Archive for February, 2012

A Lesson Learned

February 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As most of you have heard by now, most experts believe that Karen Handel’s decision to dump Planned Parenthood from the Susan G. Komen Foundation has been seen as the complete destruction of all the hard work done to get the Komen Foundation a recognized and respected organization.  Overnight.  Ka-boom.

AmericaBlog has a re-tweet of Handel’s that explains a lot.

Excuse me, JadeMorey, if that is your real name, but you folks built the bomb, put the timer on it, and left the building.  You didn’t even have the courage to admit that was what you were doing.  Get yourself a mirror, woman.  And I am delighted that Handel re-tweeted it.  It’s just more evidence that she brought the fertilizer for the bomb.

All I can say is that Republicans have a habit of ruining everything they touch.  Do NOT let them near social security.   Oh hell, don’t let them near anything.

Thanks to Paul for the heads-up.

I Wish To File A Formal Complaint With the Republican Party

February 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Republican Party,

I’ll make you a deal.  I’ll stay out of running for President if you’ll stay out of political humor.

Love and Fried Okra

We’re Doing It Because We Love America

February 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is beginning to look like Texas is going to sit out the election this year.

I know that comes as a relief to you folks from foreign states.

However, I wouldn’t mind having an election.  Sadly, I’ve grown accustomed to it, even though Texas Democrats haven’t won a statewide election since Elvis died.  Lord, people, we can’t even beat Rick Perry.  Does that tell you something about the effectiveness of Texas Democrats?

Texas Republicans are determined to disenfranchise Hispanics.  So, we’re in a redistricting fight that might last until after the election in November.  We’ve moved the primary once and now it looks like we’ll have to move it again.  The DC Court says a decision is at least 30 days away, so the April 3rd primary is out the door.

I would try to explain the whole redistricting mess to you but it’s complicated and I have attention deficit dis …. oh look, a bird!  Check here if you like complication and fancy lawyer talk.  Michael Li is the aphrodisiac of lawyer-talk.

I will say this:  we Democrats have smarter lawyers than they do, but that’s not saying much because Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is dumber than bean dip.

Where Else Would You Put A Guy With A Knife? Huh? Didn’t Think of That, Did You?

February 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jay Kimbrough is a long time close friend and confidant of Governor Rick Perry.  That means he’s the guy who slams the closet door every time one of Rick’s femur bones tries to fall out.

Jay the Closet Door Holder

He has held about every job there is to hold in Texas government and hasn’t done any of them worth a flip.  But he needs an income and so jobs are created for him.  His last job didn’t work out too well.

Kimbrough made news last fall when he was abruptly ousted from his $300,000-a-year job as deputy chancellor of the Texas A&M System and brandished a pocket knife in the presence of university lawyers after they advised him that he was terminated.

Since he’d already held every other job on the taxpayer’s teat in Texas, they had to create a new one for him.  So, the Department of Public Safety created a brand new position for him.  He will oversee Homeland Security for DPS.  His salary is $147,500, and he starts Monday.

Yes, we already have a Homeland Security director for Texas.  In 2003, that position was held by — wait for it — Jay Kimborough, but that didn’t work out too well.

However, Kimborough is so danged qualified that he’s going to start the job next Monday, even before it is officially approved on February 16th.  Because, dammit, Texas needs all the Homeland Security directors it can get!   And if we have to fire 2 and half teachers to pay for one, so be it.  What do you want?  Educated kids or several guys arguing over who’s in charge?  Yeah, Texas needs more arguing old white guys protecting the Governor’s reputation.

I’m thinking about submitting an application to be Deputy Homeland Security Director of the third floor women’s bathroom at the state capitol.  I’m sure that job pays at least $100 grand a year and, as far as I know, that bathroom is totally unprotected from terrorist attack.  If only I had some dirt on Rick Perry …..

Helluva job, Kimmy!

Thanks to Barry for the heads-up.

They Are Young, Greedy, Self-Righteous, and Dwindling

February 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to a customer who has the fortitude to subscribe to all the Republican stuff to keep up with what the crazies are doing, we have this snickeroo —

Click the little one to get the big one.  Or, click here to see the whole thing.

They had to cut their ticket price in half to get people to come.  They couldn’t get the illustrious Andrew Breitbart to come because they couldn’t even cover his travel expenses, but, hey, that’s no small amount considering that Breitbart has to buy an extra seat for his ego and an entire overhead compartment for his gall.  Besides, the chemical reaction of bacon grease, Aqua Velva, and burning mental health that surrounds Breitbart has been known to cause cancer in cockroaches.

Okay, that was mean.  I shouldn’t have said that.

Want me to say it again?

Kiddos, it’s a true blessing that Breitbart can’t come.  Texas air is bad enough as it is.


February 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know the dog, Seamus, that Mitt Romney put on the roof of the car for a 12 hour trip?

Yeah, the one that got sick all over Romney’s car to pay him back?

Well, Seamus asked for asylum in Canada.

Mitt Romney may not have told the whole truth about the scandalous tale of his Irish Setter, Seamus, being strapped to the roof of his car during a 12-hour family road trip to Canada. According to a trusted Politicker tipster, two of Mr. Romney’s sons had an off-record conversation with reporters where they revealed the dog ran away when they reached their destination on that infamous journey in 1983.

Mr. Romney’s wife, Ann, has previously said Seamus survived the trip and went on to live to a “ripe old age.” As of this writing, Mr. Romney’s campaign has not responded to multiple requests for comment on this story.

I guess he filed papers as a Prisoner of Car and asked for the Geneva Convention to do something, dammit.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.