Archive for May, 2010

Her name is Virtus and She Has Boobs. Two of Them, To Be Exact.

May 03, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Virtus is one hot little Roman chick,” Juanita begins.  “She’s also a good person not to mess with because she’s known to do some boot stomping on Tyranny.  She whipped his butt and then posed for a picture. My kind of woman.”

“In the picture, which has been around since Rome wasn’t even Italian, one of her ta-tas is exposed as if to continually remind that jerk Tyranny that she’s a woman to be reckoned with, hooters and all,” Juanita grins.

Well, she’s on the state seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Probably not by choice.

“The attorney general of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, got himself just a tad too interested in Virtus’s knockers,” suspects Juanita with a wink.

“But instead of just looking the other way, now that she’s not around to defend herself, he re-dressed her.  That’s pretty gay, don’t ya think?”

“He gave her a breastplate.  No, I am not kidding.”

“Have you ever seen anything that unattractive?”

“Good Lord, at least he could have found someone to design something more becoming.  It looks like she’s wearing a bullet proof vest.  Virtus did not need a bullet proof vest.  Even if there were bullets.  She was that cool.”

“I’m so very tired of Republicans and their obsession with nakkid.  Look, it’s just nakkid.  Women are good at it.  Get over it.”

Oh Rats!

May 02, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Danged!  Competition!

Click the little one to see the big one.

On the upside, we DO have overnight and long term parking at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc, which is mighty handy for Thelma’s motorhome.

Also, you do not have to pray (as instructed at this beauty shop) before you enter my salon.  We’re pretty much know what we’re doing.

On the other hand, you might have to pray after you leave, depending on what you heard.

Something Serious About History Repeating

May 01, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Every now and then, I write something serious.  This is now and then.

I was at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, this morning.

While visiting the Museum, tears came into my eyes when I thought about those 9 teenagers who were threatened, spit on, and hated.  I wonder if I would have had the courage and faith to do what they did, or to allow my children to.  It was a different world in 1957.

Or, was it?

On the walls of the museum, I saw Governor Orval Faubus argue about state’s rights.   His call for the white people of Arkansas to come to Little Rock to defend Central High School was not, absolutely not, about states rights.  It was about fear turned into hatred.  It was about racism.

The words of Faubus and his supporters covered the walls of the museum.

And, they sounded oh so familiar.

They were calling it judicial activism and states’ rights back then, too.

Glenn Beck is using the same arguments that Governor Faubus did.

In 1958, a poll by Time Magazine named Faubus one of the top ten most trusted people in the world, right behind the Pope.

The good news is that nobody trusts the Pope or Governor Faubus any more.

And the day will come, yes it will, when Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachmann, and Glen Beck are relegated to the status of Orval Faubus: a sore and hateful place in American history.

Special Edition Saturday Toon

May 01, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized