Archive for February, 2012

And That’s Why They Call It Texas Christian University

February 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s always nice when Texas Christian University (TCU) makes the news

In an early morning drug bust on the Texas Christian University campus, 17 students were arrested — a record number for the school — for allegedly dealing drugs including marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, acid, and prescription drugs such as Xanax and hydrocodone.

The group includes undergraduate as well as graduate students. Some are members of fraternities, and four of the 17 are on the TCU football team.

Chancellor Boschini wins understatement of the year with his email to students this morning —

“There is no doubt that it will hurt to see our name associated with this type of behavior,” Boschini wrote. “But we must not allow this moment to define us.”

Yeah, they’d much rather be defined by not being Baylor.

Of Course He’s Not Guilty. Republicans Are Never Guilty of Hotsy S-E-X

February 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I gotta admit, this is a perfectly wonderful lede

Bible-toting Clermont County politician Archie Wilson surfaced from substance abuse treatment Tuesday to answer charges he traded prescription drugs for sex at a bed bug infested motel.

Wilson, 60, of Batavia Township, pleaded not guilty in Kenton District Court to soliciting prostitution and trafficking in a controlled substance, both misdemeanors that could send him to jail for up to 12 months

Bless his heart, he’s the very first overly zealous morality stalwart to be caught doing something that involves bed bugs.  I guess that’s kinda an honor.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.


February 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so right now this minute the Virgina legislature is trying to make life begin at conception, which, of course, would make birth control pills illegal.

Delegate Vivian E. Watts, Fairfax Democrat, proposed an amendment Monday to ensure that contraception would remain legal, but it was rejected.

They are also trying to copy Texas’ transvaginal ultrasound bill, forcing women to undergo an unnecessary and invasive medical procedure prior to doing something that is perfectly legal.  It’s akin to forcing men to having a rectal exam prior to purchasing a beer.

On the other side, we’re trying to give gay people the same civil rights that the Republicans want to give to fetuses.  They hate that.

Compromise?  When hell freezes over.

Same deal with the parties trying to decide Texas redistricting.  They are back in court today after after spending Valentines Day throwing paper and words at each other.

Republicans are hell bent on cutting Austin into enough pieces to qualify for a jigsaw puzzle.  Democrats are damned and determined to save Congressman Lloyd Doggett’s seat.  This morning they made the point, “You can not totally destroy communities of interest, for one purpose and one purpose only – to get Congressman Doggett.”

I am following this closely because Lloyd Doggett is a fluffy white boy worth saving.

Yesterday, they could have filed stalking charges against me for Michael Li .  Take a shower, check Michael, go to the grocery store, check Michael, post something here, check Michael, eat, check Michael with the other hand.  All day.

Micheal’s website is an amazing opportunity to watch sausage being made.  He and several others are tweeting in the courtroom and even if you don’t have a twitter account, you can follow it.

I love this stuff.  Yes, I do.

I’ll Take “Duh” for $500, Alex

February 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And, it’s the Daily Double!

Rick Santorum on President Obama and the 99%ers:

“… That’s not what a leader of this country should do but Barack Obama has sided with the 99 versus one.”

“He supported this movement, this movement that is intolerant and disrespectful. He supported them and embraced them,” Santorum said to loud cheers from his supporters. “Why? Because it’s consistent with exactly what Barack Obama’s trying to do with this country.”

Okay, now I do not know this for a fact, but I am willing to bet my best pink boa that there was not even one 1%er in that audience.  In fact, I suspect that most of them would have to save-up to buy a clue.

So why are they standing there cheering for Paris Hilton?

Alex, I’ll take Hell If I Know for $2,000.

Thanks to Elsie for the heads-up.

Thank you, Miss Loretta. You Tell Doo and Rick Santorum How the Cow Ate the Cabbage

February 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No siree, Mr. Santorum, you can have our pills when you pull them out of our cold, dead hands.

Hey, did I ever tell y’all about the time I accidentally went to Loretta Lynn’s house?  I met Cissy Lynn and her husband?  And we got into this big discussion about What-a-Burger?  Remind me to tell y’all that story sometime.

Thanks to OldMayfly for that timely heads-up.

It’s Not Too Late for Valentines Day UPDATE: Link Fixed!

February 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The good-ole boys and girls at the Republican National Committee have solved your problem of forgetting to send your sweetie a Valentine.  You can sign up to have one of their Valentines emailed to your honey.

It’s the perfect Republican solution:  cheap and cold hearted.

Here’s an example of what they think would warm your honey’s heart —

I think that’s supposed to be funny, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Thanks to OldMayfly for the heads-up.