Rick Perry Continues To Be NOT Gay. Not Gay. Not Rick. Continuing. Make a Note of That.
Y’all remember back when our friend and occasional snide commenter Glen Maxey wrote a book about his involvement with a reporter to uncover the rumors that Rick Perry has s-e-x with other men.
That reporter was Jason Cherkis of the Huffington Post. And, it is the story that won’t go away.
Arianna Huffington killed the story right before the Huffington Post was ready to print it. She was quoted as saying, “there was no there there.”
Apparently, however, it comes to light that there was something else there.
After Huffington Post reporter Jason Cherkis sent the Perry campaign a list of questions about alleged affairs with men, instead of answers it got a threat. Perry aide Ted Delisi said publishing a story like that would lead to Perry “owning a big chunk of AOL,” which owns the Huffington Post.
Color me shocked, just shocked that some big political wheeler dealer would use his clout to kill a story.
But, Rick Perry is not gay.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.