Archive for June, 2012

Of Course He Has To Do It Single-Handedly. His Other Hand is Busy Getting Warts..

June 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Glenn Beck.  Seriously.

Glenn Beck Vows To Single-Handedly Destroy ‘Glee’

Yeah, Glee, like the show, not the emotion – although he’s working on that, too.   He doesn’t like the show. He thinks that Glee is turning us all into mindless socialists, and that, “It’s horrifying some of the things that they’re teaching high schoolers.”

Yeah, like science.

But it didn’t take long for Beck to snap out of his funk and start devising a way to defeat “Glee.” Beck’s secret weapon: what he jokingly calls “the Oedipus Project” (“because the left will be making out with me,” he explained to BuzzFeed this week). Essentially, the plan is to produce a conservative alternative to “Glee” that is covert enough in its conservatism to not turn people away.

Bless his heart, he doesn’t know what Oedipus Complex means, does he?  Hey, Glen, Yo Momma!

Oh yeah, let’s round up all the creative conservative people.  Uh  …. where the hell are they?  (Crickets.) Donny and Marie Osmond don’t even write their own music.  (More crickets.)

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

And Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott Was Raised In A Cave. By Aliens.

June 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I will admit to people from foreign states that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is an overstuffed, ego-maniacal, heartless, hypocritical semi-literate toad frog.  And that’s the nice side of him.

Last week at the GOP convention, Abbott, who delusionally believes he is Presidential material but then again compared to other Texas politicians it is easy to believe “Hell, y’all,  I’m smarter than that guy,” made an almost coherent but still nonsensical statement about President Barack Obama which was picked up by Wayne Slater at the Dallas Morning News.

Abbott dismissed President Obama’s record on terrorism, saying the president issued “an order that any president would have given. It was the Navy Seals who took out Osama bin Laden.”

Oh, really?  Then why didn’t George Bush do it at Tora Bora?  You remember George Bush, don’t you?  The guy who landed on an aircraft carrier and broke his arm patting himself on the back for Mission Accomplishing the whole damn war with nobody’s help at all?  And then he purposefully (I’ll bet ya ten dollars cash American money) let bin Laden escape?

And how ’bout the fact that both John McCain and Mitt Romney said they would NOT do it?

Huh, Greg Abbott, huh?

What a damn toad.

Thanks to Tony for the toad report.

And There Are Still People Out There Who Doubt That Tucker Carlson Was Not Raised In A Barn. By Wolves.

June 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh lookie here.  Isn’t this cute?  Bow Tie Boy is trying to be relevant again.

Tucker Carlson praised his reporter who acted like a rabid dog at the White House press conference, interrupting the President.

Carlson, who said he was on the plane during the president’s speech and didn’t know that Munro planned to heckle the president during his remarks about a major immigration policy shift, added that he was “of course” not mad at the reporter’s behavior.

During Obama’s speech about the administration’s move to stop the deportation of young illegal immigrants that meet certain criterion, the president was interrupted by Munro, who shouted, “Why’d you favor foreigners over Americans?”

Tucker Carlson, editor of the Daily Caller, is not only defending reporter Neil Munro for interrupting President Obama’s speech at the Rose Garden on Friday, but is praising him for refusing to be just another “stenographer.”

Stenographer?  Oh, you mean like Edward R Murrow or Walter Cronkite, both of whom never interrupted the President of the United Damn States of America when he was speaking?  You mean like them?

You mean those Tucker Carlson wannbes like Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, Peter Jennings, or Brian Williams?

Carlson, go back to sleep.  Nobody is listening to you.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

Close, But Still No Taco

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican Party is kinda funny.  They try hard but they never quite “get it.”

Remember when Sharron Angle, who ran for the Senate against Harry Reid, told Hispanic students that they “looked Asian?”

Well, Republicans are still having trouble with that.

They got themselves a Hispanic website to try to convince Hispanics to vote Republican even though the GOP deeply hates Hispanics.  Hey, I give them an A for trying.  And an F for failing.

See those adorable kiddos in the upper left hand corner?  Adorable, aren’t they?  Except they are not Hispanic.  They are Asian.  It’s a stock photo clearly marked Asian.

They re-did the website with no pictures.  God love ‘um.  At least they know when to quit.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

Revenge of The Tequila Party

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s this dope out in Arizona, surprise!, named  Russell Pearce who wrote all the state’s hateful immigration laws. He’s running for re-election.

On the other side of town, there’s a group called The Tequila Party, that was formed to counter The Tea Party.

Mix those two things together, add some taco cravings, and you have one of the coolest political stories this year.

Tacoless Russell

It seems that Russell Pearce wanted to throw himself a fundraiser.  In a damn Mexican restaurant.  You open the dictionary to the word gall, and this falls out on the floor.

Tequila Party co-president DeeDee Garcia Blase got wind of Pearce’s fundraiser and planned a protest of the first Mexican restaurant where Pearce had planned his event. The restaurant quickly cancelled the booking. So he tried again at another Mexican restaurant.

And, that didn’t work either because DeeDee got wind of it, even though Pearce reserved the restaurant under another name, and she called the owner.  Pearce got kicked outta there, too.

Hey, there’s a hot dog vendor somewhere, I am sure, who would host the fundraiser.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

Right in the Smacker

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not a fan of Texas Senator John Cornyn. At all.

He’s slick as an eel dipped in axle grease.  Every time he goes swimming, we have to skim slime off the river for a week.  He’s a drugstore cowboy and a pitiful excuse for a public servant.  I do not like him.  At all.

So, it was with no small delight and joy that I watched United States Attorney General rub Cornyn’s nose in the pile of poop that Cornyn himself dropped on the floor.

Cornyn asked for the Attorney General’s resignation, saying that Holder had committed perjury and then offers this blatantly untrue and patronizing statement …

It’s more with sorrow than regret, than with anger, that I would say that you leave me no alternative but to join those who call upon you to resign your office.

Jerk.  Cornyn is a jerk.  And an idiot.  This is the same John Cornyn who supported the political poopie del pollo when Alberto Gonzales  started firing US Attorneys who didn’t agree with him.You know, the same Alberto Gonzales who resigned in disgrace.

Eric Holder is one smart man.  You could almost hear the giggles inside his tummy as he responded to Cornyn …

With all due respect, senator, there is so much that is factually wrong with the premises that you started your statement with, it’s almost breathtaking in its inaccuracy, but, I’ll simply leave it at that.

You know, we want to talk about Fast and Furious, this is, I guess, what, the ninth time?— [turning to an aide who nods “yes”]—this is now the ninth time that I have answered questions before a congressional committee about “Fast and Furious.”

If you want to talk about Fast and Furious, I’m the attorney general that put an end to the misguided tactics that were used in Fast and Furious. An attorney general whom I suppose you would hold in higher regard was briefed on these kinds of tactics in an operation called “Wide Receiver” and did nothing to stop them. Nothing. Three hundred guns, at least, “walked” in that instance.

I’m also the attorney general who called on an inspector general to look into this matter, to investigate this matter. I’m also the attorney general who made personnel changes at ATF and in the U.S. Attorneys office that was involved, have overseen the changes of processes and procedures within ATF to make sure that this doesn’t happen ever again.

So I don’t have any intention of resigning.

Cornyn, Dude, you’re a Texas Republican, a delegation not seen as exactly a brain trust.  Thanks for not improving on that situation.

Thanks to Evelyn for the heads-up.