Archive for September, 2012

You Are So Full of Mitt

September 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Romney says that 47% of the country doesn’t pay taxes, so they are dependent on government, consider themselves victims, and doesn’t take personal responsibility.

Is he talking about our friends in the military who don’t pay income tax because they don’t make enough money? Or, is he talking about himself because we know he doesn’t pay taxes and considers himself a victim of those of us who want to see his tax returns?

Goofy guy.

UPDATE: As of 10:25 tonight, I am told that Fox News still hasn’t mentioned Mitt Romney stepping on his winkie. They are concentrating on anti-American demonstrations overseas. They also didn’t cover his desperate press conference, where he looked like crap on a cracker.

Got Compass? Hell, Got Map?

September 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fox News announcing the campus evacuation at UT.

Honest to goodness, at least they got Texas right but that’s about all.

Dude, You Wrote a Budget? With Numbers?

September 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so he’s delusional, dumb, or dog dump.  Your pick.

Remember when Paul Ryan claimed he could run a three minute mile?  Okay, so I made that up but he did claim he ran a marathon in under 3 hours.  Turns out it was over 4 hours.

Now he’s claiming to have 6% body fat.

It’s those damn tricky numbers again.

According to Iñigo San Millan, a veteran cycling physiologist who has worked with numerous Tour de France teams, the lowest body fat he’s ever measured on a cyclist was 8.3 percent. That’s at peak fitness, racing shape.

The average man has 17 – 24% body fat and even top college age competitive swimmers have over 9%.

And then there’s his mountain climbing.

Also not showing up: any summit shots from Ryan’s claimed 38 trips up Colorado’s 14,000-foot-high peaks, or “fourteeners,” a claim that has also generated skepticism among climbers. In a nutshell, there was confusion over whether Ryan had climbed 40 of the state’s 53 fourteeners, as he seems to have led at least one local politician to believe, or (as a campaign statement later clarified) “almost 40 climbs” up 28 different peaks.

Y’all, I do not mean to be ugly about this or even the least bit tacky, but a man who constantly exaggerates his physical condition might also exaggerate about the size of his …. well, ability to add and subtract.  (No, I am not going to that other thought and neither are you.)

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Gay, No. Pedophiles, Sure!

September 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Way to go, Boy Scouts!

After taking such a strong and ignorant stance against allowing gay scouts to join, come to find out

Over two decades, the Boy Scouts of America failed to report hundreds of alleged child molesters to police and often hid the allegations from parents and the public.

A Los Angeles Times review of 1,600 confidential files dating from 1970 to 1991 has found that Scouting officials frequently urged admitted offenders to quietly resign — and helped many cover their tracks.

Volunteers and employees suspected of abuse were allowed to leave citing bogus reasons such as business demands, “chronic brain dysfunction” and duties at a Shakespeare festival.

I’m tellin’ ya, you cannot be homophobic and not be weird.  That is now becoming a proven scientific fact.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

I’m Too Sexy For My Clothes

September 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have a problem with this whole Values Voters thing.  To me, it sounds like coupons you take into voting booth.  Ahhhh, ten cents off  a vote for Paul Ryan.  What a damn deal!  BOGO with the purchase of Mitt Romney!

I have value without voting like a damn fool.

They would, of course, disagree.  They also have a problem with me flaunting my nakkid ankles in public. Apparently, it brings all the boys to the yard.  Even in church.

From the latest Value Voters Summit where Paul Ryan spoke.

– From the “Modesty: It’s nothing to be ashamed of” pamphlet:“Since men are particularly visual, immodesty in church can trigger lustful thoughts.”

“My men’s bible study group talks frequently about controlling our lust, thoughts, and eyes. Yes the problem and responsibility are ours, but is it really reasonable for the women of the church to make it THIS difficult for us?”

Honey, I do not know what church you are going to but if it says Biker Babes Prayer Meeting and Knife Fight out front, you might try the Methodist church down the street.

Bring on the burqas, babe! Lester over there can’t pray properly with your lips showing and painted like a floozy hussy.

Y’all, Paul Ryan and his crew are just weird.  And I mean that in the un-nicest way possible.

Thanks to Miemaw for the heads up.

Yes, And He Abandoned Prussia, Too

September 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you know who is creepier than Dick Cheney?

Liz Cheney.

She went on teevee yesterday to claim that President Barack Obama’s foreign policy has been a failure.  He has abandoned Czechoslovakia, dammit.  So, add another item to the List of Things That Liz Cheney Does Not Know.

The dissolution of Czechoslovakia, which took effect on 1 January 1993, was an event that saw the self-determined separation of the federal state of Czechoslovakia.

Which kinda explains why Bill Clinton ignored them, too.

But, hell, maybe we could add that as a another reason why Dick Cheney went to war in the wrong damn country.

Thanks to David for the heads up.