Archive for December, 2012

And If Obama Walked on Water, They’d Say He’s Too Lazy to Swim

December 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First the Obamas had a War on Christmas and wah, wah, wah, they didn’t love little Baby Jesus.

Now they have too many Christmas decorations.


Amazing how a reelection can reshape an incumbent’s thinking about many things. Now safely ensconced in the White House for 49 more months, the Obamas have decorated the place with 54 Christmas trees this year.

Even allowing for the usual Washington excesses with taxpayer money, that’s a whole grove of Christmas trees.

Holy crap, first he’s not Christian enough and now he’s way too Christian.

As any casual watcher of HGTV will tell you, the Christmas decorations at the White House are donated and they are put up by volunteers.  The ornaments on one tree were completely made by the children of America’s fighting men and women.  Gotta hate that.

Y’all, let me know when you get some more of these emails about the Obama administration banning Christmas trees at the White House.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

An Early Christmas Present to America

December 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Elizabeth Warren – meaner than ten acres of snakes and sweeter than a grandmother’s kiss.

She’s gonna have power.  Real power.

Nearly two years after Wall Street waged a successful campaign to keep consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren from running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the incoming senator will be tapped to serve on the Banking Committee, according to four sources familiar with the situation. It’s a victory for progressives who battled to win her a seat on the panel that oversees the implementation of Dodd-Frank and other banking regulations.

Hallelujah and Praise Be!

You know what BITCH stands for, don’t ya?  “Boys, I’m Taking Charge Here.”

‘Sic ‘um, Babe.

The Other Dick Armey – EDITED!

December 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former (thank you, Lord) Texas Republican congresscritter Dick Armey is a big ole hunk of ego walking around on tiny little feet.  Seriously, every time I see him, I snicker.

Dick. Just Dick.

The  former  minority leader and double digit IQ carrier has said some stoopid things in his life.  Remember when he said that cars can commit mass murder?  God forgive me, I cannot chronicle his ignorance – it’s too much work for an old woman.

Well, Dick got to cahooting with the Tea Party and ended up on the payroll of Freedom Works, a group of people who don’t believe in freedom or work.

Well, after the Tea Party got walloped in the last election, there was a splitting of the sheets between Mr. Armey and the Tea Party, who, ironically is generally also known as The Dick Armey.

The jilted lover, the first Dick Armey, wrote a snitty letter to the folks at the Other Dick Armey, where they are trying to Dick it out.

November 30, 2012
To: Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks Inc.
From: Honorable Richard K. Armey
Regarding: Resignation

This is to inform you that as of 5:00 P.M. ET on November 30, 2012 I resign my position of Trustee at FreedomWorks, Inc. and my positions of Chairman of FreedomWorks and FreedomWorks Foundation.

As I resign from all board positions and duties, please see below a list of dispositions on outstanding issues: I expect to be fully compensated through the expiration date (December 31, 2012) of my current consulting contract with FreedomWorks. Henceforth FreedomWorks shall be prohibited from using my name, image, or signature in any way or for any purpose without my written permission or in the event of my death, without my heirs written permission.

Effective immediately I expect that Freedom Works shall remove my name, image, and signature from all its letters, print media, postings, web sites, videos, testimonials, endorsements, fund raising materials, and social media, including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter. I expect to receive via email at [redacted] by the close of business, December 4, 2012, all user names, passwords, security questions, and security answers for all accounts, web sites and social media, including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter, created in my name.

Effective immediately FreedomWorks is prohibited from using my booklet or any updated versions of my booklet “Hitting the Ground Running” without my written permission which I innovated while still in congress and trusted to Max Pappas to update for new member orientation. I request that FreedomWorks deliver the copy of my official congressional portrait to my home in Texas.

Yes, yes, the official congressional portrait.  He only rents that out to the highest bidder.

Okay, admit it, you snickered while reading that letter.  You did.  You are enjoying this melt down of the Tea Party more than is proper. Yeah, me, too.

Added at 5:45 today

“A confidential contract obtained by The Associated Press shows that Armey agreed in September to resign from his role as chairman of Washington-based FreedomWorks in exchange for $8 million in consulting fees paid in annual $400,000 installments. Dated Sept. 24, the contract specifies that Armey would resign his position at both FreedomWorks and its sister organization, the FreedomWorks Foundation, by the end of November.”

Thanks to Ellen, Carl, and David for the heads up.

Okay, You Wanna Talk Entitlements? Let’s Talk Entitlements.

December 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ole Bubba and I were watching the electric teevee the other night and Bubba,who has a triple digit IQ and can multitask, was reading his iPad.

All of a sudden, Ole Bubba just hoots. He said, “Babe, you’re gonna love this and enjoy it in an unflattering and unseemly manner.”

Ole Bubba knows me well.

I am not a fan of Ann Romney. From the day she said, “you people,” until her haughty presence after the second debate when she refused to even look at President Obama when she took the stage, I have found Ann Romney to be a very entitled woman. I thought that she patronized me and every other struggling young couple when she talked about having to sell stocks (oh my!) to pay bills in college.

She was a woman lacking class before the election and she hasn’t improved much. At all.

By all accounts, the past month has been most difficult on Romney’s wife, Ann, who friends said believed up until the end that ascending to the White House was their destiny. They said she has been crying in private and trying to get back to riding her horses

Bubba is happy to report that I have never in our marriage cried because I am not First Lady.

Maybe we could all pitch in and buy her a princess outfit.

See, I am behaving just as Ole Bubba predicted – unseemly. So, instead of saying anything else, I will simply say, “Bless her heart.”

Who Else Would Have a Plan Called “Doomsday?”

December 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans.  Live live with them; can’t flush them.

They have a plan for the fiscal cliff:

Boehner's Doomsday

Republicans are seriously considering a Doomsday Plan if fiscal cliff talks collapse entirely. It’s quite simple: House Republicans would allow a vote on extending the Bush middle class tax cuts (the bill passed in August by the Senate) and offer the President nothing more: no extension of the debt ceiling, nothing on unemployment, nothing on closing loopholes. Congress would recess for the holidays and the president would face a big battle early in the year over the debt ceiling.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why they don’t call it “Bring Me the Head of Barack Obama Plan,” because that’s what is it.

I dunno, is it just me?  Calling something the Doomsday Plan seems a bit over the top what with December 21st approaching.

And When He Looks Up To See The Bottom of Hell

December 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressvarmint Scott DesJarlias is a jackass.  Sorry, Momma, but no other word will work here.

He’s as worthless as a screen door on a submarine and he’s going to hell in a frilly hand decorated handbasket.

DesJarlais, who is a physician, remains anti-choice even though he supported his ex-wife’s two abortions and encouraged a mistress to have one, too, just for the helluvit.

He’s has sex with multiple of his patients and is just generally a complete jerk.

But, none of that matters.

U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais, R-Tenn., says God has “forgiven me” and asked “fellow Christians” and constituents “to consider doing the same.”

Scott, Babe, your soul belongs to God.  But your butt?  That belongs to us.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.