Archive for May, 2012


May 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the ball’s back in the home court.

A federal appeals court ruled Friday that Texas cannot ban Planned Parenthood from receiving state funds, at least until a lower court has a chance to hear formal arguments.

A three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed Friday with a lower court that there’s sufficient evidence the state’s law banning Planned Parenthood from participating in the Women’s Health Program is unconstitutional. Appellate Judge Jerry Smith had stayed an injunction keeping the law from being enforced earlier this week so the court could review it.

As you recall, first the lower judge said Texas could NOT ban Planned Parenthood from providing women’s health care.

The next day, Judge Crazypants executed a stay and also executed any shred of dignity he had left.

Now, we’re back to where we started before Judge Jerry Smith Crazypants started playing politics with women’s healthcare.

Oddly, the ball batted back and forth in badminton is called a shuttlecock.  I do believe it’s named after this event, but I cannot prove that.

It makes sense, though.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

Oh Yeah, Dirty Commie Pilgrims!

May 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There are people who think that the Texas State Board of Education cannot get any worse.

They are so wrong.

Meet Gail Spurlock, a Republican from Richardson running for the Board of Education.

She says the Pilgrims were “required to be communists” and that’s why half of them died the first year.  Once “they turned it into a free market system and they flourished from there.”  Yep.  And Ronald Reagan helped them.

Thanks to Anthony for the heads-up.

Somebody Please Tap Them On The Shoulder and Whisper, “Psssttt… That’s Not How It Works.”

May 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


After years of being labeled the “Party of No” by majority Democrats, California Republican leaders stood under rainy skies Thursday outside the Capitol to dub themselves the “Party of Yes.”

The newly christened party kicked off its campaign by asking for a “no” vote on Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax hike. California Republican Party leaders organized the press conference to launch a statewide “whistle-stop tour” just as Brown had finished collecting signatures for his $9 billion tax initiative.

I can’t think of anything to say.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

What The Frack?

May 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night, for two looong boring hours, Texas Senatorial candidates attempted to out mumble each other on statewide teevee.

It was like watching a school play your kid isn’t in.  Even Democrat Paul Sadler, who I love, needed a glitter enema.  He should learn from Bill White that if you’re gonna run successfully in Texas, you need a dog and pony show.  And it helps if your dog knows a few tricks and your pony ain’t dead. I love you, Paul, but at the next debate I’m going to hold a Bic lighter under your tail.

Ted cruz, He's Here Because He Ain't All There

The only slightly interesting part was Republican Ted Cruz, who is currently filling the anti-mental health vacuum of leadership in Texas, try to swat David Dewhurst with a short stick.  At one point in the debate, Cruz tried to claim that fracking cannot possibly be dangerous because it’s done “thousands of miles underground.”  I suspect he left his ruler at home.

The Texas towns of Colleyville and Southlake would humbly like to disagree with Ted Cruz. Independent studies there have shown that fracking is trying real hard to kill them.

Gordon Aalund, an MD with toxicology training who lives in Southlake and practices emergency medicine said, “Exceeding long and short term exposure limits to these toxics places us all at increased and unneeded risk.” He went on to say, “When your government fails to protect you and the company cannot be trusted, private citizens are forced to act.”

The only thing thousands of miles underground is Ted Cruz’s soul.

And Craig James, the former pro football player and current entertainment promoter, might turn out to be a little fun.  He believes that everyone in America can be rich if they just work hard enough and can play pro football, which kinda leaves me out.  He wants a corporate tax rate of 0%.  He’s kinda Michelle Bachmann with a few more concussions.

And David Dewhurst was David Dewhurst – a white bread and mayo kind of guy.  He’s creepy.

Friday Toon

May 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, That’s Right, Backwards Is Better

May 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh those fun-loving Republicans!  Were it not for them, I would be a wasted, lonely person with no customers at the beauty salon.  I cannot tell you how deeply I appreciate them providing entertainment for us.

This one’s a goodie!

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism

The Obama campaign apparently didn’t look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, “Forward” — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name “Forward!” or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called “Forward (generic name of socialist publications).”

“The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political terminology. It has been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left-wing newspapers and publications,” the online encyclopedia explains.

And “Backwards,” the Republican slogan means “Dude, there’s no way we can win this election so let’s just get rid of Romney this year.”   Seriously.  Look it up.

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.