There’s some great news for Texas, maybe. The national Democrats, who have used Texas for an ATM machine for the past three decades and left us to fend for ourselves in trying to raise money to beat back Republicans here, have new plans.
In the latest twist in the U.S. Senate race in Texas, Sen. Patty Murray of Washington state, chairwoman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, made the surprising announcement Thursday that Texas will be one of the party’s “six in 12” — six target states with GOP seats up in 2012.
There’s at least one holdup with those plans: No well-known Democrat has publicly shown interest in making the race in Texas, where Republicans hold every statewide office.
Asked by the Star-Telegram why she is optimistic about Texas, Murray answered with “a two-word response: changing demographics.” Asked about a candidate, Murray said: “Yes, we’re talking to someone. I expect to see something very soon.”
“And that’s where the bad news may come into play,” Juanita suspects. “The reason we finally can win in Texas is because of changing demographics. But, I’m quivering in my boots that the highly paid and exceptionally dopey political consultants in Texas will help Washington decide that the Texas Democratic candidate should be one of the re-hashed old washed-up old white boys who ran faster than double geared lightening to the center and got their butts beat like a rented mule.”
“I swear on Momma’s Jammas that if they trot out a Nick Lampson, a Martin Frost, a Chet Edwards, or any one of those guys who need to retire, this little hairdresser is gonna throw a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit.”
“I am up to here with with namby-pamby white guys who run as Democrats while openly apologizing for being Democrats. And Honey, I’ve got big hair so up to here on me is cloud dusting,” she continues.
“We need someone who is ready to fight because the Republicans are not going to give us this seat, we will have to take it. And, for Pete’s sake, quit hiring messaging consultants who have been hanging around begging for a paycheck since before Texas had barbed wire.”
“Patty, thank you for noticing Texas. We appreciate that part. Now give us a candidate who wants to win, dammit.”