2010 Scared the Crap Outta Me, Too
Demoralized Democrats?
Act Blue received nearly 92,000 contributions in September totaling $3.8 million for Democratic candidates.
Thanks to Alfredo for the heads up.
Demoralized Democrats?
Act Blue received nearly 92,000 contributions in September totaling $3.8 million for Democratic candidates.
Thanks to Alfredo for the heads up.
This evening, I will be updating the Protest Against Hate at the Sugar Land Community Center where Pam Geller is speaking tonight.
Team America will be sending me pictures and info while Team Totalitarianism is getting fed hogwash.
There’s something I want to show you first. Here is Fort Bend Conservative‘s website. Their post is incorrect. We did not contact the Hyatt. They contacted us. Also, please look around and see if you can find any name or responsible party of someone, anyone, who sponsors this site. I’m telling you, they are the Klan. They do not believe in taking responsibility for their words and/or actions. Shoot, Moses Rose had more courage than these guys.
Bubba says there are more protesters there than Teabaggers. He says they are all old, really old white people. “These people owe Noah a nickle,” he says.
Go ahead and watch the GOP debate on CNN. I’ll post the rest of the pictures tomorrow.
A few others that will make you smile this morning —
I love sliding boards.
What a difference a month makes. Rick Perry support plummets 26% points in FL poll
Texas governor Rick Perry has gone from Republican presidential top dog to underdog in the Florida Times Union/Insider Advantage polls taken in just one month.
In September, Perry led the crowded pack with 29 percent support.
In October, Perry was at the back of the pack with about 3 percent.
It’s the opposite story for businessman Herman Cain. Who shot up from about 6 percent to 30 percent. Mitt Romney, again the frontrunner, is also picking up a little steam. His numbers increased from 20 percent to 33 percent.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for installing a sliding board for Rick and a see-saw for Mitt.
Wisconsin State Senator Hopper, who was first elected in 2008, was defeated by Democrat Jessica King of Oshkosh in an August recall election.
Former State Sen. Randy Hopper of Fond du Lac allegedly refused to take a breathalyzer test following a drunken driving arrest Sunday, according to a Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office report.
At 5:30 p.m. Sunday, a citizen dialed 911 to report a black Suburban “all over the road” on Highway 151 near County Trunk WH in Peebles, said Chief Deputy Mark Strand.
Okay, question for all you drunk experts out there: how early do you have to start drinking to be snot-slingin’ drunk by 5:30? And where do you work that lets you do that?
In the car with Randy was his 26 year old mistress.
After a few hours at the police station, Randy finally agreed to a breathalyzer. He was still drunk. And apparently still stupid.
Thanks to Janette for the heads up.
As I told you, hatemonger Pamela Geller will speaking at the Sugar Land Community Center tonight at 6:30. If you’re in the area, bring your sign and join in the fun. Or, if you don’t have a sign, we’ll have the materials there to make one. This will be a peaceful protest. We will not do what they did to us.
Through the miracle of modern journalism, I will be posting pictures and reports of the event right here on the spot. We know that just like the Ku Klux Klan, these people like to hide under sheets so we’ll be shining the light of day on their hate and unacceptable behavior.
Please come help Bubba hold up his banner —
Yeah, yeah, he hung that in our front yard in our very Republican neighborhood on inauguration day. We got threats and ended up on the Houston news, laughing about it. It was a bucket of fun. He still has the banner and is bringing it tonight.
Republican Presidential Has-Been Mike Huckabee might try real hard to be a Christian but- boy howdy, yeehaw – that Dukes of Hazard lover just comes rolling out sometime. You cannot take redneck out of an Arkansas boy.
Huckabee has some advice for the good folks who want to repeal an anti-union bill in Ohio: stay at home.
And he has some advice for the folks who want to keep the anti-union bill. Do the Christian thing and let the air out of your enemy’s tires:
Find out who’s voting to repeal the bill and block them from ballot box. The onetime Arkansas governor suggested deflating tires and giving these voters the wrong election date. “That’s up to you, how you creatively get the job done,” Huckabee quipped.
Honey, you do not say things like that to people who list knowing how to roll back an odometer as a job skill on their resume. And for Pete’s sake, do not ask them to be creative. You’re just begging for a bunch of self-inflicted injuries.
And as far as blocking the voters from the polls, is Chris Christie available?