… but it was close.
I have been at the State Democratic Executive Committee meeting in Austin this weekend and it was more fun than recess in heaven. To show you how cool it was — I was the least cool person there, and I am pretty damn cool. More on that later. I mean, the meeting, not how cool I am. Although that’s up for discussion, too.
Right now I want to talk about President Obama’s “compromise” on contraception for Catholic employees. I put compromise in quotation marks because I don’t think what he did is properly called compromise. I think he dead solid perfect outfoxed his opponents and took a major political issue away from them while insuring that women who want contraception get it — for damn free.
In what world is that a loss, for women or for President Obama? The mainstream media is so intimidated about Republicans calling them liberal that they have to make a genius move by President Obama seem like it was a “cave-in.” It wasn’t. It was brilliant. It was government at its finest. It’s how government works when it works well.
Look, we know that the right wing lost the economic war. Things are on the upswing and we are better off than we were under Bush. They have lost that argument. They have also lost the argument that they can keep us safer – President Obama accomplished more against terrorists with a scalpel than they did with a sledgehammer and billions of dollars.
So they returned to the culture wars, and now he’s outsmarting them on that front, too.
Bless his heart, Rick Santorum (don’t google it, Momma) now has a new approach: Obama thinks he’s smarter than you.
“He thinks he knows better. He thinks he’s smarter than you. He thinks he’s a privileged person who should be able to rule over all of you.”
Holy cow, we’ve come a long way from John Kennedy’s “the best and the brightest,” haven’t we?
Santorum, of course, was trying to appeal to that person who understood what he was really saying: Obama is black and a tad uppity for our taste.
I’m a white girl. I don’t see racism behind every corner, but, dammit, I see it big, bold and bright right here.
Why, in Jesus’ sweet name, would it be bad for the President of the United States of America be smarter than Jim Bob down at the bowling alley? I thought that was kinda what we were hunting for with all these debates and Meet the Press interviews. Were we looking for another Bush? Did I miss something?
President Obama is most certainly smarter than Rick Santorum. I know he’s smarter than I am and I’m powerfully glad of that because I’d make a mess of things but, hell, I’m smarter than all of Rick Santorum’s audience at CPAC. Combined. No, seriously. I have SAT scores to prove it.
President Obama is smart and that is a good thing. If that’s the worst you guys got on him, you need some better guys.
By the way, this is on another subject, but Bubba was listening to all the contraception talk on teevee and he said there’s three people who should never be allowed to discuss s-e-x: Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, and the entire Catholic priesthood.