Archive for August, 2012

Introducing …

August 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you guys to meet my esteemed seatmate on State Democratic Executive Committee.  His name is The Honorable Huey Rey Fischer and he is the youngest member of the Executive Committee.

(No, I am not the oldest and even if I were, do you think I’d admit to that?  There’s at least three white guys older than me and they are fond of getting up at meetings and saying things like, “If we’ve been doing something the same way for 100 years, there’s probably a good reason for it.”  Yeah, like how we still require everybody to ride a horse to Austin for the meeting.  They also announced that before we got any cockamamie newfangled ideas, we should check with the three old white guys prior to doing anything.  You know, because the old white guys are endowed with special knowledge and they have done such a bang up job making the Texas Democratic Party successful.  These opinions are my own and not Huey’s.  Huey is a much nicer person than I am.)

The Honorable Huey Rey Fischer

Anyway, Huey sits next to me and doesn’t make fun of me when I lose my glasses or attempt to tap on my computer screen thinking it’s my iPad, which I think is real nice of him.  He taught me how to Twitter during the Tom DeLay trial and even showed me how to win free pizza on the Twitter machine, which comes in handier than you’d suspect.

Huey is a student at UT (Hook ‘Em) and the retired president of University Democrats there.  He’s like 20 years old and already an elder statesman emeritus.

He’s kinda smart and plenty conniving.  In the good way.  Two years ago, he found a loophole that allowed him to serve on a committee at the State Convention before he was even allowed to register to vote.  He will be voting in his first Presidential election this year and is already on the Executive Committee and a national delegate.  Hell, it took me 45 years to do that and I am one conniving machine.

So you might have noticed a new link over there to the right for the Texas Monitor.  Huey and some friends started a blog of young, progressive voices in Texas.  I check it every day and especially to see if my seatmate has something smart to say.  He often does.

The only fault I can find with Huey is that he’s a vegetarian.  In Texas.  That just ain’t right.

Watch this kiddo.  He’s going places.

Just Saying

August 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, Tom DeLay has been tragically unsuccessful in the free market since scamming the election code, leaving  Congress and being convicted of a felony.  That great business environment he created for America became a real dud for himself – every business venture he’s tried has failed spectacularly.

Until now.

I read the entire article twice and I still don’t know whether Tom’s lobbying for or against sex trafficking.

Just saying.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

We’ve Been Caught, Dammit

August 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Why did we possibly think that we could get away with hiding Barack Obama’s previous marriage to his Harvard roommate – a Pakistani man? We should have known that the smart people on the right would figure out all the clues.

The evidence is overwhelming and the Tea Party has investigated it and brought out the facts.

Before he was married to Michelle, Barack Obama was photographed with what appears to be a ring on his wedding ring finger.

And, then there’s this —-

“His Pakistani roommate, whom we also went to Pakistan with, from Occidental, seems to have been — take a look at pictures of he and his roommate together — Obama had all these roommate pictures, seems to be sitting about on the guy’s lap,” Corsi explained.

So there ya go, (1) wedding ring, (2) sitting on lap,and (3)  Obama approves of same sex marriage …. that can ONLY mean one thing.  Barack Obama was married to a Pakistani man before he married Michelle.

I think it is horribly unfair for President Obama to want to see Mitt Romney’s tax returns while Obama will not show proof that he was not married to his Harvard roommate.  That should be pretty simple to do – just look at every marriage license issued in Pakistan and the Unites States for a ten year period and if none are for Obama/Roommate, then that’s a start.

I hate it when they catch us in these lies.  As the TEA party dude says —

Increasingly, I try to point out to people that Obama’s life reads like a classic intelligence agency disinformation operation.

Yeah, because if the CIA were grooming a President it would not be the idiot son of the former CIA Director who would take orders without question.  No, siree, it would be a black guy from Hawaii.

Thanks to Bananas for the heads up.

Hot Damn! Democrats Get To Vote In Texas.

August 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott lost another round in court today in his continuing effort to legally ban Democrats from voting in Texas.

