Archive for November, 2010

I’ll Say Amen To That, Lead The Choir, and Pass The Plate

November 10, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Mean Rachel pondered up some mean yesterday.

Juanita has often said that given a choice between a Democratic candidate who claims to vote like a Republican and a candidate who is a Republican, voters will pick the real thing every time.

Voters want someone who stands for something beside election.  They want tough folks who believe in somedamnthing. Even if it’s somedamnthing crazy nuts.  They want someone who will fight for them.  We haven’t done that in a while.  We run scared with even a threat of a fillibuster.

Until we can say, “Tee it up, Boehner,” we don’t deserve leadership.

Okay, I’ll put my soapbox up and go enjoy the beautiful day.  But, first, I’ll find out what fun Hal is having with the Tom DeLay trial.

Tucker WHO?

November 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Oops, Tucker Carlson, already suffering from downsliding blisters on his butt, seems to have stepped in dog dump from the D-List.

Last July, Carlson smugly boasted that he bought the domain keitholbermann dot com.  He thought it was funny and it is.

Dancing With the Crazy Stars

What is not funny and is, in fact, a little crazy, is that there were some emails that were leaked to gossip rags with Keith Olbermann bad-mouthing executives at NBC.

They came from keith at keithoblermann dot com – a domain not owned by Keith Olberann, but by Tucker Carlson.

Picture Tucker Carlson in his bow tie, sitting at the computer in the basement late at night, pretending he’s Keith Olbermann, giggling manically with each email he fakes.  Imagine that.  Now go take a shower.

“Actually, when I think about it,” Juanita says, “after watching Crossfire, I have to admit that faking emails in the basement shows more maturity that I expected from Tucker.”

Yes, I Did

November 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita called me from Del Rio – she’s at the 17th Annual Dio Rio Cuticle Convention and Margarita Festival and I bet you wish that you were, too – to tell me that she saw Governor Rick Perry on Jon Stewart last night.

Juanita was not one bit shocked that Governor Perry did not mention that Texas is 23 billion dollars cash American money in debt under his leadership or that our unemployment rate is the same as New York, where they have a Democratic Governor.

But, God love him, he did talk about salt.  Rick Perry is damn upset about salt.  Apparently, somebody in an official shirt and hat from the government is coming to his house, and his house alone, to monitor his salt consumption.  Juanita told me that she doesn’t blame him for being upset about that – it would bother her, too, especially during the Del Rio Cuticle Convention and Margarita Festival.

However, it appears that no one else has the salt guy, official hat and all, coming to their house.

And Juanita has another thought – does Rick Perry have all of George Bush’s voice and mannerisms by accident or is he doing that on purpose?

Surely not on purpose.  Surely Karl Rove is in the basement cloning these guys.  But hey, at least he got the hair better on this one.

By the way, Juanita suggests that you read Kelso.  Kelso is funny.

Heads Up

November 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


We’re having some technical issues with my email.  I am getting email just fine, but I can’t send email.  The geeks are working on it.  I’ll feed them some candy and peanuts.

However, if you’re expecting to hear back from me, don’t.  Besides, the weather is far too pretty to be inside the house on the computer machine.  Juanita is busy at the Del Rio Cuticle Convention until the weekend so Thelma is running the joint.  Personally, I think she’s the one who messed up the email.

Tom DeLay vs. Reality

November 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Tom DeLay has never been on a first name basis with reality.  Cocky and smug, yes he knows them well.  But reality has always been a little more difficult for him.

“He’s in Austin having delusions of height, intelligence and thinking he’s one of the cool kids,” Juanita reports.  Tom DeLay’s trial has proven to be a perfect reflection of Tom’s life – everybody is wrong except him.

The prosecution is trying to prove a connection between the $190,000 in corporate money that TRMPAC washed, dried, folded and sent to candidates.  Candidates cannot take corporate money in Texas.  Instead of seeing the connection, Tom only sees what Tom sees through the eyes of a brain so addled by alcohol and ultra rightwing footwashing speaking-in-tongues old time religion that thinking straight is akin to a bushel basket of wire coat hangers.

“It [the prosecution] painted a picture of what goes on in Washington, how you raise money. It’s all done by everybody, Democrats and Republicans,” said the former U.S. House majority leader during a break in Monday’s trial. “It’s great for our side. I can’t believe the prosecutors are calling these kind of people.”

Gary Cobb, the lead prosecutor, disagreed. He said the evidence — in a voluminous mound of e-mails, memos and correspondence — is about how two organizations funneled corporate money to Texas candidates, a violation of state law.

“So,” Juanita grins, “Tom is saying ‘hey, look, all the other kids are doing it,’ and the prosecution is saying, ‘it’s drugs, Tom, so just because everybody else is doing it doesn’t make it right.'”

“It is a well-known fact that Tom hasn’t spoken to his mother in twenty five years even though she lives in the same town he does.  That shows.  Everybody needs a mother to say, “if everybody else was jumping off the roof ….”  Well, you know the rest because you call your mother,” Juanita explains.

Like any good wise guy or major drug dealer, Tom has covered himself with layers of protection – including people willing to take the fall for him because they know his wrath.  He’s a vicious little twit who once told a local Republican party leader, “I will destroy you,”  in a tone so scary that the leader almost turned to ice right there.  He packed his bags and left town.

“Tom DeLay is the only man I know who can strut sitting down,” Juanita shakes her head.  “Even if the jury comes back with guilty, guilty, guilty, he will cast himself as the true victim and blame you.  Yes, you.  You’re breathing his air, ain’t ya?”

Just a Heads-Up

November 08, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Come next January, crazy folks will be let loose in Austin.  The State Lege meets and it’s gonna be more fun than recess in heaven.

The Riddler - phew! She needs a bath!

Harvey Kronberg reports that Rep. Debbie Riddle would camp nakkid in mud in the Klondike if she could be first in line to hate Hispanics.


To ensure she would be first in line, the Tomball Republican camped out in front of the Clerk’s Office over the weekend.

Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) made sure she got there first this session to pre-file Arizona-style immigration legislation for the 82nd session by pitching a campsite and camping out in the House chamber over the weekend.

Riddle, as she noted in a news release this morning, spent both Saturday and Sunday nights sleeping on the lobby floor outside the Chief Clerk’s office in order to guarantee her place in line. Riddle’s bill is intended to mirror many of the provisions of Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070.

Oh, but that’s just the beginning.

Vicki The Rebel

— State Rep. Vicki Truitt (R-Keller) filed HCR 19, a resolution calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that would allow states to repeal federal laws if two-thirds of the states pass legislation rolling back those laws.

“Honey, I’m going to Austin with a five gallon drum of estrogen because we have some girls who are running about a quart low,” Juanita warns.

This is going to be a fun session!