Archive for September, 2012

Dude, You Should Have Picked Sarah Palin

September 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Psssttt…. hey, you over there.

Ryan’s not voting for Romney.  Pass it on.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

And We’re Flat Butt Broke Here

September 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It ain’t like Texas has money to spare.  We spent what little we had left on security for Governor Rick Perry to embarrass the entire damn state while running for President.

And now Governor Perry and his little buddy Attorney General Greg Abbott are having a dollar burning party with their failed efforts to redistrict Texas so we would  vote to join the confederacy and then require voter ID that made you have a driver’s license, a voter ID card, and a letter from your Momma attesting that you weren’t born in no damn test tube or something.

They, of course, lost all those lawsuits and it cost Texans $2 million and counting.  The reason I say “and counting” is that in Texas, the losing side of a lawsuit, thanks to Republicans, has to pay the attorneys fees for the winning side.  Their original goal in passing that cunning piece of legislation was to keep little guys from suing big corporations when big corporations hurt or killed them.  Well now, it’s come back to honk their hiney because everybody in Texas hired a legal team to represent their interest in court – The Texas Democratic Party, LULAC, NAACP,  and a particularly militant branch of the PTA.  The State of Texas will have to pay all their attorney fees.

Happy NOW, Rick and Greg?

Rick and Greg have vowed to appeal because, after all, it’s not their money they are burning.  They will lose and Texans will pay.

All this just to keep legitimate college students, grandmas, and minorities from voting because, dammit, those people don’t vote for Greg and Rick.

One other thing – if attorneys in private practice had screwed up a case as badly as Greg Abbott did, they’d be fired.  They would spend the rest of their legal careers practicing out of a trailer park.  So, I don’t want to hear one word about market forces from Greg Abbott, Mr. Tea Party,  ever again.

Hey Greg, it seems to me that they treaded all over your hiney.

Thanks to Ben, the Riverwalk Guide in San Antonio, for the heads up.

Insult, Meet Injury

September 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Todd Akin – bless his heart – things just aren’t going his way right about now.

He puts this picture on his website touting his support from women —

And he fully well knows that the woman on his immediate right is his daughter and the woman on the left is a Democratic operative who gets paid to go to all of his events and reports back.

The woman on his far left is apparently drunk.  Okay, I don’t know that for a fact but who else do you think write this little ditty to headline on his website?

For Republicans, when it falls apart, it freekin’ falls apart.

Ask Mitt.

Thanks to Cheryl for the heads up.

Okay, That Does It. I’m Burning My Bra.

September 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Todd Akin’s female supporters, including his daughter, are standing up for him by using the slogan, “We think for ourselves.”

Now that right there is some turbo irony.

Of note is the fact that the women supporters in his political brochure only use their first names because they are so, you know, proud of supporting a man who thinks there are legitimate rapes. You can check it out here.

Girlfriends, sit down and shuddup.  You’re making a damfool of yourselves.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Isn’t That a Lot Like Giving Custer Tips on Indian Fighting?

September 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney is getting intelligence briefings.  No, not the kind where he’s taught to add, make a sentence, and shut the hell up.  The secret stuff kind, which he will undoubtedly spurt out to his rich donors.

Mitt Romney received his first intelligence briefing on Monday, just days after he came under fire for his response to deadly protests against United States diplomatic missions in the Middle East.

The Republican presidential nominee spent roughly two hours behind closed doors at the U.S. Federal Building in West Los Angeles on Monday afternoon. His campaign did not disclose who briefed Romney—saying simply it was someone from the intelligence community, according to spokesman Rick Gorka.

Too late, Dude.  Way too late.

Thanks to MB for the heads up.

Maybe Clint Was On To Something

September 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney, that great CEO, has screwed up just about everything he’s touched in this campaign.  Personally, I think he’s trying to bankrupt the campaign to take a tax write-off.  But, that’s just my viewpoint.  Thelma thinks that he’s trying to settle some psychological conflict in his soul as the son of an important man who never quite lived up to Daddy’s vision.  And we know the results the last time that happened.  Thelma has 3 hours of psychology at Galveston County Community College that she almost passed so she’s the local expert on these things.

First there was the foreign policy trip, where the word “trip” became prophetic when he almost caused 7 or 8 international incidents and two world wars.  Then there was a political convention that looked more like a funeral service.  Good heavens, have you ever seen that many like-minded people in a room so damn grumpy at each other?  Or just grumpy.  Period.

And now we know how he talks about us when we’re not in the room.  He doesn’t like us much at all.

So I’m wondering if maybe the Presidential debates should be Mitt Romney and Clint Eastwood’s empty chair.  Face it, Mitt would still lose.

Or maybe open door Mitt should debate closed door Mitt.

Y’all, I have a confession to make.  I think what we saw behind those closed doors is what all Republicans really think of us.  And God bless Mitt Romney for saying it while being taped.