Archive for December, 2012

Not To Fret

December 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

NASCAR Congress

December 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have long contended that congressfolks should be required to wear NASCAR uniforms so everybody can see who their sponsors/sugardaddies/owners are.

Especially now.

You remember UBS – that criminal enterprise that helped rich American hide their money in Switzerland and now faces a Billion dollars in fines?

Yes, the one Phil Gramm plays cuddly baby with.

Well, apparently one billion dollars in fines ain’t nothing to fret about when you can buy congressvarmints so cheaply.

Take a lookie right here.  (And here’s a little sample)

UBS is craftier than Marsha Stewart.

They are throwing money all over Congress.

If you’ll go to the link you’ll also see the names of some committees they donated to.  That’s just a lame attempt to cover their tracks.  For example, the Texas 101 Fund is Texas Republican Kevin Brady’s Leadership PAC.

Now the really fun part of this is to see how many of these guys are on House Financial Services Committee, you know, the watchdogs.  Humm … Capuano, Clay, Cleaver, Velazque, Scott, Meeks, Carney, Watt, Hinojosa, and Lynch.  Did we forget anybody?

We have the finest congress criminal bankers can buy.

I know you’re proud of that.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the egg nog shake and the heads up.  Merry Christmas, Alfredo.

Arizona: Give It Up

December 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So yesterday electors across America gathered to cats their state’s electoral votes and every thing went according to plan, except ….

In Arizona, though, a different story: “Arizona’s 11 Republican electors formally cast their votes Monday for Mitt Romney – but not before three of them, including the state party chairman, said questions remain about whether President Obama is a natural-born citizen,” the Arizona Daily Star writes. “ ‘I’m not satisfied with what I’ve seen,’ said Tom Morrissey, head of the Arizona Republican Party, after signing the formal paperwork to cast his Electoral College vote for Romney. ‘I think for somebody in the president’s position to not have produced a document that looks more legitimate, I have a problem with that,’ Morrissey said.”

He won.  In a freekin’ landslide.  Buy a clue, Arizona.  You were casting your state’s votes for Romney so what the fool tarnation did it matter anyway?  Did you think your vote for Romney counted twice if you trashed the President?

Arizona – no splashing in the gene pool, okay?

Thanks to David for the heads up.

And He’s Off and Running

December 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry made his announcement for a Presidential bid yesterday speaking at a Tea Party meeting.

Perry expressed his continued support for gun rights, according to the Dallas Morning News, saying he believed people with concealed-handgun licenses “should be able to carry your handgun anywhere in this state,” and elicited applause when he spoke positively about a Texas school system that allows some staff members to come to school armed.

Got Gun?

Okay, so here’s a plan.  With everybody so excited about arming everybody, why do I have to go through a metal detector and get frisked to get into the State Capitol?  I mean, you don’t have to go through a metal detector to get into schools, but you do at the State Capitol?  That doesn’t seem right since it’s the boys at the Texas Capitol who are so hung-ho yee-haw about toting around extensions of their weenis.

And Rick, who hates, hates, hates the federal government and thinks it should do nothing is once again running for President of the federal government because he’s real, real good at doing nothing.

Perry also said he is open to running for president again, despite his spectacular crash-and-burn in 2012, when his campaign for the Republican nomination effectively ended after he bungled a debate question.

He said he still had a “burning desire” to see America led by a “God-fearing conservative patriot.”

It’s more like crash and burn.

Thank God the world is ending.

Just In Case You’re Even Thinking About Cleaning House This Week

December 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please, Sweet Jesus, Tell Me This is Rock Bottom.

December 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember me telling you about the gun shows in Texas last weekend and the child discount on Christmas Eve eve?

That’s not the bottom.

If this isn’t the bottom, we’re are in for a weird Christmas.

Crockett Keller, owner of Kellers Riverside Gun Store near Austin, TX, announced on local radio show KRLD that he would start offering a discount for teachers who want to carry a concealed weapon after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut on Friday. Keller talked enthusiastically of the need to arm teachers.

He’s even offering them a discount from $110 to $90 for his certification class.

This ain’t Crockett’s first spin around the dance floor with insanity.  He’s been dancin’ for a while now.

Maybe the Mayans were right.  Who the hell wants to hang around to see if this gets worse?

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.