Archive for September, 2011

Eppur Si Muove and Rick Perry

September 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Of all the insanity in last night’s Republican Presidential (you gotta be kiddin’) Debate, Juanita loved Rick Perry defending his anti-science stance by saying, “Galileo was outvoted for a while,” best of all.

Ah, sweet, precious, refreshing, creamy, absorbent, new and improved, dye-free, organic, crispy, heavy duty, homemade irony.

Juanita owns a complete set of Galileo Trading Cards and action figures.  She flat loves Galileo, mainly because he stood up to Rick Perry’s genetic line.

Galileo Faces Rick Perry

Galileo was placed under house arrest for the entire last part of his life by the church, who had told him that he could neither “hold or defend” the idea that the Earth moves and the Sun stands still at the center, called heliocentrism in case you’re ever on Jeopardy.

The church, it seems, held on to the belief that the sun revolves around the earth because, darn it, that’s what the Bible says.  Galileo was  “vehemently suspect of heresy” and told to recant and deny his theory or else he couldn’t publish his ideas anymore.

Galileo agreed to recant in exchange for being allowed to continue to think and publish.  Popular theory says that as he left the room after saying the earth is the center of the universe and stands still as the sun revolves around it, he muttered, “Eppur Si Muove,” which translated means, “Yet it moves.”  That probably didn’t happen.  He probably just thought of that after he got home and wished that was what he said.

However, Eppur Si Muove is a great line to have in case you ever have to give up when arguing with a Republican because they could jump start a nuclear submarine with their stupid alone.

So, with irony that could choke a water buffalo, Rick Perry forgot which side he was on in the Galileo fight.  His people were part of the Inquisition.   And they are tan, rested, pissed off, and ready to take control again.

Who Won the Debate Last Night?

September 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Barack Obama

That is all.

Except for my favorite picture —

Twitter Twit For Tonight Only

September 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m gonna try it.

I’m going to try to follow the GOP debate tonight on Twitter.  I will attempt to translate Rick Perry for people from foreign states.

I am not very good at Twitter.  I cannot even say wish you a pleasant day in 140 characters or less.  I had a editor tell me once that she put my story on the wall, shot it full of buckshot and printed what was left.

I make no promises about how good this is going to be.  But, you can follow me on Twitter @crabbait and see if I make it through the whole debate.  I’d put my money on not.

NOTE TO MY NON-TWIT FRIENDS:  Use this entry to make your snide, snarky, and/or pathetically patronizing comments during the debate.  If my iPad holds up, I’ll check in ever so often.

I just wanna add one thing.  It is my bet that the GOP candidates will mention Ronald Reagan so often in tonight’s debate that it would qualify under Texas law as abuse of a corpse.

Yes, Sireee, State Governments Know Best

September 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yes, State governments know best, especially in Texas.

In the years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Texas has received at least $1.7 billion in federal Homeland Security grants, and spent much of the money to strengthen law-enforcement communications and border security.

But a Fort Worth Star-Telegram examination of thousands of purchases also found a a $21 fish tank in Seguin, a $24,000 latrine on wheels in Fort Worth, and a real pork project-a hog catcher in Liberty County.

If you read the whole article, you’ll find that local police departments went all James Bond and sheriff’s departments mainly went ninja.  Our sheriff’s department bought an enormous mobile home, like Rick Perry’s campaign vehicle, and we ain’t seen it since.

Houston SWAT got an “eye ball camera,” at a cost of $4,800, records show. The camera is designed to be thrown into an area. It then uprights itself and gives a 360-degree view with listening capabilities. The city also has a probe that allows it to see through walls.

Fort Worth got clock radios, hats, neckties, glasses, key fobs and a thermometer with hidden cameras, as well as drinking cups, dry erasers and a tape measure with listening devices.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Research Service has reported that likely terrorist targets, the nation’s half-million miles of oil and gas pipelines, have been left vulnerable.

You cannot give a Bubba a hunk of money and not expect him to buy a motor home, a fast car and a thermometer with a camera inside.   You know, I really already know more than I want to about a thermometer with a camera inside.

Yeah, Republicans, give the money to the states because , dammit, they need that Dukes of Hazard Go Ninja crapola.

Please Meet Josue Larose – Rick Perry’s Biggest Supporter

September 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is kinda a nerdy story so I’m gonna keep it simple as I can.

Josue Larose, Millionaire Rick Perry Fan

Josue Larose lives in Florida.  For fun, he invents political parties and PACs.  Mostly Republican.  All of his Parties start with the word “American.”  Including, but not limited to, American Bourgeoisie Political Party, American Imperialists Political Party, American Intellectual Elites Political Party, American Film Stars Political Party, and one I cannot wait to join called American Noble Persons Political Party.

How does he fund these Parties?  With PAC money from American Venture Capital Group.

Through an elaborate but closely held cash funnel, a corporation called American Venture Capital Group has poured millions of dollars into Larose’s labyrinth of political parties — or so records show — which then contribute to Larose’s gubernatorial campaign.

In July, for example, American Venture Capital Group donated $1 million each to his American Billionaires Party and American Capitalists Party. Each of those Larose-chaired parties directed $450,000 in cash and $450,000 in “in-kind” contributions to his campaign.

Larose claims to have a $14.5 million warchest in his various PACs, all from money donated by American Capital Group, an organization that doesn’t seem to exist, at least on paper.  All of his PACs start with the words “United States.”  Parties start with American, PACs start with United States.

Okay, so that’s where we were until yesterday.

Yesterday, like manna from heaven, Larose up and changes the name of one of his PACs from United States Industrialists Federal PAC to – get ready for this sucker – The Rick Perry 2012 Presidential Victory PAC.  No, seriously, if you don’t believe me, look here:  Larose PAC for Rick Perry

So, Mr. Larose is either a nutjob, a crook, or a stealthily use cover to divert money to Rick Perry.  At this point I would not be willing to bet a dime on any of those choices.  We’ll keep an eye on it.

You should always have your morning coffee with Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen.  Yes, you should.

The Rick Perry “Damn, That’s Weird” Website of the Day

September 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, there are so many of these popping up that it’s hard to keep count.  So if you find another one, let me know.

Today’s Rick Perry “Damn That’s Weird” website: (Momma, don’t click that.  There’s an improperly dressed lady there, and by improper I don’t mean wearing white after Labor Day.)

Thanks to Old Mayfly for the heads-up.