Early Voting Theme Song
.Thanks to Sharon to getting me dancin’ this afternoon.
.Thanks to Sharon to getting me dancin’ this afternoon.
I suspect that most of you know about Bob Perry. He’s the home builder who is attempting to buy the entire judiciary so he can’t be sued when his crappy homes fall apart. He’s also the money behind Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and any other dirty trick Karl Rove can pull off with loads of moolah.
Bob Perry has loads of moolah. And he’s running around nakkid in Juanita’s own backyard, waving his arms like a crazy man and making a mess.
You know that goofball group, The First Amendment Alliance? The First Amendment Alliance has raised $380,000 since its inception as a Super PAC. $334,000 of that amount (88%) came from individuals who gave their occupation as President, CEO or Chairman of the Board. 52% came from just two CEOs – Bob Perry and Clayton Williams. “Honey,” Juanita rolls her eyes, “I guess that explains why Republicans opposed any effort in the financial reform bill to control executive salaries.”
If you click right about here, you can see where Bob Perry gave $150,000 to the First Amendment Alliance.
“But,” Juanita continues, “that’s not all. I’m getting to the part where Bob Perry is in my backyard and why he’s nakkid.”
“We have a guy who is a district court judge here. His name is Brady Elliott but everyone calls him Brady Idiot. Well, not everyone. Mainly just me, but a whole lot of people have started calling him that ever since it got out that he has been given the stiffest censure allowed by the Commission on Judicial Conduct for acting the fool in a deposition.”
Actually “acting the fool” is not one of the legal terms used by the Commission on Judicial Conduct. They jumped his case for “failing to act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.”
If that sounds like a biggy, it’s because it is.
Well, now we come to the part where Bob Perry and Brady Elliott collide in an amazing hot mess of wild west law breaking, campaign violations, and Aqua Velva.
The Texas Statutes say that a husband and wife can only donation $2,500 to a judicial candidate in a county with less than one million people. That would be us here in Fort Bend.
Now, you’d think that a political hot shot like Bob Perry would know that law and you could pretty well take it to the bank that Judge Brady Elliott would know that law.
“Honey, I am not a lawyer and I didn’t even sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I can read the English language and I can figure out the words ‘contribution by the spouse or child of an individual is considered to be a contribution by the individual’ without using a dictionary,” Juanita says.
Now here’s the part where they all get nakkid and prance around —
Click the little one to get the big one.
Bob Perry and his lovely bride Doylene each gave $2,500 to Judge Brady Elliot. Right out there in the open. In front of God and Aunt Bessie. They don’t even try to hide their illegal donations anymore.
“Can you even imagine the ruckus if Democrats did that?” Juanita asks. “Hell, the Republicans would have already started impeachment proceedings and made some signs with misspelled words on them.”
“Look, I’m plenty tired of ugly old white Republican men running around nakkid right here in my hometown. These two need to put on their big boy pants and dance to the tune they wrote for everybody else. They are making my teeth itch,” Juanita says.
Juanita’s friend Alan Blakely, who is a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, sent her a picture this morning just down the road from the beauty salon. Alan wanted to remind Juanita why we have to vote in this election.
The Tea party has an agenda and it includes putting the Talibaptists in charge of your life. They are angry and they are mean. They will hurt you.
I took this picture on my way home from Galveston this weekend. These signs are paid for by a Republican County Commissioner in Galveston County by the name of Ken Clark, who obviously ain’t the brightest light on the Christmas tree. He should have spent the money on website design so he doesn’t look like a blithering idiot to anyone who can run a Google search.
To be honest, this is riling up the Democratic base in Galveston County so much that I myownself may donate to Ken Clark to do this again in two years. I have proof of that because I snapped this picture at a Bill White rally in Galveston County.
What you don’t see in this picture is the people standing six and seven deep behind me.
Thank you, Ken Clark. Thank you for reminding us about the mean angry people who want to go back to George Bush’s government.
This ain’t long division. This is simple. Kennedy delivered his Ich bin ein Berliner speech on the WEST side of the wall.
Joe Miller is confused, or maybe not…..
On stemming illegal immigration, which appears to be a bigger problem in Alaska that you would suspect, Miller offered this solution.
“The first thing that has to be done is secure the border. . . East Germany was very, very able to reduce the flow. Now, obviously, other things were involved. We have the capacity to, as a great nation, secure the border. If East Germany could, we could.”
“Yes, Joe,” Juanita grins, “East Germany closed the border very successfully. They also starved to death, shot their own citizens, did away with democracy, and – at the very least – were a whole bunch of stinkin’ communists, you damnfool.”
“Ya think maybe Joe knows something about the Tea Party plans that us regular folks don’t?” Juanita wonders.
I’m pondering the same thing.
As you’ve probably heard, Rand Paul crumbled like a dry leaf when confronted with his wacky thoughts and actions.
“Honey, that spoiled little fella can dish it out but he can’t take it,” Juanita laughs. “He even refused to shake his opponent’s hand after the debate. That happened once in Texas and was what what put Ann Richards in the Governor’s mansion. Ladies and gentlemen shake hands.”
“Let me state right here that Rand Paul does not get his hair cut here. I have no idea where he got those hair plugs but I bet it hurt like a bugger.”
“And I want to voters of Kentucky to think about one little thing – if Rand Paul can’t stand up to Rachel Maddow, what makes you think he’ll stand up for you?”