a video game for children, teaching them how to aim.  Okay, I admit that it was probably for adult members of the NRA, too, because anybody who has to have a 30 round clip to hunt ain’t a very good shot.

Here’s another doozy.

They went after the President’s children. They are determined to create the angry black man they oh so want, aren’t they?  You do not go after a man’s children and not get a reaction.

They put an ad on their website saying that President Obama thinks his children are more important that yours because they get armed guards at their school.

Oh crap on logic!

There is a distinct difference between deserving and needing.  Those little girls have armed guards everywhere they go.  There is a reason for that.  And the reason is that the NRA is freekin’ nuts.

Okay, I’m going to try real hard today to talk about something other than guns.  But on the upside we got the lunatic fringe to quit talking about trans-vaginal sonograms.

And They Don’t Call Them Gun NUTS for Nothin’

January 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yes, just like the Bible.   You know, where “turn the other cheek” is the same thing as “reload!”  And “prayer” is the same thing as “semi-automatic.”

And then guess who forgot his boss got shot with a gun  — Edwin Meese.  Yeah, shot and almost killed surrounded by Secret Service.

And then there’s Ann Coulter. We don’t have a gun problem, we have a “demographics” problem.

Ann Coulter is insisting that guns don’t kill people, non-white people kill people.

The conservative columnist on Monday told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the country had a “demographic problem” because “white populations” in the U.S. and Belgium had the same low murder rate.

And don’t even get me started on the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory.   No, seriously, don’t.  I vomit easily.

Please, Sweet Jesus, let this be rock bottom.

All the Gunplay Fun Without Any of the Responsibilities! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

January 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Medical Board wants permission for their investigators to carry guns.  You know, because there’s not near enough guns in the healing profession.  Their “investigators” are not licensed police officers.

So, they send a request to Attorney General (and announced Texas Gubernatorial candidate) Greg Abbott asking the following questions:

1. May TMB allow, but not require or request, its investigators to carry concealed handguns authorized under Subchapter H as private citizens while on duty with the Board?

2. Can the Board legally adopt a resolution to allow its investigators to carry concealed handguns but at the same time indicate that such action is not required by the Board or the employees’ job descriptions?

3. Would TMB’s adoption of a resolution allowing such action be protected by sovereign immunity from suit and liability?

4. Does Tex. Gov’t Code §411.208 protect TMB and its officers and employees from liability and suit when they allow investigators to carry concealed handguns if the employees are licensed to do so?

Yeah, we hired them.  We gave them a gun.  We just don’t want to be responsible for them.

Thanks to Ole Bob over at The One Acre Ranch and Polka Farm for the heads up.