Archive for December, 2012

Mike Huckabee: Have No Shame, Will Pander

December 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Huckabee claims to be a man of God.

He’s not.

I told you a couple of weeks ago about him glorifying the use of violence against violence.

And now, faced with the fact that little children have been victims of violence, Mike says it’s because we took God out of the school and apparently God is pissed about it.

We ask why there’s violence in our schools, but we’ve systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools have become a place of carnage? Because we’ve made it a place where we don’t want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability.

So I guess there was a shooting in a church because we took algebra out of the scripture.

Mike Huckabee worships a mean, vindictive spiteful God.  It’s certainly not my God.  You cannot take God out of schools.  God is everywhere.  God is far more powerful than Huckabee’s little wimpy mean bully God.

I know the NRA is already preparing press releases that we should let teachers have guns to keep this from happening.  Well, those kindergarteners’ teacher did have a gun, several in fact, and her son used the teacher’s guns to kill her classroom.  So, NRA, just shuddup.

And Mike Huckabee, there is a real special place in hell for those who call Lord, Lord, in vain.

Uncle Bill

December 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a gun loving guy at the Beauty Shop who pitches a wall eyed snot nosed hissy fit any time I mention that Jim Bob does not need an AK47.

Even though I am a gun owner – a rifle – he thinks I’m what’s wrong with Texas and why Democrats can’t win  here.

He goes by the handle of Uncle Bill—-

I got this comment from him on this post shortly after the shooting started this morning

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It would seem from the comments here that democrats are as closed minded as the republicans. Do y’all really want to define the party as just against that “evil black rifle” the governor owns. If you assume that only republicans enjoy the shooting sports, you are making a mistake. A democrat can’t even be elected dog catcher in most of Texas now and you folks want to alienate another voting group. It’s going to take a diverse party to make Texas a two party state again and that is not going to happen by calling an inanimate object “evil” because the governor owns one or because a nutcase uses one for evil. Let the flaming begin!!

I did not approve it because I didn’t think it was appropriate while little helpless children in America were dodging bullets at school.

But, Uncle Bill was not to be deterred.  Thirty minutes later I get this from him as a comment.

LOL!! Censored me!! How democratic of you!!

Children were being shot and killed.

I emailed him at the email address on his comment at 12:01.

There is a gunman in an elementary school this morning shooting at little children.  No, I will not publish your asinine comments while children are being shot.  If it takes losing Texas elections to save the lives of innocent shoppers and little kids, then enjoy your damn victory.
I am a gun owner and a fifth generation Texan.  This is my microphone.  I paid for it.  Shove it.

He sent another comment at 12:20

Way to go, you are doing a great job keep Texas a red state. Never mind that the governor has messed with birth control, poor people and kids education. The best you can do is piss off a large number of democrats who don’t buy into the idea that they would be safer with a knife than with a gun. For a group that claims to be educated, you don’t seem to understand that the more people you are willing to throw under the bus, the fewer people who will support you.

Don’t worry, I won’t bother trying to voice an opinion on this forum again. I have learned my lesson. It’s funny, when I go to the range and tell my shooting buddies that I voted for Obama, they tease me, but we are still friends.

Uncle Bill

He has been put on the blacklisted list.

These gun nuts are nuts.

We have no choice but to fight them before they kill us all, and say it’s for freedom.

Nick Anderson / Houston Chronicle

Saving Face? Has He Looked In a Mirror Lately?

December 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Speculation is that John Boehner wants to “save face” with the President over the fiscal cliff negotiations.

The President says —

“I think the idea of not raising taxes has become sort of a religion for a lot of members of the Republican Party. I think Speaker Boehner has a contentious caucus, as his caucus is tough on him sometimes so he doesn’t want to look like he’s giving in to me somehow because that might hurt him in his own caucus.”

A religion?  Saint Grover?

Juanita Jean says  —

John, Honey, have you really looked at your face?  Babe, it ain’t worth saving.

And that’s why Juanita is not President.

You know, up until this very moment I thought the Speaker of the House was a leader.  Can you even imagine Sam Rayburn kowtowing to anybody?  Tip O’Neill?

Oh fergoodnesssake, Boehner, grow some.

Rice and Beans

December 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is semi-serious.

I am upset about Susan Rice, a fellow hooter-toter who makes my iPad look dumb.  The Republican Party did not help themselves by giving her the opportunity to look like a class act by forcing her out.

They went after her with vitriol generally reserved for those they believe to be terrorist sympathizers, which admittedly, to them is anybody other than white Republican old males.   I guess what bothers me the most is the loss of the visual of her beating Lindsey Graham so hard that his grandchildren will be born afraid to open their mouths.

Madeleine Albright calls it appalling.  It is.

On the other hand, Susan Rice has become an icon for women and minorities about where they stand with old white Republican men.  I hope this message trickles down to young Republicans, but I doubt it will.  There’s something about a closed mind.

Little Friday story – I had a son at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital.  One day a local Republican came to visit him and stayed to chat.  My son’s primary care doctor showed up.  He’s an Italian citizen and had a charming heavy accent.  Next the pain control doctor came by – he’s African American.  The nurse was Filipino and then the specialist dropped by – a woman on loan from Russia.  Shift change — gay Hispanic nurse.

The Republican visitor expressed surprise.  He said, “Your doctors are from all over, but yet MD Anderson is still ranked the #1 cancer hospital in the country.”

My son smiled and replied, “Maybe it’s because of the diversity that it’s #1, not in spite of it.”

Republicans just don’t get it.

Ya Gotta Have a Score Card to Know Who’s Showing Up for Christmas

December 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Things continue to be tough at the Wasilla Happy Blubber Trailer Park.

It appears that Half-Governor Sarah Palin’s son, Tarp,  is getting a divorce.  Oh shocker. And to think the entire Palin Family could have been a real, live reality show at The Naval Observatory.   That John McCain can really pick ‘um.

Thanks to Beth for the heads up.

Friday Toon

December 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized