Archive for August, 2012

Honey, If Farting Could Send You To Prison in Junior High School, Bubba Would Still Be in Junior High School

August 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is kind of a weird story from a weird state.

It appears that the school system in Meridian, Mississippi is sending kids to prison for some pretty normal behavior.

The Department of Justice has been investigating the school system in the city for allegedly having students arrested and placed in juvenile detention. School principals and teachers punish students for infractions such as passing gas, dressing in an unacceptable manner, general disrespect, and swearing.

And shock of all shock, it appears that there’s some pattern emerging here.  ABC reports that “about 62 percent of Meridian’s population is African American, and the Justice Department alleges that mostly African American children and children with disabilities are impacted by the unconstitutional policies.”

Okay, you find me a kid who does not do some of those things in junior high school and I’ll show you a kid with rage issues as an adult.  Good Lord, you are supposed to make social behavior mistakes in junior high school.  That’s what junior high school is for.  That’s why we put them on a campus way out of town by themselves.  They’re weird at that age because they are supposed to be.

Thanks to Iris for the heads up.

Yo, Joe! Do You Mean Shooting Off Your Mouth or An Actual Gun?

August 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joe the Plumber.  I don’t know about you, but I generally take all my political, economic, and social advice from my plumber.

And, as most of you know by now, Joe the Plumber’s name is not Joe and he’s not a plumber.

He does, however, eat bullets for breakfast so he can shoot off his mouth all day.  Today, he’s salivating and rubbing his hands together at the thought of killing some Mexicans.

At two separate events in recent days, Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher has proposed to “put a damn fence on the border going to Mexico and start shooting.”

Wurzelbacher first made the remarks during a campaign rally for Arizona Republican state Rep. Lori Klein on Friday, according to video published by Prescott eNews.

“For years I’ve said, you know, put a damn fence on the border, going to Mexico and start shooting,” he insisted.

You know, cause he loves Jesus.

And you remember his friend Lori Klein, the Arizona State Senator who pointed her pink Ruger at a reporter and called it “cute.” No, Honey, my hot pink rhinestone studded sandals are cute.  Your batcrap crazy hands around a Ruger falls directly under the category of Not Cute.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

Yep, East Texas. Where White Men Are Soooo Victimized.

August 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you’re going to think that this is something from The Onion.  It absolutely is not.

There’s a guy named DeWitt R. Thomas, who lives in Big Sandy, Texas.  That’s up in East Texas on the banks of the Sabine River, where crazy grows faster than crabgrass.

Local hero Keith Langston

DeWitt, which has come to be pronounced Dimwit, took his hiney to the Two Rivers Grocery & Market store and purchased himself some groceries, probably sody water and a day’s supply of Mars Bars.

At the grocery store, the sacker, Aaron Menefee,  began to sack DeWitt’s groceries and that’s where the victimization of the white man started.  It was so egregious that it caused  DeWitt to file himself a federal lawsuit.

He stated in a nine-page, hand-written lawsuit that he told the grocery sacker, a black man, “Wait a minute, don’t touch my groceries. I can’t have someone negroidal touch my food. It’s against my creed.”

Yes, DeWitt has a creed other than walking around town dripping crazy.

Aaron Menefee: Scary black man

The checker, a suspicious looking black man named Aaron Menefee, said he thought DeWitt was joking around.  Only in East Texas would calling someone a negroidal be considered funny.  When DeWitt kept repeating it over and over, the checker got outraged and threw him out of the store and Aaron walked to another part of the store.

The store owner, a true gentleman named Keith Langston, told DeWitt that he could not come back into the store.

DeWitt thinks this is religious persecution so he came back anyway right at closing time and when Langston called the police and locked the door until they got there, DeWitt claimed he was being persecuted.

Thomas said his religious beliefs are based on Vedism, which he said encompasses Hinduism.

“Vedism translates into knowledge. I am not this way because I am ignorant. Ignorance is the enemy,” he said.

Thomas said he has not broken any laws and was exercising his religious freedom and the rights he has been given.

“White people are to be protected under the civil rights law just as anyone else,” Thomas said. “It would be the same as if you asked that a congoid (a person from west/central Africa) not touch your food.”

Well, the way I see it, if the owner of the store doesn’t want to do business with an idiotoid, he shouldn’t have to.

Elect me to the Texas Lege and I’ll make that the law.

Thanks to Anna for the heads-up.

Your Handy Romney Flip Flop Guide

August 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I tend to get a headache keeping count of all Romney’s flip flops, so I was glad to see that Rolling Stone is doing it for us.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Oh Crap

August 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

CNN Breaking New – 7 people shot, including police, near Texas A&M.

Yes, what this country needs is more guns.

It appears to be off-campus.  Injuries reported.  Gunman in custody.

Two Peas in a Pod

August 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you were wondering where Paul Ryan’s values are …

He donated to the Tom DeLay legal defense fund.

Yeah, he thinks that Tom DeLay is as innocent as Little Red Riding Hood.  Twelve citizens on a Travis County jury disagree and so does the Republican judge who heard the case and sentenced him.

Ring!  Ring!  Hey Paul, Dancing with the Stars on line two in case this whole Vice President thing doesn’t work out.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.