Archive for November, 2012

It Isn’t Carve in Stone. Oops.

November 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so when you carve something in stone, maybe it’s good to have a proofreader.

For some unknown reason, the Ten Commandments were installed on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol.  Maybe they’ve been misbehaving again.  I dunno.

What I do know is that they still can’t spell.

Sabbeth?  Really?

Really, Oklahoma?

Thanks to MB for the heads up.

Well Hell, Where Am I Supposed to Christmas Shop?

November 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am so sad to tell you this, but unpack the car on Black Friday and go back home.  There’s no good shopping in Arizona this year.

A gun shop in Arizona has a clear message to would-be customers who happened to vote for President Barack Obama: take your business elsewhere.

Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop, Ariz. took out an advertisement last week in the local newspaper, the White Mountain Independent, that spelled out the store’s new policy in explicit terms.

“If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome at Southwest Shooting Authority,” the ad reads. “You have proven that you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”

I guess all that’s left is the MoMA gift catalog.  Sorry, loved ones, no Arizona ammo in your stocking this year.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

Friday Toon on Saturday. Just Checking to See Who’s Alert. Thank You, Donna A, for Being Today’s Alert Winner.

November 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Okay, Here’s Your Holiday Gloat

November 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

And We’re Off At The Tracks to Looneyville

November 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The best time a body can have is when the Texas Legislature is in session.  There’s people who make a living following crazy bills in the Lege.

I’m in for the long haul this session because this is one of the most promising crazy sessions we’ve had in a long time.

There’s Lyles Larsen, who filed HB 149, called the Texas Liberty Preservation Act and providing penalties for not taking this crap seriously.  Lyles, who is bright white but not bright brained, is confounded that Texans should follow the Supreme Court and the laws thereof and by gawd there’s this thing called  Posse Comitatus and this crap has to stop.

Lyle is suddenly upset about the stuff that suddenly got giant when a black man was elected President.  Twice.  In a damn landslide.

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Pub. L.No. 112-81) are inimical to the liberty, security, and well-being of the citizens of the State of Texas by violating:

(A)the Texas Constitution;

(B)the limits of federal power authorized by Article I, Section 8, United States Constitution;

Honey, Texas has the longest constitution in the whole damn United States of America.  A picture of it weighs five pounds.  Voters have amended it 474 times.  In some cases, breathing is a violation.

Second, nobody takes the Texas constitution seriously.  Hell, not even me and I’ve been here longer than Lyle.

It’s gonna be a fun session.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

Please Cover Your Cough. We Can’t Get Sick.

November 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have an   important announcement for folks from Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

We need you not to be sending germs into Texas.  Our Governor’s new health plan is:  don’t get sick.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry officially notified the federal government on Thursday that the state will not set up an exchange to help people buy health insurance.

Texas has the largest proportion of citizens in the nation without health care at about 25 percent, or 6.2 million people. Democrats in the Texas Legislature have urged the Republican majority to reconsider their opposition in order to get more Texans insured.

So, bankruptcy lawyers, morticians, and greeting card makers (“Sorry you’re sick and can’t afford a doctor”) are the big winner here in Texas.

Losers?  Texans.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.