Archive for June, 2011

The More It Stays The Same

June 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita made a trip to Salado, Texas, last weekend for a meeting with the Texas Democratic Wimmen.  It was more than a 100 women of all ages and kinds in one room to learn, to teach, and to raise a little heck.

For Juanita, the trip included a stop at the Lyndon B Johnson Library on the campus of The University of Texas to see a new exhibit on the 1960’s.  It’s worth the trip.  Plus, Lyndon’s Liberry is so magnificent that you should put a visit on your bucket list.

A few things stood out.  Here’s a quote from Robert Welch, the Founder of the John Birch Society.

Sounds just like the Tea Party, doesn’t it?

And then there was this from Spiro T Agnew:

Close your eyes and that could be Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin, couldn’t it?

I’m making me a sign to carry to my next rallhy that says, “I cannot sinkin’ believe that I’m still protesting this crap.”

The bad guys always get theirs in the history books, so keep the faith!

Sanctuary Cities

June 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Democrats oppose having the police ask every brown person in Texas to produce proof of citizenship.  We oppose it  on humanitarian and constitutional grounds.

Come to find out, Republicans oppose it, too.  They, however, oppose it on economic grounds.

While Republicans love to use the term “illegal immigrant” to blame all of society’s woes, when push comes to shove, as it is currently doing in the Texas Lege, the big Republican boys go all, “whoa, whoa, now, let’s pull in on them reins just a minute here.”

While their big long explanation letter includes constitutional and political reasons to oppose the Produce Your Papers bill, the real reason they oppose it that that Bob Perry could not have gotten rich except on the backs of low paid undocumented workers.  Who’s going to work 7 days a week in unsafe conditions with no benefits to build our houses?  Who’s going to mow our yards, clean our pools, or mop our floors?

So now the Texas Republican Party is in the unrare situation of having to complain bitterly about something they have no intention of fixing.  That’s always fun.

To Butch, Who Knows Who He Is

June 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I’m sure you’ve all noticed that we have a visitor here at the beauty shop who calls himself Butch.  He always disagrees with us and has recently taken to POSTING COMMENTS IN ALL CAPS, you know, like a police report or, in the alternative, a crazy person.

I have a message for Butch:

Yo Sport,

I know you disagree with us and spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to be clever.  You’re not clever.  At all.

We got some rules around here. I do not mind that you disagree with me.  That’s okay.  What I mind is that you’re logging on and commenting from a Fort Bend County ip address.  That means you’re reading my blog when you should be working for me.  I also tracked down where you post from on the weekends and it’s very obvious that you are not a taxpayer in Fort Bend so wasting taxpayer money is not a concern of yours.  At all.

There’s only one other person who has come on my website like you to defend Craig Brady and the sheriff’s office.  She turned out to be a cousin of Brady’s wife logging on from a TARP bank while at work.  She lied about even knowing Brady until I nailed her, and then she confessed in an email.

This afternoon, I tried to email you about something you wanted me to post that I did not understand.  Palm trees?  Sand boxes?  What the tarnation was that about?  But, I couldn’t email you because you gave a fake email address.   I cannot contact you.  At all.

It would be very easy to track down who you are by the name of the little town where you log in on the weekends.  I am not going to do that right now.  I am, however, blocking your posts from ever reaching me.  But, fair warning:  if you whine about me not letting you post, I will track you down and make you cry.  A lot.

Love and Ain’t that just typical of Republicans.


This Could Explain a Lot

June 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Ever wonder why Texas never has a vacuum in the Crazy Politician category?

Maybe it’s this.

A conference on evil and the unknown compelled hundreds to gather at a weekday presentation offered by the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo.

About 700 individuals from all over West Texas traveled to San Angelo Monday for a seminar on exorcism and diabolical influence.

But, hell, it don’t stop there.

