Archive for January, 2012

So, Newt …

January 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Newt, thank you for all the hollering you did when the media obsessed about Bill Clinton’s sex life. We appreciate your tough stand.

Honey, you invented the politics of personal destruction and now you’re upset that then tables are turned?


Oh No He Di’int

January 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rush Limbaugh.  Says Newt’s the victim. Really.  Said it out loud.  Today.

LIMBAUGH: I got a great note from a friend of mine. “So Newt wanted an open marriage. BFD. At least he asked his wife for permission instead of cheating on her. That’s a mark of character, in my book. Newt’s a victim. We all are. Ours is the horniest generation.” […] That’s from a good friend of mine, “Newt’s slogan ought to, ‘Hell, yes, I wanted it.’” (laughing) I’m sharing with you how some people are reacting to this.

Oh yes, when family values are on the table, let’s go straight to Rush for leadership.

I think it should be noted that Newt was screwing around on his wife a couple of years before he asked permission.

I’m getting dizzy from the spin, and I might upchuck so y’all stand back.  Or put Rush in front of me.  I couldn’t miss that target.

And let’s not forget that Newt wasn’t paying his child support.  Does that make him a victim of hungry children?

Thanks to Stephen and Barry for the heads-up.

Y’all, Now! Now! Put Up The Fence Around Texas NOW!

January 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Somebody, who shall remain anonymous but her name is Thelma Lucille Frontage, just remind me that I should not be shooting off fireworks about Rick Perry dropping out of the Presidential race because he’s a big ole loser.

Rick Perry is coming home to Texas.

Now, while that’s gonna save us a boatload of money because we won’t have his security detail on the road staying at the fancy pants hotels with him at taxpayer expense.

The downside, and this is about as down as it gets, is that he’s coming back to Texas.  And, best I can figure he’s bringing grim Anita with him.  And if you thought Anita was an unhappy woman before, you can’t even imagine how it’s gonna be now that she’s discovered that she’s stuck in Texas for the rest of her damn life with a stinkin’ loser of a man who is the butt of IQ jokes all over America and half a dozen third world countries.   I mean, there’s people in Slovenia make Rick Perry jokes, fer cryin’ out loud.

But now that he’s not running for President, maybe we can hire some teachers back, ya think?  I doubt we’ll be having all that praying and hallelujah hollerin’ now.

On A Personal Note, Which Will Be Updated As Needed

January 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

On a personal note, I would like to thank Sweet Jesus for letting me live long enough to see today, where, according to reports —

Rick Perry will drop out of the GOP Presidential race, proving God is often a charming and delightful trickster and dinner party guest.

And endorse Newt Gingrich.

And where Gingrich’s second wife will give an interview telling the most intimate details of a woman scorned like hell.

And there’s a debate tonight where we will watch Mitt Romney sweat dimes trying to explain exactly how much money he has stashed overseas where it can’t be taxed or use to …. create damn jobs.

And that Republicans, who are always complaining about voter fraud among Democrats are scraping egg off their faces over new totals in Iowa showing that Santorium maybe, could have, probably won by 35 votes but there are some precincts so screwed up that it appears Nancy Pelosi may have won.

And I’m pretty near darn certain that Rick Santorum will have a breakdown and admit that he believes those sweater vests give him super powers of procreation and eating all the chocolate he wants without gaining a pound.

This is a wonderful day and I intend on enjoying every minute of it.

P.S. – Yes, of course you can revise your votes on the winner of the South Carolina primary until 5:00 on Friday.  Just put up your guess again.

UPDATE:  You’ll love this!

The It Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow Friday Toon on Thursday

January 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


BREAKING NEWS: Rick Perry tells supporters he is dropping his bid for GOP presidential nomination today, two sources tell CNN.

But at least he made history before leaving.

Of Course We’re Having a Contest. What Do You Think This Is? A Non-legitimate Professional Political Website?

January 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guess the vote in South Carolina and win this sensationally overly enormous Kick Butt Democrat canvas tote and 2012 Obama hat.

The professional political beautician at this salon will be the final judge of the winner, but the first criteria is that you have to have the order of finishing correct.  If that results in a tie, then we go to the percentage of vote you gave each candidate and if that still results in a tie, we will ceremoniously  draw the winner from a  hat where the finalists names have been scribbled on small scraps of paper for all eternity.

So, list the candidates in the order you think they will finish and give the percentage of the vote you think they will get.

And don’t forget a vote for Herman Cain is a vote for Stephen Colbert.

Deadline is Friday night at 10:00 pm my time.