Archive for January, 2012

And Then The Heavens Opened and Birds Began to Sing and The Air Was Filled With The Sweet Aroma of Burning Newt

January 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, he’s done it now.

He’s whored to Sarah Palin.

In an interview with Wolf Blitzer that will air today at 5:25 pm E.T. on CNN, Newt Gingrich said he will ask Sarah Palin “to play a major role” in his administration if elected President.

Gingrich’s remarks come a day after the former Alaska governor and vice-Presidential candidate made waves by offering a quasi-endorsement of Gingrich on Fox News.

Newt is such a slut. He will get into bed with anybody.

Apparently, Sarah dumped Rick Perry for Newt so ole Newt better get checked for anti-social diseases.

Thanks to Deb for this wonderful news and heads-up.

Lower Than a Mole’s Navel on Digging Day

January 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry believes that dignity is a scarce commodity so he doesn’t want to use it all up.

Watching him stir up the steeple people by pointing out that Catholics eat little Lutheran children in dark basements at the Vatican and that Rick Santorum is a …. you know, Catholic, is the new Rick Trick.

“Rick Santorum is a good man, he is a good father, he’s a good Catholic,” Perry, an evangelical Christian, said. “But he hasn’t always been a good conservative.”

The casual but twice-repeated remark — the first time that Perry has publicly pointed to his rival’s faith — attracted the attention of journalists because both men are competing to win evangelical voters in the final days before the South Carolina primary.

I don’t think Rick’s thought this through real good.  Latest figures show that 32% of Texans are Catholic.  He’s already in third place here.  I guess that whooshing sound you hear is Rick dropping to 7th place in Texas.

Dumb.  Bean dip dumb.

I Feel Half Guilty

January 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I feel half guilty for keeping my website open today.

Please sign whatever you can, stomp loudly, and pitch a wall-eyed snot-nosed hissy fit about SOPA.

What I feel most guilty about, though, is that Texan Congressvarmint Lamar Smith is the author of SOPA, even though his own website violates copyright laws, something that Lamar Smith feels not one shrewd of guilty about because he’s a stinkin’ Republican who wants government out of our lives unless they want to follow us into our bedrooms or watch our internet machine viewing.

Do whatever you can to stop SOPA.

Man, This is Sad

January 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Public Policy Polling came out today to say this —

Raleigh, N.C. – Mitt Romney narrowly leads a divided field in the Texas Republican Presidential primary, while home state Governor Rick Perry has fallen to 3rd place.

When we polled Texas last September, Rick Perry was in the driver’s seat with 49% compared to 10% for Mitt Romney in second place. Perry now commands less than half that support in his home state, clocking in at 18% with Romney garnering 24% and Gingrich at 23%. Santorum takes 15% while fellow Texan Ron Paul comes in 5th with 12%.

Third place in your home state?

That’s sad and I don’t even like the guy.

Well, We Should Have Seen This Coming and Placed Bets

January 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Georgia House Bill 464 would require all citizens on public assistance to undergo random drug testing.

The Kipster: Needs Public Assistance ... to Walk!

One of its sponsors is a Georgia Republican named Kip Smith.

You knows what comes next, don’t you?

Kip Smith was arrested for DUI last weekend, blowing a .09 on the drunk-o-meter after telling the arresting officer first that he hadn’t been drinking at all and then upping the ante to only one beer 45 minutes ago.

Okay, new law:  all Georgia Republican legislators need to be randomly tested for drunk and stoopid.  Or at least IQ tested.

Thanks to Carl for heads-up.

Inner Species Communication: Turkey to Turkey

January 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No kidding, Folks, the Turkish Ambassador responded to Rick Perry’s assertion that Turkey is run by “Islamic terrorists.”

First, Turkey is parliamentary representative democracy.  Rick Perry cannot pronounce those words but he loves saying Islamic terrorist so that’ll just have to do.  But, the really fun part comes when Turkey tells turkey —

Contrary to statements during the debate, Turkey receives no significant sums of foreign aid dollars from the U.S. Indeed, Turkey is a strong and growing trading partner with the U.S. in general, and with Texas in particular creating thousands of jobs throughout that state.

Rick, Dude, Turkey just punked you.

So, I suspect that if he’s ever President, those turkeys they pardon at Thanksgiving are gonna get shot dead like a coyote.  Damn Islamic terrorist turkeys.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.