Pfeifer said he believes there is demonic influence in West Texas manifested through cults and Satan worship, but more so through secular things in the world that can be used for good, such as the Internet. He listed voodoo as a type of possible cult, but said it wasn’t very prevalent in West Texas.

Well, that would certainly explain the Bush family and Randy Nuegebaur.  Maybe we could check Leo Berman and Debbie Riddle’s passports to see if they’ve been to Lubbock lately and caught something.

Louie Gohmert is whatever it is that’s worse than being possessed.  There has got to be something worse because he’s got it.  I mean, he flew past head spinning and projectile upchucking about six months ago and is into stealing hearts and melting brains.

It’s hard to tell what is gonna come next on Louie’s decent into oddball.  Bless his heart, when he dies, we’ll have to file an environmental impact study just to bury him.

Thanks to Diane for the heads up.

Habla La Hispanic Vote?

June 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Let me tell you how dumb Rick Perry is.  He moved from bean dip dumb to dog dump dumb this week when he went to speak to National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials annual conference in San Antonio.  You know, right after he pushed for voter ID and sanctuary city destruction.

News outlets statewide (and around the country) are weighing in on the response from the audience, using words like “subdued” and “tepid.”

The El Paso Times declared Perry “failed to woo” Latino leaders while “(t)he applause lines often fell flat and the clamoring of silverware hardly yielded.”

Politico picked up on the story Thursday evening, pointing out that while President Barack Obama got criticized for skipping the event, Perry got criticized for showing up.

And Perry did not mention his clearly anti-Hispanic legislation push.  He thought they’d forget it because he’s so distractingly good looking.

“Rick Perry walking into a room is the same as eight good men leaving,” Juanita says.

She’s right, you know.

Living Dandy: A Sneak Peek

June 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Pretty much times are tough and everybody is clipping coupons and canceling vacation plans.  So, what does our Republican dominated county commissioners court do?

Well, Honey, they spent money on their Edifice Complex.  We got ourselves a wryly named “Justice Center.”  It’s a mega complex across from the county jail so people accused of crimes can be brought across to court in an underground tunnel so as not to disturb the beauty of the marble and glass of this ….. I dunno what to say.  It’s ugly.  It’s so ugly that when you walk by, your clothes wrinkle.

I am dead solid certain that this will not be the last time I rant about this massive waste of taxpayer money by Republicans in power, but lawyers were allowed a sneak peek at the inside of the building last week and I know a couple of lawyers.  They sent me pictures and smartypants comments.  So, this will be the first time locals get to see what they bought for the ego of Fort Bend County judges.

You know the drill, click the little ones to get the big ones.

What you got right here is a regal entry way for the judges to enter their courtroom.  God forbid they enter through a plain ole door.  No, siree.  Our judges will enter through a portal banked in marble with a gold seal of Texas over their heads like a halo of Godliness.  At least, we think that’s what they were shooting for.

Instead, it looks like they’re getting out of the shower.

And the fact that they will be wearing robes doesn’t help that image none at all.  One lawyer told me that he will never be able to keep a straight face when a judge emerges, because he’ll be thinking, “I knew it, dammit!  He showers in that damn robe!”

Oh, and by the way, as if any judge needs his ego built, we put a spotlight over his head when he comes out.  We do not know if the theme from 2001 will be set to play or not.

And then there’s the tote board.

To add real class to the building by making it look exactly like you’re at the dog races, dockets will now be on tote boards.  Big.  For everyone to see.  Because, by Gawd, if you’re accused of a crime, even if you’re innocent, we need to put it in lights!

We are taking bets on how long that sucker lasts.  We’re also ready to giggle every time the dang thing doesn’t work, which we suspect will be at least weekly.

Okay, this is just the beginning of what’s wrong with that building.  I can stay in business for another full month or two just with this Taj MaLaw.

The bottom line is that this is what happens when you let a certified high school graduate – County Judge Bob Hebert – design a courthouse.  And I mean that in the ugliest possible way.