Archive for December, 2010

Bubba’s Got An Idea

December 15, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Bubba came in this morning to get some coffee because Buck didn’t pay the electricity bill again over at The Good Folks at Buck Pochek’s Rural Entertainment Promoters and General Purpose Feed Store so Bubba  needed either coffee or bail money.   While here, he announced that from here on he’s calling John Boehner “The Grim Weeper.”

I think it might stick.

And One Picture of My Own

December 14, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Oh.  Yes. Oh be still my heart.

Juanita was shopping at Academy, the Sport’s and Outdoor Store whose slogan is “If we don’t have it, you don’t need it,” and sure ’nuff they had exactly what she needed.

A rubber chicken chew toy of Tom DeLay.

Yes, I bought several.  It looks just like him!

This is gonna be Truman’s best Christmas ever!

It’s Friends’ Picture Day at the Salon

December 14, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


My running buddy Joy Demark is one of my favorite people to chat politics with.  Joy lives in Houston and knows everybody and everything in Houston Democratic politics.  She’s a total hoot and that’s why I adore her.

So yesterday she went to the post office in Houston and damn near got into a fight with the Lyndon LaRouche people.  I mean, Honey, it’s one thing to lie about the President, but when you start lying about Santa Claus AND the President, Joy is coming after you with intent to barbeque.

So, you need proof?

So, Joy threatens Santa Claus with a cell phone and ends up getting Santa’s rump in her face.

The LaRouchies are nuttier than Aunt Mabel’s fruitcake.  They have also taken to changing the lyrics of Christmas songs and entertaining shoppers. They even have an Impeach Obama song.  And I’m certain there’s a verse about Britain because they are very frightened of the Queen of England.

You gotta admit – that’s entertainment!

I Love Yew, Texas

December 14, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I’ve been joking with my buddies Al in Vermont and Carl in Cheboygan this morning.  Carl says they have have survived a three day blizzard, and Al sent this rare picture of him doing something productive.

I just went Christmas shopping — while wearing flip flops.  It’s 70 degrees in my backyard.  However, I had to put on a coat to look at Al’s picture.

If You Look Up “Ingrate” In The Dictionary …

December 14, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Meet Pearland State Representative Randy Weber, who can now add Biggest Jerk In Texas to his resume.

Weber went to his Facebook page to announce the withdrawal of his support for Joe Straus for House Speaker.

“Well, I have formally requested that Speaker Joe Straus take me off of his pledged list. My District has spoken & I have listened. Please pray that Texas will be strengthened and in GOD’s will, no matter who the Speaker is. We will be Stronger for it. rw”

Straus is Jewish.

Ingrate, you ask?

The Pearland Republican who today withdrew his pledge of support for House Speaker Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, was the beneficiary of two fundraisers this month at which a featured guest was … House Speaker Joe Straus.

“Way to go, Randy,” Juanita stomped with glee, “check gratitude and loyalty off that Good Christian list, Honey.”

Sending a Pocket Calculator to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

December 13, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Now, here’s a budget cut that makes sense.

Governor Rick Perry has asked all State agencies to cut their budget by 20% next year because we don’t any money because Texas Governor Rick Perry gave it all away to his friends.

The Court of Criminal Appeals, which is a collection of 9 rightwingers, has a better idea.

Here’s one way to cut the budget at the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals: Trim it by one judge, at least temporarily.

The state’s highest criminal court made the suggestion earlier this year during the first round of cuts to help address a looming, massive state budget shortfall.

Judge Charles Holcomb is retiring at the end of this year because of age restrictions — he’s 77 – and GOP Gov. Rick Perry would appoint his replacement to serve until the next general election.

But the nine-member appellate court, faced with a preliminary cost-savings target of $487,376 for the current fiscal period, said one option would be to ask Perry to leave the seat vacant until the end of the fiscal year next Aug. 31.

“Now obviously the big problem is that a appellate court needs an uneven number so that decisions will never be a tie,” Juanita explains.  “However, I have to admit that with this court, they all pretty much vote alike:  if the police arrest you, you’re guilty and you should go to prison pretty much forever.  And if you get the death penalty, you need to aware that they don’t work on the days before your execution.  It makes their work load pretty easy when only one of them has to say NO and the rest just say DITTO THAT.”

“But, of course, I have a better solution,” Juanita grins.  “Hell, if we can do without one member of the court, we can make this math thing easy and away with two.”

Killer Keller

“There is not a Texan on this planet who would miss even one minute with Sharon Keller, who is also known as Killer Keller.  So, she could resign, too, which would save us even more money and some embarrassing headlines, too.  That would solve the whole uneven numbers thingy because 7 justices seems to be enough.”

“But, there’s more,” she continues, “while we’re rolling along with this sucker, we could do away with Clarence Thomas, too.  Heck, he’s just Scalia with a dirty joke and a crazy wife thrown in.  But if we get rid of Thomas, another has to go with the numbers thing to work out.  Shoot, I say Scalia because he’s had two votes for a long time to make up for no votes now.”

“Okay, that problem is solved, so hop on over here in the chair and let’s see if we can solve your problem hair,” she suggests.