On a personal note, I would like to thank Sweet Jesus for letting me live long enough to see today, where, according to reports —
Rick Perry will drop out of the GOP Presidential race, proving God is often a charming and delightful trickster and dinner party guest.
And endorse Newt Gingrich.
And where Gingrich’s second wife will give an interview telling the most intimate details of a woman scorned like hell.
And there’s a debate tonight where we will watch Mitt Romney sweat dimes trying to explain exactly how much money he has stashed overseas where it can’t be taxed or use to …. create damn jobs.
And that Republicans, who are always complaining about voter fraud among Democrats are scraping egg off their faces over new totals in Iowa showing that Santorium maybe, could have, probably won by 35 votes but there are some precincts so screwed up that it appears Nancy Pelosi may have won.
And I’m pretty near darn certain that Rick Santorum will have a breakdown and admit that he believes those sweater vests give him super powers of procreation and eating all the chocolate he wants without gaining a pound.
This is a wonderful day and I intend on enjoying every minute of it.
P.S. – Yes, of course you can revise your votes on the winner of the South Carolina primary until 5:00 on Friday. Just put up your guess again.
UPDATE: You’ll love this!