Archive for September, 2011

Last Night’s Debate

September 13, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Juanita and the entire membership of Beauticians Local #486 got together last night and watched the TeaParty Debate on CNN.

Biggest winner: President Barack Obama

Biggest Loser:  Wolf Blitzer’s “Journalist” title

Everybody agreed that the audience was far more entertaining than the debaters.

Thelma thought to whole affair seemed to be the largest mega-church in Mississippi going all rogue and cheering for people to die painful deaths just so they could watch, look smug, and use it as a life lesson for their unemployed 10 year old to get a damn job right now.   “They’re Church lady, armed, meaner and definitely more blood-thirsty,” she says.

Juanita thought it looked like the most borrrring Weight Watchers meeting ever.

And whatever adviser told Jon Huntsman that a crowd of very old chubby gun-happy white people would get a Kurt Cobain joke is just a very mean person.  No, I’m serious, that was mean to make everybody look at the Morman dude like whaaaaaa?  Plus, it’s not called No Apologies.  It’s called All Apologies.  However, it does have some interesting lyrics for someone to be using in reference to Rick Perry.

What else should I be
All apologies
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don’t have the right
What else should I be
All apologies

(In the interest of full disclosure, I had to call my hip daughter-in-law and ask, “What the hell was Huntsman talking about with Cobain?  To which she replied, “No shoot.  That was a massively surreal moment.”)

Everybody was cheering for the charmingly insane Michelle Bachmann when she got up in Rick Perry’s face, but she slipped and fell.  It wasn’t about $5,000.  It was about cronyism.  And she should have answered his “If you think I’m for sell for $5,000, I’m insulted,” with “Well, then what IS your price, Governor?  Because most estimates put it at $200,000.”

Some of you guys know Harold Cook, the funniest political guy in Texas, who drops by here occasionally for the free coffee and fashion advice.  He didn’t embarrass us last night on The Ed Show on MSNBC.  The first two clips are good, but be sure to watch the third one on jobs.  Click right about here to see them and leave a note thanking  Harold for keeping the world from thinking that all Texans are …. well, you know, ready to watch you die.

Thanks to Jim for this keeper of a quote —-

“The 1928 Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see His way clear to bless the Republican Party the way it’s been carrying on, then the rest of us ought to get it without even asking.”  Will Rogers.

Some Things Are Just Not Very Suprising

September 13, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you ever are tempted to think we were too hard on George W Bush.

George W. Bush revealed the most nervous moment of his presidency in an HBO documentary about 9/11 that aired Sunday.

It wasn’t when he learned the World Trade Center was hit or when he realized al Qaeda was behind the attack. The moment didn’t even occur on September 11th, 2001.

Throwing the opening pitch in the third game of the 2001 World Series was Bush’s most worried moment.

“It was the most nervous I had ever been,” he said. “It was the most nervous moment of my entire presidency, it turns out.”

But he’s still smarter and more sensitive than Rick Perry.

It’s A Damn Contest!

September 12, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customers Amy and Heather found this picture.



We, of course, are looking for the best caption.

Amy and Heather came up with, “I’ve told you before about being inconsiderate of other peoples’ feelings, Rick. Now go back to the truck and get my water and my hat.”

That’s pretty good, but do you have any other ideas?


Local Girl Nails It.

September 12, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, back on July 22nd, I predicted that State Representative Charlie Howard was going to resign along with Fort Bend County GOP Party Chairman Rick Miller on August 2nd.  Miller would then run in a special election in November for Howard’s seat.

Well, Miller resigned right on time, but Howard held out until today.  He sent out emails to his supporters this morning.

Rick Miller is best known as a big ole thug who violently disrupted a Nick Lampson press conference.  Charlie Howard is known as the most conservative man in the entire Texas Lege – which you cannot do by accident or sanity.  He is also known as the greediest man in a five state area.  He admits the sin of greed and says he prays about it every day.  Apparently, it’s worked as well as Rick Perry’s rain prayers because he’s sitting on almost half a million dollars in his campaign account.

Charlie will finish out his term and since the district – my district – is 62% Republican, it’ll be a bloodbath among Republicans.  Pass the popcorn.

Fundraising like Wildfire!

September 12, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last week, Rick Perry’s campaign team told the Chicago Tribune that Rick’s fundraising was going well.  We guess.

Perhaps more than any other candidate, the Texas governor will use the upcoming trip to raise money for his presidential campaign. As the late arrival in the race, Perry has already proved his bona fides as a world-class fundraiser. Members of his finance team says “it is going like wildfire” and their California schedule backs up the claim.

Emphasis mine.  Insensitivity and stupidity theirs.

This is a video taken of the wildfires in Bastrop, Texas, on the very day Team Rick Perry made that statement.

The Texas months of June through August were the hottest three months ever recorded in the history of the United States…..

Climate Progress has noted that the Texas Drought Now Far, Far Worse Than When Gov. Rick Perry Issued his April Proclamation Calling on All Texans to Pray for Rain.  And the month after adopting that futile adaptation strategy, Perry signed a budget that devastated the state’s ability to fight fires:

The Texas Forest Service’s funding was sliced from $117.7 million to $83 million. More devastating cuts hit the assistance grants to volunteer fire departments around the state. Those grants were slashed 55 percent from $30 million per year in 2010 and 2011 to $13.5 million per year in 2012 and 2013. Those cuts are effective now.

There is no climate change.  We do not need firefighters.  And Rick Perry is raising a helluva lot of money to win the Presidency.  That should be a great comfort to you.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

Betty Krusiewicz, Bless Her Heart

September 12, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wayne Slater is one of the smartest political writers in Texas.  Today he has a column that Rick Perry is doubling down on his crazy views about social security, climate change, and evolution as the campaign hits Florida.

The good folks of Florida seem to be of the opinion that it’s better to be tough and wrong than right and thoughtful.  The sound of neurons synapsing scares crap outta them, but they understand hollering real good.

Example:  Betty Krusiewicz.

Among the Perry fans at the rally in the Republican stronghold, was Orange County resident Betty Krusiewicz. She said she’s sold on Perry because “he can communicate that conviction about what’s truthful versus what’s politically correct.” She said she speaks for many Orange County conservatives in calling Romney “presidential fluff” and she said that while she admires Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann for her staunch conservatism, she would not support her for president. “I will not vote for a woman,” she said. “I believe a man should lead this country.”

That just totally uncurled everybody’s hair this morning at the beauty salon.  Science is untruthful but politically correct?  Is that what Betty’s saying?

And if Betty thinks a woman shouldn’t lead this country, what do you suspect she thinks about a black man doing it?

Now, I gotta tell you something.  Betty and me — well, no matter how much we chatted, we ain’t never gonna come to an agreement about anything.  Betty and me — not even from the same planet or species.

Not even close.