Archive for January, 2012

The “I Love Yew, Newt” Daily Newt

January 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want to tell you one thing:  If Newt Gingrich is anything, it’s swanky.

Sheldon Adelson: straight fron central casting

Just about the time we were picking up the hymnals because the preaching is over and Mitt Romney won, a Vegas casino owner who is a dead ringer for every bad movie about the mafia, sends Newt $5 million.  Sheldon Adelson looks like a James Bond villain.  He needs a cat or a midget.

And what does Newt do with this money?  Pay off his Tiffany’s charge card?  Nope.  Spend a few bucks at Jenny Craig?  Nope.  Feed some poor little crippled children?  Get real.

Newt is spending that money to trash Mitt Romney for us.  You and me.  Democrats.

Ain’t that just the sweetest thing?

Newt Gingrich is now doing exactly what everyone in the Republican Party was afraid he was going to do: destroy them utterly if they decline to nominate him. It’s no surprise really, since this has been Newt’s MO for decades, but it sure is a helluva spectacle.

If Newt is going down, he’s taking the Republican Party with him.  Because he’s entitled to this nomination.

And everybody wants a candidate who is having his strings pulled by a long line of badly coifed women in tawdry affairs being ravished by Newt’s passion for America in the backseat of a foreign made car, a Vegas casino owner, and several guys down at the bowling alley who think “that ole Newt, he’s real smart.”

I love yew, Newt.  You’re swanky.

Thanks to Brian and Bruce for the heads-up.

Oh Y’all, Bless His Heart. This Is Humiliation. I Mean, This is Like Being The Only Guy Who Couldn’t Get a Date To The Dance.

January 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not making this up.  It’s from the Daily Beast.

Rick Perry is slightly trailing Buddy Roemer in New Hampshire, according to the latest Suffolk University tracking poll out of the state. Roemer was the governor of Louisiana in the late 1980s and early ’90s. He announced the start of his 2012 presidential campaign back in July and has been virtually ignored ever since.

This is just a guess on my part, but I bet Rick would be polling better if everybody had just ignored him, too.

Thanks to Bananas for the heads-up.

And My Uncle Buck Endorses ….

January 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get this:  Todd Palin has endorsed Newt Gingrich.

The Gingrich campaign says Todd Palin spoke with Gingrich by phone shortly after news of his endorsement spread, coming as a pleasant surprise to the campaign.

“He is going to speak out on behalf of my candidacy and I really appreciate that,” Gingrich told the Nashua Rotary meeting here. It is unclear if Todd will actually campaign with the former speaker.

Well, that pretty much sews up the Republican intellectual, yet castrated male moose hunting votes in New Hampshire.

Alert the media!

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.

Ru and Ron – The Paul Brothers

January 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It seems that Mark Levin, rightwing nutface, has been on Fox news calling Ron Paul, RuPaul.

Ron Paul and RuPaul have the same voice, but RuPaul dresses better and is far more socially mature.

So, RuPaul shows up in New Hampshire to make an announcement —

Thelma is often mistaken for RuPaul in costume, with 100 extra pounds to love.

Thanks too Brian for the heads-up, who added the following for Juanita

The Stop-the-Damn-Socialist Primary Wagering Gala

January 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, and there’s this absolutely true story that happened about 15 years ago right here in Fort Bend County.  Milton Wright was running for sheriff and began calling himself “the conservative” candidate.  Now, I know Milton Wright and I knew he had no clue what a conservative was.   So, as a newspaper reporter, I asked him to define conservative.  He thought real hard for a minute, then his eyes lit up like he was a modern day Archimedes, he held up a finger and proudly said, “Not a liberal.”

I smiled and asked, “What’s a liberal?”

“Not a conservative,” he promptly replied with smug juice all over his face.

He has seen no reason to get any smarter since then.

Now, the reason I’m telling you this story is that I am completely convinced that if you asked Rick Rick Perry to define to tenets of socialism, he could not do it.  I am convinced that he could not even explain it well enough to pass a junior level civics class.

So, just to toy with the boy, we’re going to play the Guess Which Fool Climbs Over The Bodies Of Other Fools To Get On Top?  And guess where Rick is in that pile?

Even though Mitt’s running the table, and to be honest, I’m saving the best prize for South Carolina, let’s have a little good ole New Hampshire fun.

You pick the winners in correct order and the percentages (which will be used to break a tie) and you will win this very cool tee-shirt in size XL.  If you don’t wear a size XL, you need to eat something.  If you wear bigger than an XL, you need to quit.

I will mail it to you absolutely free through the good folks at the United States Postal Service.

Wagering stops at 5:00 pm on Tuesday. No exceptions, unless someone is willing to set up a superPAC in my name.

Texas Redistricting at The Supremes

January 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas redistricting case goes before the Supremes this afternoon.  The very best resource in the state for this Republican created mess  is Michael Li at

The dark side will be represented by Darth Paul Clement, former solicitor general under President George W. Bush, a blood-sucking member of the Federalist Society, and lead lawyer for Republicans in overturning Obamacare.  The Rebel Forces will be led by Jose Garza Skywalker, lead counsel for the Mexican-American Legislative Caucus and who has had some very successful experience in winning redistricting fights against the State of Texas.

Supreme Court arguments are not televised or audio broadcast live, but audio recordings of oral arguments are made available at the end of each week on the Supreme Court’s website:

I’m not saying that this is important, but the future of democracy is riding on it.