Archive for October, 2012

And Now For Your Election News Entertainment, I Offer You …

October 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump

Donald Trump said Monday that he will reveal “very big” news about President Barack Obama by Wednesday but declined to give any hints about his plan, he said on “Fox & Friends.”

“Something very, very big concerning the president of the United States,” he said. “It’s going to be very big. I know one thing — you will cover it in a very big fashion.”

Big fashion?  Yep, only Fox and Friends will cover that.

I’m pretty sure that Donald’s news has something to do getting Donald more attention.  The Washington Post is having fun with this.

Thanks to Sam for the heads up.

Bow Wow, Mr. Akin

October 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That total twit, Todd Akin, liken Claire McCaskill to a dog while Mike Huckabee, that pious pompous twirp, sat and watched.

Hey, have either of you dudes looked in a mirror lately?


You guys couldn’t get laid at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill taped to your forehead.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

True the Vote: My Hometown’s Snake Oil Salesman

October 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’ve been around here for more than a week, you know my feelings about my neighbor Cathy Engelbrecht and her True the Vote / King Street Patriots.

It’s caca del toro.

A crock o’ crap.

Faced with triple play voter fraud by one of her own Republican candidates, Engelbrecht had the gall to ask for proof, even though the paper trail was laid out before her.

Non-partisan, my sweet patootie.

She claims that she will have a million poll watchers across the country this election, but you could not tell that in her own hometown.  The last training she held at a local church two weeks ago attracted 8 people, all of them over the age of 75.  One man fell asleep during the training and two of them were using walkers.  Hell, half of them couldn’t see lightning or hear thunder so I don’t see them as holding back the gates of what our county has seen of voter fraud — with all three cases of it now being committed by local Republicans.

Engelbrecht did find time to tell these people that Barack Obama is going to take away their social security.  Wooooo — scary black man.

Engelbrecht claims to be non-partisan and that she only got interested in politics after Barack Obama got elected.

As she told the New York Times recently, “I saw our country headed in a direction that, for whatever reason – it didn’t hit me until 2008 – this really threatens the future of our children.”

Yeah, audience, I saw a scary black man.

I don’t know her goal in lying, but she did in fact vote in Republicans primaries in 2000, 2002, and then skipped a few.  She was raised in politics with her dad being a long time city councilman in Rosenberg.

She’s a snake oil salesman.

Honey, I could claim there’s rabid alligators in Kansas and garner some folks to go with me to rid Kansas of the Great Gator Menace, but that don’t mean there’s actually alligators in Kansas.

And the Houston Chronicle is catching on.

You Know The Fort Bend County Guy I Told You Was a Thug, a Silent Partner to Felony Voter Fraud, and Liar? Well, You Can Add Prince of Goofy to That.

October 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Miller, bless his heart.  Poor guy has no idea what political office his wife is making him run for.

So, he’s running for the State House and he’s going to “Fight to repeal Obamacare”?  Shadowboxing, maybe? Does this guy have any idea what State Reps do for a living?

And then he starts totally bashing Rick Perry and the Republican dominated Texas State House by saying that there’s wasteful spending he can fix.

And then, most fun of all, he says he’s going to run government like a business, a theory that has failed so many times that you’d think even idiots would stop saying it.  Plus, what business are you going to run it like?  Enron?  And, this man has never had a job off the government teat in his whole life.  Oh sure, he founded a consulting company run out of his house, but that sucker was a failure.

He’s against a state income tax.  Whoop te do.  So is his opponent.  Why didn’t he add, “I am strongly opposed to murdering your grandmother.”

I have a question.  What’s going to happen if he’s elected and gets indicted for driving the get-away car in felony voter fraud?  Yeah, Rick, got a business plan for that?

Bozo.  Mean bozo.

Sign In and Pictures, Please!

October 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Early voting starts in Texas today.  Holler here in the comment section when you voted – including people in foreign states who voted early.

If you have any cool pictures you want to share of local Democrats or fun signs at polling places, give me a heads up in the Tell Juanita page and I’ll give you an email address to send them to.  We’ll post them here.

And You Mean His Head Didn’t Screw Off With All That Twisted Thinking?

October 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Marco Rubio says that the Lillie Ledbetter Fair Pay Law is nothing but “a giveaway to trial lawyers.”

Trial lawyers?  Really, now.  You mean those evil horrible nasty people who make sure that employers follow the law?  Oh yeah, let’s screw them!  You mean the people who represent the last bastion of freedom?  Oh yeah, let’s screw ‘um.  And those who recover wages for women who have been cheated for a decade and make the employers pay her fairly and her legal fees, too?  Yep, screw the dickens out of them.

We cannot be having women sue for their rights.  No, siree.  Women should quit whining and be grateful they get paid at all.

Here’s the line that choked me hard:

Rubio said he supports the principle but opposes the Ledbetter legislation as a way of achieving it.

“If you’re the most qualified person for the job, you should be able to get paid — you should get paid as much as your male counterpart,” he said. “Everyone agrees with that principle.”

Oh, so it’s nice in principle but not in reality? So, if a woman does not discover that she is being paid unfairly within 180 days, screw her and her lawyer.

Thank you, Marco.  So you solution is to arm women with guns and let them just shoot whoever isn’t paying them fairly?  Heck, we’ll try it your way.
