Archive for December, 2012

There’s A Damn Good Reason

December 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Every single one of you has emailed me about Louie Gohmert being the only congressvarmint to vote against taking the word “lunatic” out of out of federal codes .

There is a perfectly good reason he did that.

It’s his middle name.

Be nice.

So, I’m Wondering, Is The Inability to Feel Shame a Disability?

December 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so they’ve pissed off women, minorities, the young, the elderly …. who’s left?

Disabled people.

I suspect that this Senate would be paranoid enough and mean enough to defeat the any damn thing.

Yeah, screw the blind, the deaf, the lame, and disabled veterans.   This treaty might cause abortions.  And Y2K.  And warts on noses. And disco.  Hell, I dunno.

The opposition was led by Tea Party favorite Mike Lee, who argued that the treaty by its very nature threatened US sovereignty. Specifically he expressed concerns that the treaty could lead to the state, rather than parents, determining what was in the best interest of disabled children in such areas as home schooling, and that language in the treaty guaranteeing the disabled equal rights to reproductive health care could lead to abortions. Parents, Lee said, will “raise their children with the constant looming threat of state interference.”

That right there is a spigot of crazy crap flowing into a cup of schizophrenia.

I wonder if they just rolled Ole Bob Dole out to the dumpster after they defeated his plea for sanity.

How Low Can You Go?

December 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Karl Rove scammed the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson out of more money than it costs to land on Boardwalk with two hotels.  Rove ain’t worried about a paycheck from Fox News.

But what about poor, silly, ridiculous Dick Morris?

Ailes has issued a new directive to his staff: He wants the faces associated with the election off the air — for now. For Karl Rove and Dick Morris — a pair of pundits perhaps most closely aligned with Fox’s anti-Obama campaign — Ailes’s orders mean new rules. Ailes’s deputy, Fox News programming chief Bill Shine, has sent out orders mandating that producers must get permission before booking  Rove or  Morris.

So, Rove and Morris have to get a note from home prior to being on Fox News?

They have officially been kicked out of the seediest bar in town.

Okay, everybody, all together now:  Awwwww……..

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

And, No, As a Matter Of Fact, I DON’T Feel Bad About Making Fun of Jan Brewer

December 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They found Jan Brewer.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who left her state for an undisclosed destination on Dec. 2, is visiting Arizona soldiers in Afghanistan, according to a person familiar with the governor’s schedule.

Oh great, first our soldiers have to dodge bullets, now they have to dodge mean and stoopid.

Yeah, Because Jesus is Scared of Them Mexicans, Too.

December 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First I need to tell you where San Angelo, Texas, is.

It’s no where.  You can’t get there from anywhere.  If you’re born there, you have to die there because there’s no “over  yonder” in San Angelo.

But, there’s some real mean Baptists in San Angelo.

In Texas, where it’s legal to carry guns into any church without a specific no-firearms policy, Heights Baptist in remote San Angelo began offering concealed carry classes in June. The class was a response to security concerns among congregants.

“We’re about 150 miles from the border with Mexico and we’re very unsure about our insecure borders — about what’s coming into our cities,” Pastor James Miller told NRA News. “Personally, I feel more secure that should our worship time be interrupted by a life-threatening intrusion, that we would at least stand some kind of a chance in stopping either a mass killing or terrorizing experience.”

First off,  San Angelo is not a city.  It’s a hell hole.  There’s a difference.

And why would some Mexican do a mass killing in the Baptist Church?  It ain’t  like Baptists are the meanest most hateful people on planet …. whoa wait, never mind.  Wrong approach.

Okay, how about this?  Why would you rob a Baptist Church?  Hell, everybody in Texas knows the Baptists don’t have any money.  The Episcopalians have money.

Next month’s big attraction at the Baptist Church will be:  “Cannibalism:  A short lesson in survival.”

Thanks to everybody who gave me the heads up.

Have They Checked the Appalachian Trail?

December 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It seems that Governor Jan Brewer has disappeared.

I would fear the rapture, but … hey, it’s Jan Brewer.  Slim chance of her going before me.  I’m real proud to say that.

She really hasn’t disappeared, but she has gone missing.

Brewer is out of state for a week on official business, but her staff won’t reveal where, according to The Associated Press. Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, also a Republican, is the state’s acting governor, and certified election results Monday in Brewer’s place.

Official business?  Planning an invasion of Mexico is official business?

I suggest we put her face on milk cartons, but it’d curdle the milk.  Yeah,  I’m that catty.

Thanks to David for the heads up and warning.