Jay Kimbrough is a long time close friend and confidant of Governor Rick Perry. That means he’s the guy who slams the closet door every time one of Rick’s femur bones tries to fall out.
Jay the Closet Door Holder
He has held about every job there is to hold in Texas government and hasn’t done any of them worth a flip. But he needs an income and so jobs are created for him. His last job didn’t work out too well.
Kimbrough made news last fall when he was abruptly ousted from his $300,000-a-year job as deputy chancellor of the Texas A&M System and brandished a pocket knife in the presence of university lawyers after they advised him that he was terminated.
Since he’d already held every other job on the taxpayer’s teat in Texas, they had to create a new one for him. So, the Department of Public Safety created a brand new position for him. He will oversee Homeland Security for DPS. His salary is $147,500, and he starts Monday.
Yes, we already have a Homeland Security director for Texas. In 2003, that position was held by — wait for it — Jay Kimborough, but that didn’t work out too well.
However, Kimborough is so danged qualified that he’s going to start the job next Monday, even before it is officially approved on February 16th. Because, dammit, Texas needs all the Homeland Security directors it can get! And if we have to fire 2 and half teachers to pay for one, so be it. What do you want? Educated kids or several guys arguing over who’s in charge? Yeah, Texas needs more arguing old white guys protecting the Governor’s reputation.
I’m thinking about submitting an application to be Deputy Homeland Security Director of the third floor women’s bathroom at the state capitol. I’m sure that job pays at least $100 grand a year and, as far as I know, that bathroom is totally unprotected from terrorist attack. If only I had some dirt on Rick Perry …..
Helluva job, Kimmy!
Thanks to Barry for the heads-up.