The November, Greg Abbott cannot enforce his opinion that Democrats are yucky and should not be allowed to cast a ballot because many of them are not white, don’t belong to a country club, or – ahem – don’t have a winkie.  Rumor even has it that some of them actually work for a living instead of living off a major personal injury settlement obtained prior to tort reform, like any Texas Attorney General worth his weight in feathers does.

Under the judge’s ruling today —

  1. Volunteer Deputy Registrars (“VDRs”) may make copies of voter registration applications;
  2. VDRs do not have to personally deliver completed applications to the county office (in our case, the Fort Bend County Election Administrator) and can instead mail such completed applications;
  3. VDRs do not have to be Texas residents or citizens and out of state workers can be VDRs;
  4. VDRs in one county can collect voter registration applications for persons living in another county and send those applications to the appropriate county official; and
  5. The employment of VDR by an organization may be subject to quotas or requirements that certain number of completed voter registrations be provided in order to remain employed.

What this means is that Democrats can register other Democrats.

Shameful, ain’t it?  No telling who they’ll register.  Maybe even some trial lawyers or social workers, or nurses, or construction workers … you know, average people.

The proprietor-ette entire staff of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., gives a standing ovation to Chad Dunn, a hero lawyer.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

That Whole Convicted Felons for Romney Leadership Opportunity

August 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So yesterday, Mitt went to Miami to try to apologize to all the old people for Ryan trying to kill them all.

They didn’t take it too well, so he tried another tactic – sew up the drug trafficker vote!  And it would have worked out just fine, but, dammit, convicted felons can’t vote in Florida.

A campaign stop by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in Miami on Monday was held at a restaurant owned by a convicted drug trafficker.

Romney, hoping to get support from the Cuban-American community in Miami, held an event at El Palacio de los Jugos, famed for its tropical juices, fruits and Cuban-style snack food.

Court documents show restaurant owner Reinaldo Bermudez pleaded guilty in 1997 to one count of conspiracy to distribute cocaine. The case in federal court in Miami led to a three-year prison sentence for Bermudez.

Bermudez got caught importing over a ton of cocaine from Trinidad  with some colleagues known as “Fat Boy,” “Ali Baba,” “Skeletor,” “Mogley” and “Buckwheat,” which just sounds like your average Republican board room.

Now, you’d think this was just a simple mistake, but Bermudez says it was no mistake.

The New Times report quoted Bermudez as saying the Secret Service vetted everything about him when the campaign asked to use his restaurant, one of several he owns throughout Miami-Dade County.

“They absolutely knew about my record,” Bermudez told the New Times. “The Secret Service checked everything. was not a problem. Everybody deserves a second chance.”

Everybody?  You mean even old, sick people who need Medicare?

Oh, not them.  Okay, sorry I mentioned it.

Please, Please, Please Let It Be Phil Gramm

August 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So I was at the Dairy Queen for lunch today and Alfredo, the owner and chief fry cook, handed me a copy of this, and if your Dairy Queen owner doesn’t pour over the London Telegraph Financial section, you are going to the wrong Dairy Queen, Honey.

It seems that United States Federal investigators have offered “several former junior UBS employees protection from criminal charges in exchange for their cooperation with their expanding probe into alleged Libor manipulation.”

UBS – that’s former Texas Senator and Major Greedhog Phil Gramm’s little Swiss bank operation overseas to help his rich American friends hide their money from the taxman.

And UBS is the star on top of the tree in the Libor scandal.

US antitrust officials have been investigating alleged collusion between at least 16 banks to manipulate interest rates, including the London interbank offered rate, or Libor.

UBS is one of the main targets of those regulators, the paper said, citing people close to the investigation.

Now, some of you remember Gramm as John McCain senior economic adviser who opined that Americans were a nation of whiners and that we were only in a mental recession – not a economic one.  Yeah right, Bush’s wrecking of the economy was all in our minds.  When McCain lost, Gramm found employment stealing from Dickey Flatt and the American taxpayers.

I promised Alfredo that I’d let him cater the Second Annual World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon’s Blizzardfest if Gramm got indicted.

Thank you, Alfredo.