Now, I’ve talked about my friend Judy Jennings here before. I’ve also talk about David Barton, who is a total nincompoop (so sue me, David.).
It seems that David, who is having difficulty locating that “pray for your enemies” part in the Bible, is suing Dr. Jennings because he alleges that she said he spoke at a white supremacist group. Which is true. She did. And so did he.
David says he didn’t know it was a white supremacist group. Because he’s an idiot.
Only in Texas would a Super DeLux Brand Christian sue someone for defamation with the defense being that they are an idiot. “I’m not a racist. I’m an idiot.” Well hell, you know it’s real difficult to tell them apart.
Here’s the part I like best.
The suit asks for unspecified damages for opening Barton and WallBuilders to “public hatred, contempt, ridicule, financial injury and impeaching [Barton’s] honesty, integrity and virtue,”
Dude, listen up. You do that every time you go outside in one of those goofy shirts of yours. And then you open your mouth and get ridiculed to heck and back. That ain’t Judy Jennings fault. Dude, you teach at Glenn Beck University. You’re just begging for contempt. Dude, you made up quotes from the founding fathers and then admitted you hadn’t check the quotes. You impeached your own honesty with that one. Dude, if your snake oil ain’t selling, you can hardly blame Dr. Jennings.
I’ll let y’all know if Dr. Jennings starts a legal defense fund.
And if somebody is reading this to David Barton, please read this part real slow and clearly: David, sit down and shuddup. You yourownself have embarrassed yourself, Texas, and Sweet Jesus plenty enough. Don’t start pickin’ on Texas wimmen. We fight back. We may not throw the first punch, but we will throw the second 12 punches.
Besides, David, I’m darn near certain that this is not the first or the last time a woman has laughed at you.
Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.