Archive for February, 2012

He’s Just a Darn Philosopher, Ain’t He?

February 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Foster Friess, Santorum’s main money man, was on TV this afternoon with Andrea Mitchell expressing incredulity about about the current flap over tax-supported contraception. “It’s so cheap. Women could just keep an aspirin clasped between their knees.”

I am wondering where he thinks men should keep Viagra?

Oh, this is going to be a fun election season.

Thanks to Deb, Sue, Robert and Kary for the heads-up.

Well Hell, This Just Has My Name All Over It

February 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wanna be a star of stage, screen, teevee, YouTube, and Aunt Thelma’s home movies?

Here’s your big chance.

2012 is the centennial of Milton Friedman’s birth. Free To Choose Network is proud to organize a worldwide effort to celebrate the winning ideas of freedom.

Here is how you and your organization can participate. Our calendar of events is filling up quickly—so please join us! The impact will be felt around the globe.

No, seriously, they are having celebratory events.  You know, a Smugathon.

I’m pretty sure they’ll gather around to watch a child die of hunger, which is what the damn kid deserved for not getting a job.

They will throw gold coins at the head of Paul Krugman and then stomp on each other to collect them back.

And  watch the Phillip’s Curve trickle down on the heads of the lame and knock their crutches out from under them.  There will be the  kneeling down at the statue of Our Lady of Free Markets and Vestal Virgins for the Taking by the Fittest, and the official cursing at the memory of Franklin Roosevelt ceremony.

Get your video in before somebody whose daddy left them a movie studio beats you … again.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

Well, Alert The Media. The News Just Broke.

February 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you had any hopes whatsodamnever that Governor Goofball Rick Perry had any intention whatsodamnever of paying back the taxpayers of the state of Texas the $1.5 million (and counting) of extra security we had to provide him while he ran for President acting like a little second grader who didn’t do his homework, you can quit hoping.

He’s just asked the FEC if he can convert the donations he didn’t spend for President to his next governor’s race.   Seriously. (PDF will open)

And if they say no, he’ll ask if he can convert it to gold and hide it in his cigar box.  And by cigar box, I mean his butt.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

It’s Gotta Be My Voodoo Doll

February 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, back years ago when I actually worked for living, I wrote for a local newspaper.  I commentated the liberal viewpoint and on my right was a guy who wrote the dark side. He also did a very popular radio show every day in the Houston media market.

Picture Rush Limbaugh with more ego and less intelligence.  Needless to say, the guy was wildly popular in Houston.  His name is Jon Matthews, but he referred to himself as King John.

He would tell his listeners that he read my column and felt the need to shower afterwards.  I, of course, feel the need to shower every day, so I’ve got that going for me.

Well, at the height of his arrogance, shouting snide right wing crapola on the radio every day, Jon Matthews was arrested, convicted, and sent to prison for … you can see it coming, can’t you? …. indecency with a child.

People accused me of having a voodoo doll.

On Tuesday of this week I had some errands to run.  I flipped on the radio in the car and got the Michael Berry show, a former Houston councilman.  For you folks from foreign states, Michael Berry is Glen Beck minus the chalkboard.  I could only listen for a few minutes as he went from gays in the military to abortion and Obama being Hitler in one sentence.  The only reason I didn’t spit on my windshield is that it was MY windshield.

News today:  Michael Berry is being charged with hit and run outside a well-known gay bar on drag queen night. Seriously.  Drag queen night.

There is video of him inside the bar, the victim got the license plate and it comes back to Berry, and the victim positively identified Berry without knowing who Berry is.

When asked about the charges, Berry said, “I don’t respond to such things.”

Really, Michael Berry?  What an odd time for words to fail you.

I do not need a voodoo doll.  Right wing males get into these fixes just fine all on their own.

Grab a Cup of Coffee and Do Some Thinking

February 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is rare indeed when I suggest heavy reading to you guys.

It’s a call to calm-the-hell-down from a program director at the Catholic University of America.

As long timers around here know, the local Catholic priest and I have a long dark history of testing the limits of righteous indignation.  There’s a standing joke around town that he’s tried to perform an exorcism on me several times, but I ‘m more wiggly than a bucket of fishing worms and he can’t keep ahold of me.

I’m printing this piece of proper thought and taking it over to his secretary today.  If you have a Catholic friend who thinks birth control is wrong but poverty, war, and capital punishment is dandy, you might want to make a copy for yourself to hand out.  Dr. Stephen Schneck does for Catholics what Bill Moyers does for Baptist – keeps you from thinking they are all idiots.

Thanks to Corrine for the heads-up.

What’s That You’re Driving, Eh?

February 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Come to find out, the “Son of Detroit” (how many places can this guy claim to be from?) drives a car made in ….. wait for it …. North Detroit, better known as Ontario.

Blue Mass Group made this discovery when it compared the dashboard of the car in Romney’s ad to Chrysler’s specs, and determined that Romney’s was motoring about in the foreign-born 300, instead of the locally manufactured 200. Did no one think to check the birth certificate?

Lucky guy is driving a socialized medicine car.  Or is it an illegal alien car?  Does it have papers?  How do we know it’s not a terrorist?  Who knows what evil lurks in that carburetor?

Awwww, Mitt, you’re making it too easy for Santorum.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.