Okay, Everybody Say, “Awwwwww… That’s Just Awful,” Like You Really Mean It
You know, this was the guy who knew how to handle money and he wanted to handle it all because, you know, he’s so damn good at it.
The Gingrich Group bankruptcy proceedings spotlight the remarkable reversal of fortune of the half-dozen organizations associated with Gingrich. The presidential contender recently ended his campaign $4.8 million in debt. A political nonprofit he headed, American Solutions for Winning the Future, which raised $52 million between its founding in 2007 and its dissolution last July, also ended in debt.
The decline of the health policy center began earlier than previously realized. When Gingrich began considering a presidential bid in early 2010, “the membership began to drop off,” according to Nancy Desmond, who served as managing partner of Gingrich Group LLC, which did business as the Center for Health Transformation.
Businesses under Newt did as well as the country did under Bush.
I know you feel real bad about that. I heard there’s a canned food drive for Newt and Calista because we’re sure those two deeply religious Catholics will want to pay back all their creditors.
I’m gonna send them a hill of beans because, of course, that’s how much I care.
Thanks to Carol for the heads up.