Archive for December, 2010

Hammer to the Slammer Party

December 17, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Just a heads-up.

We will be announcing the exact time and location of the Hammer to the Slammer Party after the Christmas holidays.  But, go ahead and make plans to be in Austin on the night of Sunday, January 9th, to drink Margaritas and toast a little old fashioned karma.

We will be giving away the Tom DeLay rubber chicken and a few other pieces of cherished DeLay memorabilia.

I have filed my victim impact statement and am ready to testify if needed!

A Little Bit Too Much Eggnog?

December 17, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Maybe this is a true story.  It was, after all, on teevee.

WHITEFISH BAY, WI — A Wisconsin postal carrier says he simply wanted to cheer up a woman on his rounds who seemed “stressed out” when he decided to deliver mail in the buff.

But upon further review, the worker told police that delivering mail while completely naked probably wasn’t a good idea.

A police report says the 52-year-old man told the woman he would deliver the mail in the nude to her office in Whitefish Bay to make her laugh. The report says that on Dec. 4 he brought the mail wearing only a smile.

The mail carrier was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior several days later. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel says the man admitted delivering the mail naked was a stupid thing to do.

Living proof that there is a very thin line between stupid and funny as hell.

(Thanks to Carl Whitmarsh for the heads-up.)

Friday Toon

December 17, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


And since it’s Friday and in honor of the season, I will share this year’s Texas Christmas photo sent by a family friend.  You can click the picture for the full effect!

Outraged! Just Outraged!

December 16, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita is of the opinion that outrage passes for foreplay in the Louie Gohmert household.  “Nobody gets outraged that much,” she suspects, “unless there is a pay-off.”

Louie is at it again.

GOHMERT: To my friend who said that history would judge us poorly, I would submit if you would look thoroughly at history — and I’m not saying it’s cause and effect — but when militaries throughout history of the greatest nations in the world have adopted the policy that “fine for homosexuality to be overt” — you can keep it private and control your hormones fine, if you can’t, that’s fine too — they’re toward the end of their existence as a great nation.

Let me get this right:  repealing DADT would be the end of America?

“Okay, look,” Juanita says, “it’s one thing to believe in terror babies like Louie does.  But, terror gays?  Really, Louie?  Really?”

He Doesn’t Just Work There, He’s Also a Client

December 16, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Cops caught up with Jason Woytek

According to a complaint filed by the DA’s office, the proud member of the South Texas Ayn Rand Society swiped no fewer than 67 laptops from the stockroom where he clerked at the Harris County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority and hocked them at area pawn shops.

Hummm …. WWAD?  What Would Ayn Do.

John Cornyn VS. John Cornyn

December 16, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


John Cornyn got into a fight with John Cornyn and the winner was ….

“Hell, baby” Juanita says, “it was a TKO by Mr. Hypocrisy.”

John Cornyn put a heaping plate of pork in the spending bill and then opposed the bill because it had a heaping plate of pork.

Among the things that John Cornyn wants —

• $250,000 for drug treatment and prevention at Phoenix Academy of Dallas.

• $2.75 million for a crime lab at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville.

• $10.1 million for an emergency response training center at Texas A&M.

• $2 million for water treatment projects in Midland, Nacogdoches and Edinburg.

• $300,000 for equipment at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.

• $9 million for Project GRAD, which helps students in reading and math in order to reduce dropout rates.

“Now all those things may be very worthy of government spending,” Juanita says.  “But you can’t whine like a ninny baby about earmarks while you have more marks on your ear than a hard rocker biker chick.”

“John crumbled like a dry leaf when he got called on the carpet about it,” she says.  “He can’t seem to explain why government spending is bad unless he needs something.”

Juanita is fond of saying that John Cornyn don’t know nothing and he suspects even less.

“Maybe he needs to learn how to cry,” she grins.