Archive for August, 2012

Welcome To Texas, Y’all.

August 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s something about Texas – if I didn’t live here, I wouldn’t live here.

We have 248 kinds of snakes in Texas and 246 of them will kill you.  We have hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, mad bulls, honky tonks where we mix guns, beer, and dancin’ with someone else’s wife, bad politicians, oil men who will steal the fillings out a child’s mouth, heat stroke, stinging jellyfish, fire ants, and blue northers.

We have mosquitoes that can carry off a small dog.  And now we have mosquitoes determined to kill you.  West Nile Virus is scampering all over Texas.

North Texas is experiencing a major outbreak of the disease this year, with a record number of reported cases. As of Thursday, Tarrant County had 131 reported cases, with one death, a Euless woman in her 60s with other medical issues, according to Tarrant County Public Health.

Now this would not be a big deal except that I am a woman in her sixties who is headed to North Texas this weekend.

I do not want my obituary to say, “a mosquito got her.”  I wanna die fighting something big, not a damn mosquito.  You can’t even shoot a mosquito so it doesn’t seem like a fair fight to me.

And hell, you don’t even know they’re there until they bite you.

By the way, fire ants won’t kill you.  They just make you wish you were dead.

That’s Entertainment! Thank You, Steeple People!

August 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Could we get this lucky?

There is an actual book on the market, written by actual people – as least we suspect – suggests that Republican delegates to their national convention are not bound to vote for Romney, even if they were elected as Romney delegates.

DUMP ROMinee: Why Tampa’s Republican Delegates must Dump Romney to Defeat Obama, is based on a memo going to GOP delegates and officials of the August, 2012 Republican National Convention. Given a weak incumbent and economy, it argues that Romney ought to be ahead in the race for the White House, yet he’s losing to President Obama by a projected 332-206 votes in the Electoral College, according to Meanwhile, New York Times political analyst Nate Silver rates Romney’s odds of victory at around 23%.
The book contends that no delegates are actually “bound” to vote for Romney, that all are free to “conscientiously abstain” on the all-important first ballot.

And then it goes on to yabber about Mormons, The Gays, and God only knows about those “naked temple rites and all.”

For a mere $10, Republican delegates – and Democratic opposition research writers – can discover why Mitt Romney should never be President, and how they can put a stop to this foolishness in Tampa and how that’s their duty as good Christians and Jews and hot damn we may have something exciting to watch!

And the twits just keep on coming …

Thanks to Anthony for the heads up.

Friday Toon

August 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My Favorite Movie

August 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, movie of the year.  No kidding.  This thing is fabulous.

Michael Leisner decided to stand in front of the General Mills headquarters and set fire to a box of Cheerios to protest that General Mills doesn’t properly detest and hate gay people.  Director, producer, writer and star Mr. Leisner does not like gay people.

I not too fond of the ending, though.  Now, if he had set the bottoms of those blue jeans on fire, I would have given this flick 5 stars and a standing ovation.

Charges are being filed.

Okay, comment away but no Fruit Loop or Coco Puffs jokes.  I’m serious, y’all.

Scaredy Mitt

August 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, can we get the Bishops at least half as hacked-off about the behavior of priest doing crazy crap as they do about the Nuns On The Bus?

The group behind the Nuns On A Bus tour that highlighted the ill-effects of the House Republican budget in congressional districts across the country is now setting its sights on the party’s presidential candidate, inviting Mitt Romney to spend a day with the nuns to learn about the plight of America’s poorest citizens.

Just a day, Mitt.  Just a day.  Nobody is asking you to give money or anything, Mitt.  In fact, you can probably hide some of your money in the empty houses you’ll see.

Come on, Mitt, are you seat puckering scared of  a bunch of nuns?  Won’t your secret underwear save you from them?

Bwahahaha … Ole Mitt would be scared like a rabbit in a coyote’s back pocket around those nuns.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.

Give It Back, Rick

August 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the rule.  You can donate $2,500 to a candidate for federal office per election cycle.  The catch is that you can donated $2,500 for the primary and $2,500 for the general election.

Rick Perry decided that he’d get people to just go on and give him the entire $5,000 up front during the primary because he figured, I guess, that if he hacked off all his donors but still won the primary, he already had their money.  In truth, I suspect he just wanted to make it look like he had more money in the primary than he could actually spend.  Because he’s not good at math.

So, here comes reckoning time.  Click here for a PDF of a letter Rick just got from the FEC.  It says (1) Give the damn money back (Okay, so the FEC doesn’t say damn.  I think their Momma is even stricter than mine.  But, that’s what they were thinking.) or (2) make people write you a letter saying that it’s okay for you to keep their money if you use it to run for Governor.

So, here’s my point.  If you get a letter from Rick Perry, do not open it.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for keeping up with this stuff.