Archive for May, 2012

Outraged, They Are Outraged, I Tell You

May 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Once again proving my theory that in most Republican households outrage passes for foreplay, all the Republican men, hoping to get lucky last night, appeared on the electric teevee just outraged that President Barack Obama made a speech yesterday commemorating the death of Osama bin Laden.

They said the President was using an event accomplished by “all Americans.”   Hey, Rush, where was your flabby patootie that day?  And Mitt, you said you wouldn’t do what President Obama did.  And Sean Hannity — you are as worthless as a four card flush.

And some very clever person at Daily Kos made this picture:

Now, I want to ask you a question.  What if the mission to kill bin Laden had been a failure.  Do you think for a New York minute that the Republican boys would help shoulder the blame?  Hell, no.  The outrage on that event alone would have doubled the Republican population in America.

Here’s what I’m gonna do.  I’m gonna print out this picture and hand it to any Republican who wants to play this silly game.

Good Lord, the man has an ego erection because he flew in the damn backseat of an airplane.   And they weren’t even embarrassed by it.

Outrage Mission Accomplished, Republican Boys.

Oh Crap

May 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember that damfool judge who made United States Attorney General Eric Holder write a three page letter explaining if the Justice Department believed the Supreme Court had the right to overrule unconstitutional law?

He’s baaaaaaack.

And he’s hating on Texas women.

By granting a stay of the lower court’s injunction this morning, he ruled that the State of Texas can continue to exclude Planned Parenthood from providing women’s health care. Even though the lower court judge was appointed by George W Bush, apparently his Republican credentials didn’t stop Judge Crazypants Jerry Smith from keeping Texas women from getting preventative health care.

Dude, you have really got to hate women to pull a stunt like that.

Smith has ordered Planned Parenthood to respond by 5:00 today. I haven’t heard if he has set a length, type font, and page size for the brief.

Jerk. Complete jerk. Total.

Home Sweet Home

May 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m on my way to Texas today.  Y’all leave the key to the backdoor under the matt, ya hear?

Home, Sweet Home